2019-01-24 20:20:03 +01:00

291 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env php
| |
| |
| This script permit to export Roundcube user's address book in vCard |
| format. |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2017, Easter-eggs |
| |
| Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or |
| any later version with exceptions for skins & plugins. |
| See the LICENSE file for a full license statement. |
| |
| Author: Benjamin Renard <> |
define('INSTALL_PATH', realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/' );
ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
require_once INSTALL_PATH.'program/include/clisetup.php';
function print_usage()
print "Usage: -u username -m mailhost.fqdn\n";
print "-u / --user User name\n";
print "-m / --mailhost Mailhost (optional)\n";
print "-o / --output Output file\n";
print "-l / --last-login-on-duplicated Use last login user on duplicated\n";
print "-a / --all-on-duplicated Retreive all user contacts on duplicated\n";
print "-v / --verbose Enable verbose mode\n";
print "-d / --debug Enable debug mode\n";
function vputs($str)
$out = $GLOBALS['args']['output'] ? STDERR : STDOUT;
fwrite($out, $str);
function progress_update($pos, $max)
$percent = round(100 * $pos / $max);
vputs(sprintf("%3d%% [%-51s] %d/%d\033[K\r", $percent, @str_repeat('=', $percent / 2) . '>', $pos, $max));
class rcmail_export extends rcmail_utils {
function get_userid($user,$mailhost=null,$onDuplicatedPolicy='error') {
$db = self::db();
$sql = "SELECT user_id, mail_host, last_login FROM " . $db->table_name('users', true) . " WHERE username=?";
$sql_params = array($user);
if ($mailhost) {
$sql .= " AND mail_host=?";
$sql_params[] = $mailhost;
//$sql .= " ORDER BY last_login DESC";
$sql_result = $db->query($sql, $sql_params);
log_msg("DEBUG", "Search user $user SQL query : $sql / ".print_r($sql_params, 1));
if ($sql_result) {
if ($db -> num_rows($sql_result)==0) {
log_msg('FATAL',"User $user not found !");
elseif ($db -> num_rows($sql_result)>1) {
log_msg("DEBUG","On duplicated user policy : $onDuplicatedPolicy");
switch ($onDuplicatedPolicy) {
case 'last-login':
log_msg('INFO', "More thant one user found for username $user : take the last connected one.");
$user_id = false;
$mailhost = false;
$last_connected="1900-01-01 00:00:00";
while($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
log_msg('DEBUG', " - User : $user / ID : ".$sql_arr['user_id']." / Mailhost : ".$sql_arr['mail_host']." / Last login : ".$sql_arr['last_login']);
if ( strnatcmp($last_connected, $sql_arr['last_login']) <= 0 ) {
$user_id = $sql_arr['user_id'];
log_msg('INFO', "Last connected one is ID $user_id / Mailhost : $mailhost / Last login : $last_connected");
return $user_id;
case 'all':
log_msg('INFO', "More thant one user found for username $user : take all of them.");
$user_ids = array();
while($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
log_msg('DEBUG', " - User : $user / ID : ".$sql_arr['user_id']." / Mailhost : ".$sql_arr['mail_host']." / Last login : ".$sql_arr['last_login']);
$user_ids[] = $sql_arr['user_id'];
return $user_ids;
case 'error':
log_msg('FATAL', "More thant one user found for username $user. You need to specify mailhost !");
log_msg('INFO', "Users found :");
while($sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result)) {
log_msg('INFO', " - User : $user / ID : ".$sql_arr['user_id']." / Mailhost : ".$sql_arr['mail_host']." / Last login : ".$sql_arr['last_login']);
else {
$sql_arr = $db->fetch_assoc($sql_result);
return $sql_arr['user_id'];
return false;
function get_user_address_book($user, $mailhost = null, $onDuplicatedPolicy = 'error') {
$userids=$this -> get_userid($user, $mailhost, $onDuplicatedPolicy);
if ($userid === false)
return false;
if (!is_array($userids))
$userids = array($userids);
$address_books = array();
foreach ($userids as $userid) {
