import datetime, re, time, logging week_days=['lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi', 'vendredi', 'samedi', 'dimanche'] def easter_date(year): a=year//100 b=year%100 c=(3*(a+25))//4 d=(3*(a+25))%4 e=(8*(a+11))//25 f=(5*a+b)%19 g=(19*f+c-e)%30 h=(f+11*g)//319 j=(60*(5-d)+b)//4 k=(60*(5-d)+b)%4 m=(2*j-k-g+h)%7 n=(g-h+m+114)//31 p=(g-h+m+114)%31 day=p+1 month=n return, month, day) def nonworking_french_public_days_of_the_year(year=None): if year is None: dp=easter_date(year) return { '1janvier':, 1, 1), 'paques': dp, 'lundi_paques': (dp+datetime.timedelta(1)), '1mai':, 5, 1), '8mai':, 5, 8), 'jeudi_ascension': (dp+datetime.timedelta(39)), 'pentecote': (dp+datetime.timedelta(49)), 'lundi_pentecote': (dp+datetime.timedelta(50)), '14juillet':, 7, 14), '15aout':, 8, 15), '1novembre':, 11, 1), '11novembre':, 11, 11), 'noel':, 12, 25), 'saint_etienne':, 12, 26), } def parse_exceptional_closures(values): exceptional_closures=[] date_pattern=re.compile('^([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})$') time_pattern=re.compile('^([0-9]{1,2})h([0-9]{2})?$') for value in values: days=[] hours_periods=[] words=value.strip().split() for word in words: if word=='': continue parts=word.split('-') if len(parts)==1: # ex : 31/02/2017 ptime=time.strptime(word,'%d/%m/%Y'), ptime.tm_mon, ptime.tm_mday) if date not in days: days.append(date) elif len(parts)==2: # ex : 18/12/2017-20/12/2017 ou 9h-10h30 if date_pattern.match(parts[0]) and date_pattern.match(parts[1]): # ex : 18/12/2017-20/12/2017 pstart=time.strptime(parts[0],'%d/%m/%Y') pstop=time.strptime(parts[1],'%d/%m/%Y') if pstop<=pstart: raise ValueError('Day %s <= %s' % (parts[1],parts[0])), pstart.tm_mon, pstart.tm_mday), pstart.tm_mon, pstart.tm_mday) while date<=stop_date: if date not in days: days.append(date) date+=datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: # ex : 9h-10h30 mstart=time_pattern.match(parts[0]) mstop=time_pattern.match(parts[1]) if not mstart or not mstop: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid time period' % word) hstart=datetime.time(int(, int( or 0)) hstop=datetime.time(int(, int( or 0)) if hstop<=hstart: raise ValueError('Time %s <= %s' % (parts[1],parts[0])) hours_periods.append({'start': hstart, 'stop': hstop}) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of part in this word : "%s"' % word) if not days: raise ValueError('No days found in value "%s"' % word) exceptional_closures.append({'days': days, 'hours_periods': hours_periods}) return exceptional_closures def parse_normal_opening_hours(values): normal_opening_hours=[] time_pattern=re.compile('^([0-9]{1,2})h([0-9]{2})?$') for value in values: days=[] hours_periods=[] words=value.strip().split() for word in words: if word=='': continue parts=word.split('-') if len(parts)==1: # ex : jeudi if word not in week_days: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid week day' % word) if word not in days: days.append(word) elif len(parts)==2: # ex : lundi-jeudi ou 9h-10h30 if parts[0] in week_days and parts[1] in week_days: # ex : lundi-jeudi if week_days.index(parts[1]) <= week_days.index(parts[0]): raise ValueError('"%s" is before "%s"' % (parts[1],parts[0])) started=False for d in week_days: if not started and d!=parts[0]: continue started=True if d not in days: days.append(d) if d==parts[1]: break else: #ex : 9h-10h30 mstart=time_pattern.match(parts[0]) mstop=time_pattern.match(parts[1]) if not mstart or not mstop: raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid time period' % word) hstart=datetime.time(int(, int( or 0)) hstop=datetime.time(int(, int( or 0)) if hstop<=hstart: raise ValueError('Time %s <= %s' % (parts[1],parts[0])) hours_periods.append({'start': hstart, 'stop': hstop}) else: raise ValueError('Invalid number of part in this word : "%s"' % word) if not days and not hours_periods: raise ValueError('No days or hours period found in this value : "%s"' % value) normal_opening_hours.append({'days': days, 'hours_periods': hours_periods}) return normal_opening_hours def is_closed(normal_opening_hours_values=[],exceptional_closures_values=[],nonworking_public_holidays_values=[],, on_error='raise', exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days=False): when_time=when.time() when_weekday=week_days[when.timetuple().tm_wday] on_error_result=None if on_error=='closed': on_error_result={'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} elif on_error=='opened': on_error_result={'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} logging.debug("%s => %s / %s / %s" % (when, when_date, when_time, when_weekday)) if len(nonworking_public_holidays_values)>0: logging.debug("Nonworking public holidays : %s" % nonworking_public_holidays_values) nonworking_days=nonworking_french_public_days_of_the_year() for day in nonworking_public_holidays_values: if day in nonworking_days and when_date==nonworking_days[day]: logging.debug("Non working day : %s" % day) return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': exceptional_closure_on_nonworking_public_days} if len(exceptional_closures_values)>0: try: exceptional_closures=parse_exceptional_closures(exceptional_closures_values) logging.debug('Exceptional closures : %s' % exceptional_closures) except Exception, e: logging.error("%s => Not closed by default" % e) if on_error_result is None: raise e return on_error_result for cl in exceptional_closures: if when_date not in cl['days']: logging.debug("when_date (%s) no in days (%s)" % (when_date,cl['days'])) continue if not cl['hours_periods']: # All day exceptional closure return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': True, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': True} for hp in cl['hours_periods']: if hp['start']<=when_time and hp['stop']>= when_time: return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': True, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} if len(normal_opening_hours_values)>0: try: normal_opening_hours=parse_normal_opening_hours(normal_opening_hours_values) logging.debug('Normal opening hours : %s' % normal_opening_hours) except Exception, e: logging.error("%s => Not closed by default" % e) if on_error_result is None: raise e return on_error_result for oh in normal_opening_hours: if oh['days'] and when_weekday not in oh['days']: logging.debug("when_weekday (%s) no in days (%s)" % (when_weekday,oh['days'])) continue if not oh['hours_periods']: # All day opened return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} for hp in oh['hours_periods']: if hp['start']<=when_time and hp['stop']>= when_time: return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} logging.debug("Not in normal opening hours => closed") return {'closed': True, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False} # Not a nonworking day, not during exceptional closure and no normal opening hours defined => Opened return {'closed': False, 'exceptional_closure': False, 'exceptional_closure_all_day': False}