Benjamin Renard 3e823a2b22 - LSsearch/LSsearchEntry : Added a new classes to doing and exploit ldap object search
-> view/select => change to use it (php+template+js)
  -> LSattr_html_select_object/LSattr_html_select_list => change to use it
  -> LSldapObject :
    -> change listObjectsName() / searchObject() / getSelectArray() / listObjects()
    -> comment search() function
    -> Add triggers to clean cache
  -> LSpeople : Update search config
  -> LSsession  : Change function to use it :
    - getSubDnLdapServer()
    - loadLSprofiles()
- LSrelation : Deplace error codes declaration from LSsession in class file
- LSldapObject :
  -> change getObjectFilter() / getLabel() / getSubDnValue() / getSubDnName() for can call then staticaly
  -> Add afterModify() function and trigger
  -> Change getObjectFilter() / listObjectsInRelation() to use Net_LDAP2_Filter
  -> Add __get() function
  -> Move one LSerror code for LSrelation function from LSsession class file
  -> Add a global variable to save cached data ($cache)
  -> Change subDn and subDnName access methods
- LSauth : Move LSsession auth procedure in a dedicated class
  -> LSsession : Change startLSsession() to use it
- LSsession :
  -> Add getRootDn() function
  -> Fix getTopDn() to return root DN if no topDn is currently defined
  -> Create dedicated functions to support recoveryPassword mecanism :
    - recoverPasswd()
    - recoverPasswdSendMail()
    - recoverPasswdFirstStep()
    - recoverPasswdSecondStep
  -> Customize LSdebug return and display (php+js)
  -> Clean unused error codes
  -> Move LSrelation error codes
  -> Comment ajax method
2009-10-30 00:03:17 +00:00

103 lines
3.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Gestion de l'authentification d'un utilisateur
* Cette classe gere l'authentification des utilisateurs à l'interface
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSauth {
* Check user login
* @param[in] $username The username
* @param[in] $password The password
* @retval LSldapObject|false The LSldapObject of the user authificated or false
public static function authenticate($username,$password) {
if (LSsession :: loadLSobject(LSsession :: $ldapServer['authObjectType'])) {
$authobject = new LSsession :: $ldapServer['authObjectType']();
$result = $authobject -> searchObject(
LSsession :: getTopDn(),
LSsession :: $ldapServer['authObjectFilter']
if ($nbresult==0) {
// identifiant incorrect
LSdebug('identifiant incorrect');
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_01');
else if ($nbresult>1) {
// duplication d'authentité
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_02');
elseif ( self :: checkUserPwd($result[0],$password) ) {
// Authentication succeeded
return $result[0];
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_01');
LSdebug('mdp incorrect');
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_03');
* Test un couple LSobject/pwd
* Test un bind sur le serveur avec le dn de l'objet et le mot de passe fourni.
* @param[in] LSobject L'object "user" pour l'authentification
* @param[in] string Le mot de passe à tester
* @retval boolean True si l'authentification à réussi, false sinon.
public static function checkUserPwd($object,$pwd) {
return LSldap :: checkBind($object -> getValue('dn'),$pwd);
* Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSauth_01',
_("LSauth : Login or password incorrect.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSauth_02',
_("LSauth : Impossible to identify you : Duplication of identities.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSauth_03',
_("LSsession : Could not load type of identifiable objects.")