ldap: code cleaning / fix pylint/flake8 warnings
All checks were successful
ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
ci/woodpecker/tag/woodpecker Pipeline was successful

This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Renard 2022-06-23 18:38:21 +02:00
parent 2bc9964b12
commit f541630a63

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@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import pytz
import dateutil.parser
import dateutil.tz
import ldap
from ldap import modlist
from ldap.controls import SimplePagedResultsControl
from ldap.controls.simple import RelaxRulesControl
from ldap.dn import escape_dn_chars, explode_dn
import ldap.modlist as modlist
from mylib import pretty_format_dict
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class LdapServer:
if self.con == 0:
if not self.checkCert:
# pylint: disable=no-member
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER)
con = ldap.initialize(self.uri)
if self.v2:
@ -98,7 +99,9 @@ class LdapServer:
self.con = con
return True
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error('LdapServer - Error connecting and binding to LDAP server : %s' % e, logging.CRITICAL)
f'LdapServer - Error connecting and binding to LDAP server: {e}',
return False
return True
@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ class LdapServer:
return ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL # pylint: disable=no-member
if scope == 'sub':
return ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE # pylint: disable=no-member
raise Exception("Unknown LDAP scope '%s'" % scope)
raise Exception(f'Unknown LDAP scope "{scope}"')
def search(self, basedn, filterstr=None, attrs=None, sizelimit=0, scope=None):
""" Run a search on LDAP server """
@ -175,12 +178,16 @@ class LdapServer:
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error('LdapServer - Error running paged search on LDAP server: %s' % e, logging.CRITICAL)
f'LdapServer - Error running paged search on LDAP server: {e}',
return False
rtype, rdata, rmsgid, rctrls = self.con.result3(res_id) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error('LdapServer - Error pulling paged search result from LDAP server: %s' % e, logging.CRITICAL)
f'LdapServer - Error pulling paged search result from LDAP server: {e}',
return False
# Detect and catch PagedResultsControl answer from rctrls
@ -193,7 +200,9 @@ class LdapServer:
# If PagedResultsControl answer not detected, paged serach
if not result_page_control:
self._error('LdapServer - Server ignores RFC2696 control, paged search can not works', logging.CRITICAL)
'LdapServer - Server ignores RFC2696 control, paged search can not works',
return False
# Store results of this page
@ -219,7 +228,7 @@ class LdapServer:
self.con.add_s(dn, ldif)
return True
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error("LdapServer - Error adding %s : %s" % (dn, e), logging.ERROR)
self._error(f'LdapServer - Error adding {dn}: {e}', logging.ERROR)
return False
@ -231,7 +240,7 @@ class LdapServer:
encode_ldap_value(new) if encode else new,
ignore_attr_types=ignore_attrs if ignore_attrs else []
if ldif == []:
if not ldif:
return True
assert self.con or self.connect()
@ -241,7 +250,9 @@ class LdapServer:
self.con.modify_s(dn, ldif)
return True
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error("LdapServer - Error updating %s : %s\nOld : %s\nNew : %s" % (dn, e, old, new), logging.ERROR)
f'LdapServer - Error updating {dn} : {e}\nOld: {old}\nNew: {new}',
return False
@ -252,7 +263,7 @@ class LdapServer:
encode_ldap_value(new) if encode else new,
ignore_attr_types=ignore_attrs if ignore_attrs else []
if ldif == []:
if not ldif:
return False
return True
@ -282,11 +293,11 @@ class LdapServer:
elif op == ldap.MOD_REPLACE: # pylint: disable=no-member
op = 'REPLACE'
op = 'UNKNOWN (=%s)' % op
op = f'UNKNOWN (={op})'
if val is None and op == 'DELETE':
msg.append('%s - %s %s' % (prefix, op, attr))
msg.append(f'{prefix} - {op} {attr}')
msg.append('%s - %s %s: %s' % (prefix, op, attr, val))
msg.append(f'{prefix} - {op} {attr}: {val}')
return '\n'.join(msg)
def rename_object(self, dn, new_rdn, new_sup=None, delete_old=True):
@ -314,13 +325,9 @@ class LdapServer:
return True
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
"LdapServer - Error renaming %s in %s (new superior: %s, delete old: %s): %s" % (
"same" if new_sup is None else new_sup,
f'LdapServer - Error renaming {dn} in {new_rdn} '
f'(new superior: {"same" if new_sup is None else new_sup}, '
f'delete old: {delete_old}): {e}',
@ -334,7 +341,8 @@ class LdapServer:
return True
except ldap.LDAPError as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
self._error("LdapServer - Error deleting %s : %s" % (dn, e), logging.ERROR)
f'LdapServer - Error deleting {dn}: {e}', logging.ERROR)
return False
@ -405,7 +413,7 @@ class LdapClient:
if self._config and self._config.defined(self._config_section, option):
return self._config.get(self._config_section, option)
assert not required, "Options %s not defined" % option
assert not required, f'Options {option} not defined'
return default
@ -589,7 +597,8 @@ class LdapClient:
return None
if len(ldap_data) > 1:
raise LdapClientException('More than one %s "%s": %s' % (type_name, object_name, ' / '.join(ldap_data.keys())))
raise LdapClientException(
f'More than one {type_name} "{object_name}": {" / ".join(ldap_data.keys())}')