log_msg('DEBUG', "User $user ID : $userid");
$address_books[] = new rcube_contacts(self::db(), $userid);
return $address_books;
function export_user_contacts($user, $mailhost = null, $out = null, $onDuplicatedPolicy = 'error') {
$address_books = $this->get_user_address_book($user, $mailhost, $onDuplicatedPolicy);
if ($address_books === false) {
log_msg('WARNING', "No address book found for user $user");
return false;
if (!$out) {
$out = STDOUT;
log_msg('DEBUG', count($address_books). " address book(s) found for user $user.");
for($idx=0; $idx < count($address_books); $idx++) {
log_msg('DEBUG', "Export contact of address book #$idx of user $user.");
$result = $address_books[$idx]->list_records(null, 0, true);
while ($result && ($row = $result->next())) {
if ($address_books[$idx]) {
$this -> prepare_for_export($row, $address_books[$idx]);
// fix folding and end-of-line chars
$row['vcard'] = preg_replace('/\r|\n\s+/', '', $row['vcard']);
$row['vcard'] = preg_replace('/\n/', rcube_vcard::$eol, $row['vcard']);
fwrite($out, rcube_vcard::rfc2425_fold($row['vcard']) . rcube_vcard::$eol);
log_msg("INFO","$count contact(s) found in address book #$idx of user $user");
$total_count += $count;
log_msg("INFO","$total_count contact(s) found in total for user $user");
return True;
function prepare_for_export(&$record, $source = null) {
$groups = $source && $source->groups && $source->export_groups ? $source->get_record_groups($record['ID']) : null;
$fieldmap = $source ? $source->vcard_map : null;
if (empty($record['vcard'])) {
$vcard = new rcube_vcard($record['vcard'], RCUBE_CHARSET, false, $fieldmap);
foreach ($record as $key => $values) {
list($field, $section) = explode(':', $key);
// avoid unwanted casting of DateTime objects to an array
// (same as in rcube_contacts::convert_save_data())
if (is_object($values) && is_a($values, 'DateTime')) {
$values = array($values);
foreach ((array) $values as $value) {
if (is_array($value) || is_a($value, 'DateTime') || @strlen($value)) {
$vcard->set($field, $value, strtoupper($section));
// append group names
if ($groups) {
$vcard->set('groups', join(',', $groups), null);
$record['vcard'] = $vcard->export();
// patch categories to alread existing vcard block
else if ($record['vcard']) {
$vcard = new rcube_vcard($record['vcard'], RCUBE_CHARSET, false, $fieldmap);
// unset CATEGORIES entry, it might be not up-to-date (#1490277)
$vcard->set('groups', null);
$record['vcard'] = $vcard->export();
if (!empty($groups)) {
$vgroups = 'CATEGORIES:' . rcube_vcard::vcard_quote($groups, ',');
$record['vcard'] = str_replace('END:VCARD', $vgroups . rcube_vcard::$eol . 'END:VCARD', $record['vcard']);
// get arguments
$opts = array(
'u' => 'user',
'm' => 'mailhost',
'o' => 'output',
'l' => 'last-login-on-duplicated',
'a' => 'all-on-duplicated',
'd' => 'debug',
'v' => 'verbose',
'h' => 'help',
$args = rcube_utils::get_opt($opts);
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == 'help' || isset($args['help'])) {
'FATAL' => 0,
'WARNING' => 1,
'INFO' => 2,
'DEBUG' => 3
if (isset($args['debug'])) {
elseif (isset($args['verbose'])) {
function log_msg($level, $msg) {
global $_log_level, $_log_levels;
if (!isset($_log_levels[$level]))
if ($_level <= $_log_level) {
echo "[$level] $msg\n";
// prompt for username if not set
if (empty($args['user'])) {
vputs("User: ");
$args['user'] = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if (!empty($args['output'])) {
$out=fopen($args['output'], 'w');
if ($out===false) {
print "Fail to open output file !\n";
if (isset($args['last-login-on-duplicated'])) {
$onDuplicatedPolicy = 'last-login';
elseif (isset($args['all-on-duplicated'])) {
$onDuplicatedPolicy = 'all';
else {
$onDuplicatedPolicy = 'error';
log_msg("DEBUG","On duplicated user policy : $onDuplicatedPolicy");
$export = new rcmail_export();
$result = $export -> export_user_contacts(
if ($out)