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* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* LSform rule to check a LDAP search URI
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformRule_ldapSearchURI extends LSformRule {
// CLI parameters autocompleters
protected static $cli_params_autocompleters = array(
'check_resolving_ldap_host' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'),
'host_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'),
'scope_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'),
'attr_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'),
'max_attrs_count' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_int'),
'filter_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'),
* Check an LDAP search URI value
* @param mixed $value The value to check
* @param array $options Validation option
* @param object $formElement The LSformElement object
* @return boolean true if the value is valid, false otherwise
public static function validate($value, $options=array(), &$formElement) {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): options = ".varDump($options));
$uri_parts = explode('?', $value);
self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI parts = ".varDump($uri_parts));
if (!preg_match('/^(?P<proto>ldaps?)\:\/\/(?P<host>[^\/\:]+)?(:(?P<port>[0-9]+))?\/(?P<basedn>.*)$/', $uri_parts[0], $m)) {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP server URI (%{uri})'), $uri_parts[0]));
self :: log_trace("validate($value): parsed LDAP URI:".varDump($m));
// Check LDAP host
if ($m['host']) {
if (filter_var($m['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): '".$m['host']."' is a valid IP address");
elseif (
filter_var($m['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) &&
(!LSconfig :: get('params.check_resolving_ldap_host', true, 'bool', $options) || @gethostbyname($m['host']) != $m['host'])
) {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): '".$m['host']."' is a valid domain name");
else {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP host (%{host})'), $m['host']));
if ($m['port'] && $m['port'] < 1 || $m['port'] > 65535) {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP port (%{port})'), $m['port']));
elseif ($m['port']) {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('A LDAP URI could not contain port without host (%{host}:%{port})'), $m));
else {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI doesn't contain LDAP host");
if (LSconfig :: get('params.host_required', False, 'bool', $options))
throw new LSformRuleException(_('LDAP host not provided but required'));
// Check base DN
if (isset($m['basedn']) && $m['basedn']) {
if (!isCompatibleDNs($m['basedn'], LSsession :: getRootDn()))
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid base DN (%{basedn})'), $m['basedn']));
self :: log_trace("validate($value): base DN '".$m['basedn']."' is valid");
else {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI doesn't contain search base DN");
if (LSconfig :: get('params.basedn_required', False, 'bool', $options))
throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search base DN not provided but required'));
* Attributes (optionals)
$max_attrs_count = LSconfig :: get('params.max_attrs_count', null, null, $options);
if (isset($uri_parts[1]) && $uri_parts[1]) {
$attrs = explode(',', $uri_parts[1]);
if (!is_empty($max_attrs_count) && count($attrs) > $max_attrs_count)
throw new LSformRuleException(
_('Invalid searched attributes count (%{attrCount} > %{maxAttrsCount})'),
array('attrCount' => count($attrs), 'maxAttrsCount' => $max_attrs_count)
foreach($attrs as $attr) {
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9\-]+$/i', $attr)) {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid attribute name (%{attr})'), $attr));
else {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): no attribute name provided");
if (
LSconfig :: get('params.attr_required', False, 'bool', $options) ||
(!is_empty($max_attrs_count) && $max_attrs_count > 0)
throw new LSformRuleException(_('Attribute name not provided but required'));
* Scope
if (isset($uri_parts[2]) && $uri_parts[2]) {
if (!in_array($uri_parts[2], array('base', 'one', 'sub'))) {
throw new LSformRuleException(
_('Invalid search scope (%{scope}). Must be one of the following value : base, one or sub.'),
else {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): no search scope provided");
if (LSconfig :: get('params.scope_required', true, 'bool', $options))
throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search scope not provided but required'));
* LDAP Filter (optinal)
if (isset($uri_parts[3]) && $uri_parts[3]) {
Try to parse LDAP filter string to validate it
Due to a limitation of Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse() that only
support filter enclosed by parentheses, if string does not
start with "(", enclose the filter with parentheses.
$filter = @Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse(
if (!$filter instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP filter ("%{filter}")'), $uri_parts[3]));
self :: log_trace("validate($value): LDAP search filter '".$uri_parts[3]."' is valid.");
else {
self :: log_trace("validate($value): no search filter provided");
if (LSconfig :: get('params.filter_required', false, 'bool', $options))
throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search filter not provided but required'));
self :: log_trace("validate($value): LDAP search URI is valid.");
return True;