dn = next(iter(ldap_data))
return self._get_obj(dn, ldap_data[dn])
@ -678,7 +687,9 @@ class LdapClient:
log.debug('No %s found with %s="%s"', type_name, attr, value)
return None
if len(matched) > 1:
raise LdapClientException('More than one %s with %s="%s" found: %s' % (type_name, attr, value, ' / '.join(matched.keys())))
raise LdapClientException(
f'More than one {type_name} with {attr}="{value}" found: '
f'{" / ".join(matched.keys())}')
dn = next(iter(matched))
return matched[dn]
@ -693,7 +704,7 @@ class LdapClient:
old = {}
new = {}
protected_attrs = [a.lower() for a in protected_attrs or list()]
protected_attrs = [a.lower() for a in protected_attrs or []]
# New/updated attributes
for attr in attrs:
@ -775,7 +786,7 @@ class LdapClient:
:param protected_attrs: An optional list of protected attributes
:param rdn_attr: The LDAP object RDN attribute (to detect renaming, default: auto-detected)
assert isinstance(changes, (list, tuple)) and len(changes) == 2 and isinstance(changes[0], dict) and isinstance(changes[1], dict), "changes parameter must be a result of get_changes() method (%s given)" % type(changes)
assert isinstance(changes, (list, tuple)) and len(changes) == 2 and isinstance(changes[0], dict) and isinstance(changes[1], dict), f'changes parameter must be a result of get_changes() method ({type(changes)} given)'
# In case of RDN change, we need to modify passed changes, copy it to make it unchanged in
# this case
_changes = copy.deepcopy(changes)
@ -799,8 +810,8 @@ class LdapClient:
# Compute new object DN
dn_parts = explode_dn(self.decode(ldap_obj['dn']))
basedn = ','.join(dn_parts[1:])
new_rdn = '%s=%s' % (rdn_attr, escape_dn_chars(self.decode(new_rdn_values[0])))
new_dn = '%s,%s' % (new_rdn, basedn)
new_rdn = f'{rdn_attr}={escape_dn_chars(self.decode(new_rdn_values[0]))}'
new_dn = f'{new_rdn},{basedn}'
# Rename object
log.debug('%s: Rename to %s', ldap_obj['dn'], new_dn)
@ -900,8 +911,8 @@ def parse_datetime(value, to_timezone=None, default_timezone=None, naive=None):
the timezone (optional, default : server local timezone)
:param naive: Use naive datetime : return naive datetime object (without timezone conversion from LDAP)
assert to_timezone is None or isinstance(to_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, str)), 'to_timezone must be None, a datetime.tzinfo object or a string (not %s)' % type(to_timezone)
assert default_timezone is None or isinstance(default_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo, str)), 'default_timezone parameter must be None, a string, a pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo or a datetime.tzinfo object (not %s)' % type(default_timezone)
assert to_timezone is None or isinstance(to_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, str)), f'to_timezone must be None, a datetime.tzinfo object or a string (not {type(to_timezone)})'
assert default_timezone is None or isinstance(default_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo, str)), f'default_timezone parameter must be None, a string, a pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo or a datetime.tzinfo object (not {type(default_timezone)})'
date = dateutil.parser.parse(value, dayfirst=False)
if not date.tzinfo:
if naive:
@ -953,9 +964,9 @@ def format_datetime(value, from_timezone=None, to_timezone=None, naive=None):
:param to_timezone: The timezone used in LDAP (optional, default : UTC)
:param naive: Use naive datetime : datetime store as UTC in LDAP (without conversion)
assert isinstance(value, datetime.datetime), 'First parameter must be an datetime.datetime object (not %s)' % type(value)
assert from_timezone is None or isinstance(from_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo, str)), 'from_timezone parameter must be None, a string, a pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo or a datetime.tzinfo object (not %s)' % type(from_timezone)
assert to_timezone is None or isinstance(to_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, str)), 'to_timezone must be None, a datetime.tzinfo object or a string (not %s)' % type(to_timezone)
assert isinstance(value, datetime.datetime), f'First parameter must be an datetime.datetime object (not {type(value)})'
assert from_timezone is None or isinstance(from_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo, str)), f'from_timezone parameter must be None, a string, a pytz.tzinfo.DstTzInfo or a datetime.tzinfo object (not {type(from_timezone)})'
assert to_timezone is None or isinstance(to_timezone, (datetime.tzinfo, str)), f'to_timezone must be None, a datetime.tzinfo object or a string (not {type(to_timezone)})'
if not value.tzinfo and not naive:
if not from_timezone or from_timezone == 'local':
from_timezone = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
@ -995,5 +1006,5 @@ def format_date(value, from_timezone=None, to_timezone=None, naive=True):
:param naive: Use naive datetime : do not handle timezone conversion before formating
and return datetime as UTC (because LDAP required a timezone)
assert isinstance(value, datetime.date), 'First parameter must be an datetime.date object (not %s)' % type(value)
assert isinstance(value, datetime.date), f'First parameter must be an datetime.date object (not {type(value)})'
return format_datetime(datetime.datetime.combine(value, datetime.datetime.min.time()), from_timezone, to_timezone, naive)