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synced 2024-12-18 14:33:49 +01:00
Clone officiel du projet LdapSaisie
-> view/select => change to use it (php+template+js) -> LSattr_html_select_object/LSattr_html_select_list => change to use it -> LSldapObject : -> change listObjectsName() / searchObject() / getSelectArray() / listObjects() -> comment search() function -> Add triggers to clean cache -> LSpeople : Update search config -> LSsession : Change function to use it : - getSubDnLdapServer() - loadLSprofiles() - LSrelation : Deplace error codes declaration from LSsession in class file - LSldapObject : -> change getObjectFilter() / getLabel() / getSubDnValue() / getSubDnName() for can call then staticaly -> Add afterModify() function and trigger -> Change getObjectFilter() / listObjectsInRelation() to use Net_LDAP2_Filter -> Add __get() function -> Move one LSerror code for LSrelation function from LSsession class file -> Add a global variable to save cached data ($cache) -> Change subDn and subDnName access methods - LSauth : Move LSsession auth procedure in a dedicated class -> LSsession : Change startLSsession() to use it - LSsession : -> Add getRootDn() function -> Fix getTopDn() to return root DN if no topDn is currently defined -> Create dedicated functions to support recoveryPassword mecanism : - recoverPasswd() - recoverPasswdSendMail() - recoverPasswdFirstStep() - recoverPasswdSecondStep -> Customize LSdebug return and display (php+js) -> Clean unused error codes -> Move LSrelation error codes -> Comment ajax method |
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