
347 lines
10 KiB

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,missing-function-docstring,protected-access,global-statement
# pylint: disable=global-variable-not-assigned
""" Tests on config lib """
import configparser
import logging
import os
import pytest
from mylib.config import BooleanOption, Config, ConfigSection, StringOption
tested = {}
def test_config_init_default_args():
appname = "Test app"
config = Config(appname)
assert config.appname == appname
assert config.version == "0.0"
assert config.encoding == "utf-8"
def test_config_init_custom_args():
appname = "Test app"
version = "1.43"
encoding = "ISO-8859-1"
config = Config(appname, version=version, encoding=encoding)
assert config.appname == appname
assert config.version == version
assert config.encoding == encoding
def test_add_section_default_args():
config = Config("Test app")
name = "test_section"
section = config.add_section(name)
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
assert config.sections[name] == section
assert == name
assert section.comment is None
assert section.order == 10
def test_add_section_custom_args():
config = Config("Test app")
name = "test_section"
comment = "Test"
order = 20
section = config.add_section(name, comment=comment, order=order)
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
assert == name
assert section.comment == comment
assert section.order == order
def test_add_section_with_callback():
config = Config("Test app")
name = "test_section"
global tested
tested["test_add_section_with_callback"] = False
def test_callback(loaded_config):
global tested
assert loaded_config == config
assert tested["test_add_section_with_callback"] is False
tested["test_add_section_with_callback"] = True
section = config.add_section(name, loaded_callback=test_callback)
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
assert test_callback in config._loaded_callbacks
assert tested["test_add_section_with_callback"] is False
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[], create=False)
assert tested["test_add_section_with_callback"] is True
assert test_callback in config._loaded_callbacks_executed
# Try to execute again to verify callback is not tested again
def test_add_section_with_callback_already_loaded():
config = Config("Test app")
name = "test_section"
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[], create=False)
global tested
tested["test_add_section_with_callback_already_loaded"] = False
def test_callback(loaded_config):
global tested
assert loaded_config == config
assert tested["test_add_section_with_callback_already_loaded"] is False
tested["test_add_section_with_callback_already_loaded"] = True
section = config.add_section(name, loaded_callback=test_callback)
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
assert tested["test_add_section_with_callback_already_loaded"] is True
assert test_callback in config._loaded_callbacks
assert test_callback in config._loaded_callbacks_executed
# Try to execute again to verify callback is not tested again
def test_add_option_default_args():
config = Config("Test app")
section = config.add_section("my_section")
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
name = "my_option"
option = section.add_option(StringOption, name)
assert isinstance(option, StringOption)
assert name in section.options and section.options[name] == option
assert option.config == config
assert option.section == section
assert == name
assert option.default is None
assert option.comment is None
assert option.no_arg is False
assert option.arg is None
assert option.short_arg is None
assert option.arg_help is None
def test_add_option_custom_args():
config = Config("Test app")
section = config.add_section("my_section")
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
name = "my_option"
kwargs = {
"default": "default value",
"comment": "my comment",
"no_arg": True,
"arg": "--my-option",
"short_arg": "-M",
"arg_help": "My help",
option = section.add_option(StringOption, name, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(option, StringOption)
assert name in section.options and section.options[name] == option
assert option.config == config
assert option.section == section
assert == name
for arg, value in kwargs.items():
assert getattr(option, arg) == value
def test_defined():
config = Config("Test app")
section_name = "my_section"
opt_name = "my_option"
assert not config.defined(section_name, opt_name)
section = config.add_section("my_section")
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
section.add_option(StringOption, opt_name)
assert config.defined(section_name, opt_name)
def test_isset():
config = Config("Test app")
section_name = "my_section"
opt_name = "my_option"
assert not config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
section = config.add_section("my_section")
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
option = section.add_option(StringOption, opt_name)
assert not config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[option.parser_argument_name, "value"], create=False)
assert config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
def test_not_isset():
config = Config("Test app")
section_name = "my_section"
opt_name = "my_option"
assert not config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
section = config.add_section("my_section")
assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
section.add_option(StringOption, opt_name)
assert not config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[], create=False)
assert not config.isset(section_name, opt_name)
def test_get():
config = Config("Test app")
section_name = "my_section"
opt_name = "my_option"
opt_value = "value"
section = config.add_section("my_section")
option = section.add_option(StringOption, opt_name)
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[option.parser_argument_name, opt_value], create=False)
assert config.get(section_name, opt_name) == opt_value
def test_get_default():
config = Config("Test app")
section_name = "my_section"
opt_name = "my_option"
opt_default_value = "value"
section = config.add_section("my_section")
section.add_option(StringOption, opt_name, default=opt_default_value)
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=[], create=False)
assert config.get(section_name, opt_name) == opt_default_value
def test_logging_splited_stdout_stderr(capsys):
config = Config("Test app")
config.parse_arguments_options(argv=["-C", "-v"], create=False)
info_msg = "[info]"
err_msg = "[error]"
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert info_msg in captured.out
assert info_msg not in captured.err
assert err_msg in captured.err
assert err_msg not in captured.out
# Test option types
def config_with_file(tmpdir):
config = Config("Test app")
config_dir = tmpdir.mkdir("config")
config_file = config_dir.join("config.ini"), config_file.basename))
return config
def generate_mock_input(expected_prompt, input_value):
def mock_input(self, prompt): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
assert prompt == expected_prompt
return input_value
return mock_input
# Boolean option
def test_boolean_option_from_config(config_with_file):
section = config_with_file.add_section("test")
default = True
option = section.add_option(BooleanOption, "test_bool", default=default)
option.set(not default)
assert option._from_config is not default
assert not option._isset_in_config_file
with pytest.raises(configparser.NoOptionError):
assert option._from_config is default
def test_boolean_option_ask_value(mocker):
config = Config("Test app")
section = config.add_section("test")
name = "test_bool"
option = section.add_option(BooleanOption, name, default=True)
"mylib.config.BooleanOption._get_user_input", generate_mock_input(f"{name}: [Y/n] ", "y")
assert option.ask_value(set_it=False) is True
"mylib.config.BooleanOption._get_user_input", generate_mock_input(f"{name}: [Y/n] ", "Y")
assert option.ask_value(set_it=False) is True
"mylib.config.BooleanOption._get_user_input", generate_mock_input(f"{name}: [Y/n] ", "")
assert option.ask_value(set_it=False) is True
"mylib.config.BooleanOption._get_user_input", generate_mock_input(f"{name}: [Y/n] ", "n")
assert option.ask_value(set_it=False) is False
"mylib.config.BooleanOption._get_user_input", generate_mock_input(f"{name}: [Y/n] ", "N")
assert option.ask_value(set_it=False) is False
def test_boolean_option_to_config():
config = Config("Test app")
section = config.add_section("test")
default = True
option = section.add_option(BooleanOption, "test_bool", default=default)
assert option.to_config(True) == "true"
assert option.to_config(False) == "false"
def test_boolean_option_export_to_config(config_with_file):
section = config_with_file.add_section("test")
name = "test_bool"
comment = "Test boolean"
default = True
option = section.add_option(BooleanOption, name, default=default, comment=comment)
assert (
== f"""# {comment}
# Default: {str(default).lower()}
# {name} =
option.set(not default)
assert (
== f"""# {comment}
# Default: {str(default).lower()}
{name} = {str(not default).lower()}
assert (
== f"""# {comment}
# Default: {str(default).lower()}
# {name} =