# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ SFTP client """ import logging import os from paramiko import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy, SFTPAttributes from mylib.config import ConfigurableObject from mylib.config import BooleanOption from mylib.config import IntegerOption from mylib.config import PasswordOption from mylib.config import StringOption log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SFTPClient(ConfigurableObject): """ SFTP client This class abstract all interactions with the SFTP server. """ _config_name = 'sftp' _config_comment = 'SFTP' _defaults = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 22, 'user': None, 'password': None, 'known_hosts': os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts'), 'auto_add_unknown_host_key': False, 'just_try': False, } ssh_client = None sftp_client = None initial_directory = None def configure(self, just_try=True, ** kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Configure options on registered mylib.Config object """ section = super().configure(**kwargs) section.add_option( StringOption, 'host', default=self._defaults['host'], comment='SFTP server hostname/IP address') section.add_option( IntegerOption, 'port', default=self._defaults['port'], comment='SFTP server port') section.add_option( StringOption, 'user', default=self._defaults['user'], comment='SFTP authentication username') section.add_option( PasswordOption, 'password', default=self._defaults['password'], comment='SFTP authentication password (set to "keyring" to use XDG keyring)', username_option='user', keyring_value='keyring') section.add_option( StringOption, 'known_hosts', default=self._defaults['known_hosts'], comment='SFTP known_hosts filepath') section.add_option( BooleanOption, 'auto_add_unknown_host_key', default=self._defaults['auto_add_unknown_host_key'], comment='Auto add unknown host key') if just_try: section.add_option( BooleanOption, 'just_try', default=self._defaults['just_try'], comment='Just-try mode: do not really send emails') return section def initialize(self, loaded_config=None): """ Configuration initialized hook """ super().__init__(loaded_config=loaded_config) def connect(self): """ Connect to SFTP server """ if self.ssh_client: return host = self._get_option('host') port = self._get_option('port') log.info("Connect to SFTP server %s:%d", host, port) self.ssh_client = SSHClient() if self._get_option('known_hosts'): self.ssh_client.load_host_keys(self._get_option('known_hosts')) if self._get_option('auto_add_unknown_host_key'): log.debug('Set missing host key policy to auto-add') self.ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) self.ssh_client.connect( host, port=port, username=self._get_option('user'), password=self._get_option('password') ) self.sftp_client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp() self.initial_directory = self.sftp_client.getcwd() if self.initial_directory: log.debug("Initial remote directory: '%s'", self.initial_directory) else: log.debug("Fail to retreive remote directory, use empty string instead") self.initial_directory = "" def upload_file(self, filepath, remote_directory=None): """ Upload a file on SFTP server """ self.connect() remote_filepath = os.path.join( remote_directory if remote_directory else self.initial_directory, os.path.basename(filepath) ) log.debug("Upload file '%s' to '%s'", filepath, remote_filepath) if self._get_option('just_try'): log.debug( "Just-try mode: do not really upload file '%s' to '%s'", filepath, remote_filepath) return True result = self.sftp_client.put(filepath, remote_filepath) return isinstance(result, SFTPAttributes) def remove_file(self, filepath): """ Remove a file on SFTP server """ self.connect() log.debug("Remove file '%s'", filepath) if self._get_option('just_try'): log.debug("Just - try mode: do not really remove file '%s'", filepath) return True self.sftp_client.remove(filepath) return True def close(self): """ Close SSH/SFTP connection """ log.debug("Close connection") self.ssh_client.close()