Benjamin Renard 6bbacce38a Code cleaning
2021-05-19 19:19:57 +02:00

227 lines
10 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Opening hours helpers """
import datetime
import re
import time
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
week_days = ['lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi', 'vendredi', 'samedi', 'dimanche']
date_format = '%d/%m/%Y'
date_pattern = re.compile('^([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})$')
time_pattern = re.compile('^([0-9]{1,2})h([0-9]{2})?$')
def easter_date(year):
a = year // 100
b = year % 100
c = (3 * (a + 25)) // 4
d = (3 * (a + 25)) % 4
e = (8 * (a + 11)) // 25
f = (5 * a + b) % 19
g = (19 * f + c - e) % 30
h = (f + 11 * g) // 319
j = (60 * (5 - d) + b) // 4
k = (60 * (5 - d) + b) % 4
m = (2 * j - k - g + h) % 7
n = (g - h + m + 114) // 31
p = (g - h + m + 114) % 31
day = p + 1
month = n
return, month, day)
def nonworking_french_public_days_of_the_year(year=None):
if year is None:
year =
dp = easter_date(year)
return {
'1janvier':, 1, 1),
'paques': dp,
'lundi_paques': (dp + datetime.timedelta(1)),
'1mai':, 5, 1),
'8mai':, 5, 8),
'jeudi_ascension': (dp + datetime.timedelta(39)),
'pentecote': (dp + datetime.timedelta(49)),
'lundi_pentecote': (dp + datetime.timedelta(50)),
'14juillet':, 7, 14),
'15aout':, 8, 15),
'1novembre':, 11, 1),
'11novembre':, 11, 11),
'noel':, 12, 25),
'saint_etienne':, 12, 26),
def parse_exceptional_closures(values):
exceptional_closures = []
for value in values:
days = []
hours_periods = []
words = value.strip().split()
for word in words:
if not word:
parts = word.split('-')
if len(parts) == 1:
# ex: 31/02/2017
ptime = time.strptime(word, date_format)
date =, ptime.tm_mon, ptime.tm_mday)
if date not in days:
elif len(parts) == 2:
# ex: 18/12/2017-20/12/2017 ou 9h-10h30
if date_pattern.match(parts[0]) and date_pattern.match(parts[1]):
# ex: 18/12/2017-20/12/2017
pstart = time.strptime(parts[0], date_format)
pstop = time.strptime(parts[1], date_format)
if pstop <= pstart:
raise ValueError('Day %s <= %s' % (parts[1], parts[0]))
date =, pstart.tm_mon, pstart.tm_mday)
stop_date =, pstop.tm_mon, pstop.tm_mday)
while date <= stop_date:
if date not in days:
date += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
# ex: 9h-10h30
mstart = time_pattern.match(parts[0])
mstop = time_pattern.match(parts[1])
if not mstart or not mstop:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid time period' % word)
hstart = datetime.time(int(, int( or 0))
hstop = datetime.time(int(, int( or 0))
if hstop <= hstart:
raise ValueError('Time %s <= %s' % (parts[1], parts[0]))
hours_periods.append({'start': hstart, 'stop': hstop})
raise ValueError('Invalid number of part in this word: "%s"' % word)
if not days:
raise ValueError('No days found in value "%s"' % value)
exceptional_closures.append({'days': days, 'hours_periods': hours_periods})
return exceptional_closures
def parse_normal_opening_hours(values):
normal_opening_hours = []
for value in values:
days = []
hours_periods = []
words = value.strip().split()
for word in words:
if not word:
parts = word.split('-')
if len(parts) == 1:
# ex: jeudi
if word not in week_days:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid week day' % word)
if word not in days:
elif len(parts) == 2:
# ex: lundi-jeudi ou 9h-10h30
if parts[0] in week_days and parts[1] in week_days:
# ex: lundi-jeudi
if week_days.index(parts[1]) <= week_days.index(parts[0]):
raise ValueError('"%s" is before "%s"' % (parts[1], parts[0]))
started = False
for d in week_days:
if not started and d != parts[0]:
started = True
if d not in days:
if d == parts[1]:
# ex: 9h-10h30
mstart = time_pattern.match(parts[0])
mstop = time_pattern.match(parts[1])
if not mstart or not mstop:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid time period' % word)
hstart = datetime.time(int(, int( or 0))
hstop = datetime.time(int(, int( or 0))
if hstop <= hstart:
raise ValueError('Time %s <= %s' % (parts[1], parts[0]))
hours_periods.append({'start': hstart, 'stop': hstop})
raise ValueError('Invalid number of part in this word: "%s"' % word)
if not days and not hours_periods:
raise ValueError('No days or hours period found in this value: "%s"' % value)
normal_opening_hours.append({'days': days, 'hours_periods': hours_periods})
return normal_opening_hours
def is_closed(
normal_opening_hours_values=None, exceptional_closures_values=None,
nonworking_public_holidays_values=None, exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days=False,
when=None, on_error='raise'
if not when:
when =
when_date =
when_time = when.time()
when_weekday = week_days[when.timetuple().tm_wday]
on_error_result = None
if on_error == 'closed':
on_error_result = {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
elif on_error == 'opened':
on_error_result = {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
log.debug("When = %s => date = %s / time = %s / week day = %s", when, when_date, when_time, when_weekday)
if nonworking_public_holidays_values:
log.debug("Nonworking public holidays: %s", nonworking_public_holidays_values)
nonworking_days = nonworking_french_public_days_of_the_year()
for day in nonworking_public_holidays_values:
if day in nonworking_days and when_date == nonworking_days[day]:
log.debug("Non working day: %s", day)
return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days}
if exceptional_closures_values:
exceptional_closures = parse_exceptional_closures(exceptional_closures_values)
log.debug('Exceptional closures: %s', exceptional_closures)
except ValueError as e:
log.error("Fail to parse exceptional closures, consider as closed", exc_info=True)
if on_error_result is None:
raise e from e
return on_error_result
for cl in exceptional_closures:
if when_date not in cl['days']:
log.debug("when_date (%s) no in days (%s)", when_date, cl['days'])
if not cl['hours_periods']:
# All day exceptional closure
return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': True, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': True}
for hp in cl['hours_periods']:
if hp['start'] <= when_time <= hp['stop']:
return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': True, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
if normal_opening_hours_values:
normal_opening_hours = parse_normal_opening_hours(normal_opening_hours_values)
log.debug('Normal opening hours: %s', normal_opening_hours)
except ValueError as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log.error("Fail to parse normal opening hours, consider as closed", exc_info=True)
if on_error_result is None:
raise e from e
return on_error_result
for oh in normal_opening_hours:
if oh['days'] and when_weekday not in oh['days']:
log.debug("when_weekday (%s) no in days (%s)", when_weekday, oh['days'])
if not oh['hours_periods']:
# All day opened
return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
for hp in oh['hours_periods']:
if hp['start'] <= when_time <= hp['stop']:
return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
log.debug("Not in normal opening hours => closed")
return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}
# Not a nonworking day, not during exceptional closure and no normal opening hours defined => Opened
return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}