*/ class LSformRule_ldapSearchURI extends LSformRule { // CLI parameters autocompleters protected static $cli_params_autocompleters = array( 'check_resolving_ldap_host' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'host_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'scope_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'attr_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'max_attrs_count' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_int'), 'filter_required' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), ); /** * Check an LDAP search URI value * * @param mixed $value The value to check * @param array $options Validation option * @param object $formElement The LSformElement object * * @return boolean true if the value is valid, false otherwise */ public static function validate($value, $options=array(), &$formElement) { self :: log_trace("validate($value): options = ".varDump($options)); $uri_parts = explode('?', $value); self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI parts = ".varDump($uri_parts)); /* * The LDAP URI */ if (!preg_match('/^(?Pldaps?)\:\/\/(?P[^\/\:]+)?(:(?P[0-9]+))?\/(?P.*)$/', $uri_parts[0], $m)) { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP server URI (%{uri})'), $uri_parts[0])); } self :: log_trace("validate($value): parsed LDAP URI:".varDump($m)); // Check LDAP host if ($m['host']) { if (filter_var($m['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { self :: log_trace("validate($value): '".$m['host']."' is a valid IP address"); } elseif ( filter_var($m['host'], FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN) && (!LSconfig :: get('params.check_resolving_ldap_host', true, 'bool', $options) || @gethostbyname($m['host']) != $m['host']) ) { self :: log_trace("validate($value): '".$m['host']."' is a valid domain name"); } else { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP host (%{host})'), $m['host'])); } if ($m['port'] && $m['port'] < 1 || $m['port'] > 65535) { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP port (%{port})'), $m['port'])); } } elseif ($m['port']) { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('A LDAP URI could not contain port without host (%{host}:%{port})'), $m)); } else { self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI doesn't contain LDAP host"); if (LSconfig :: get('params.host_required', False, 'bool', $options)) throw new LSformRuleException(_('LDAP host not provided but required')); } // Check base DN if (isset($m['basedn']) && $m['basedn']) { if (!isCompatibleDNs($m['basedn'], LSsession :: getRootDn())) throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid base DN (%{basedn})'), $m['basedn'])); self :: log_trace("validate($value): base DN '".$m['basedn']."' is valid"); } else { self :: log_trace("validate($value): URI doesn't contain search base DN"); if (LSconfig :: get('params.basedn_required', False, 'bool', $options)) throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search base DN not provided but required')); } /* * Attributes (optionals) */ $max_attrs_count = LSconfig :: get('params.max_attrs_count', null, null, $options); if (isset($uri_parts[1]) && $uri_parts[1]) { $attrs = explode(',', $uri_parts[1]); if (!is_empty($max_attrs_count) && count($attrs) > $max_attrs_count) throw new LSformRuleException( getFData( _('Invalid searched attributes count (%{attrCount} > %{maxAttrsCount})'), array('attrCount' => count($attrs), 'maxAttrsCount' => $max_attrs_count) ) ); foreach($attrs as $attr) { if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9\-]+$/i', $attr)) { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid attribute name (%{attr})'), $attr)); } } } else { self :: log_trace("validate($value): no attribute name provided"); if ( LSconfig :: get('params.attr_required', False, 'bool', $options) || (!is_empty($max_attrs_count) && $max_attrs_count > 0) ) throw new LSformRuleException(_('Attribute name not provided but required')); } /* * Scope */ if (isset($uri_parts[2]) && $uri_parts[2]) { if (!in_array($uri_parts[2], array('base', 'one', 'sub'))) { throw new LSformRuleException( getFData( _('Invalid search scope (%{scope}). Must be one of the following value : base, one or sub.'), $uri_parts[2] ) ); } } else { self :: log_trace("validate($value): no search scope provided"); if (LSconfig :: get('params.scope_required', true, 'bool', $options)) throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search scope not provided but required')); } /* * LDAP Filter (optinal) */ if (isset($uri_parts[3]) && $uri_parts[3]) { /* Try to parse LDAP filter string to validate it Due to a limitation of Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse() that only support filter enclosed by parentheses, if string does not start with "(", enclose the filter with parentheses. */ $filter = @Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse( ($uri_parts[3][0]=='('?$uri_parts[3]:"(".$uri_parts[3].")") ); if (!$filter instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) { throw new LSformRuleException(getFData(_('Invalid LDAP filter ("%{filter}")'), $uri_parts[3])); } self :: log_trace("validate($value): LDAP search filter '".$uri_parts[3]."' is valid."); } else { self :: log_trace("validate($value): no search filter provided"); if (LSconfig :: get('params.filter_required', false, 'bool', $options)) throw new LSformRuleException(_('Search filter not provided but required')); } self :: log_trace("validate($value): LDAP search URI is valid."); return True; } }