'', 'name' => array( 'caseExactIA5Match', ), 'syntax' => '', ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $reflection = new ReflectionClass($entry); $data_property = $reflection->getProperty('data'); $data_property->setAccessible(true); $this -> assertEquals($data, $data_property->getValue($entry)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseAttribute() { $value = "( NAME 'modifiersName' DESC 'RFC4512: name of last modifier' EQUALITY ". "distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE ". "NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE directoryOperation )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array( 'modifiersName', ), 'desc' => 'RFC4512: name of last modifier', 'equality' => 'distinguishedNameMatch', 'syntax' => '', 'single-value' => 1, 'no-user-modification' => 1, 'usage' => 'directoryOperation', ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseAttributeWithMaxLength() { $value = "( NAME 'ipHostNumber' DESC 'IP address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match ". "SYNTAX{128} )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array( 'ipHostNumber', ), 'desc' => 'IP address', 'equality' => 'caseIgnoreIA5Match', 'syntax' => '{128}', 'max_length' => 128, ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseMatchingRule() { $value = "( NAME 'caseExactIA5Match' SYNTAX )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array( 'caseExactIA5Match', ), 'syntax' => '', ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseMatchingRuleUse() { $value = "( NAME 'certificateListExactMatch' APPLIES ( authorityRevocationList $ ". "certificateRevocationList $ deltaRevocationList ) )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array( 'certificateListExactMatch', ), 'applies' => array( 'authorityRevocationList', 'certificateRevocationList', 'deltaRevocationList', ), ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseObjectClass() { $value = "( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.5 NAME 'account' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST userid MAY ". "( description $ seeAlso $ localityName $ organizationName $ organizationalUnitName $ host ) )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.5', 'name' => array( 'account', ), 'sup' => array( 'top', ), 'structural' => 1, 'must' => array( 'userid', ), 'may' => array( 'description', 'seeAlso', 'localityName', 'organizationName', 'organizationalUnitName', 'host', ), ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::_parse */ public function testRawParseSyntax() { $value = "( DESC 'Certificate' X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' ". "X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )"; $expected = array ( 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate', 'x-binary-transfer-required' => 'TRUE', 'x-not-human-readable' => 'TRUE', ); $this -> assertEquals($expected, SchemaEntry::_parse($value)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::parse */ public function testParseEntry() { $value = "( DESC 'Certificate' X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' ". "X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' )"; $entry = SchemaEntry::parse($value); $this -> assertInstanceOf(SchemaEntry::class, $entry); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\Attribute::__get */ public function testGetProperties() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'sup' => 'top', 'desc' => 'RFC2256: DN qualifier', 'equality' => 'caseIgnoreMatch', 'ordering' => 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', 'substr' => 'caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch', 'syntax' => '', 'single-value' => 1, 'no-user-modification' => 1, 'usage' => 'directoryOperation', ); $entry = new Attribute($data); foreach($data as $key => $value) $this -> assertEquals($value, $entry->__get($key)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\Attribute::__get */ public function testGetPropertyAlias() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'sup' => 'top', 'desc' => 'RFC2256: DN qualifier', 'equality' => 'caseIgnoreMatch', 'ordering' => 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', 'substr' => 'caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch', 'syntax' => '', 'single-value' => 1, 'no-user-modification' => 1, 'usage' => 'directoryOperation', ); $entry = new Attribute($data); foreach($entry->property_aliases as $alias => $key) $this -> assertEquals($data[$key], $entry->__get($alias)); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get */ public function testGetInvalidProperty() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate', 'x-binary-transfer-required' => 'TRUE', 'x-not-human-readable' => 'TRUE', ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->expectException(InvalidPropertyException::class); $entry->__get('undefined'); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get */ public function testGetName() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate', 'x-binary-transfer-required' => 'TRUE', 'x-not-human-readable' => 'TRUE', ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->assertEquals($data['oid'], $entry->__get('name')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get */ public function testGetNames() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array('test'), ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->assertEquals($data['name'], $entry->__get('names')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\Attribute::__get */ public function testGetPropertyDefault() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', 'name' => array('test'), ); $entry = new Attribute($data); $this->assertEquals(false, $entry->__get('collective')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__get * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\ObjectClass::__get */ public function testGetPropertyCastAsArray() { $data = array ( 'may' => 'test', ); $entry = new ObjectClass($data); $this->assertEquals(array($data['may']), $entry->__get('may')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::__toString */ public function testToString() { $data = array ( 'name' => array('test'), ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->assertEquals('EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry', $entry->__toString()); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::is_me */ public function testIsMeByOID() { $data = array ( 'oid' => '', ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->assertTrue($entry->is_me($data['oid'])); $this->assertFalse($entry->is_me('2.3.4')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::is_me */ public function testIsMeByNames() { $data = array ( 'name' => array('test'), ); $entry = new SchemaEntry($data); $this->assertTrue($entry->is_me($data['name'][0])); $this->assertFalse($entry->is_me('badName')); } /** * @covers \EesyLDAP\Schema\SchemaEntry::is_me */ public function testIsMeBadID() { $entry = new SchemaEntry(array()); // @phpstan-ignore-next-line $this->assertFalse($entry->is_me(array())); } }