parameters: level: 9 paths: - src - tests treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain: false universalObjectCratesClasses: - EesyLDAP\Entry ignoreErrors: - message: "#Method .*::test.*\\(\\) has no return type specified\\.#" path: tests/* - message: "#Call to an undefined method Mockery\\\\ExpectationInterface|Mockery\\\\HigherOrderMessage::once\\(\\)\\.#" path: tests/* - message: "#Call to an undefined method PHPUnit\\\\Extension\\\\FunctionMocker::expects\\(\\)\\.#" path: tests/* - message: "#Access to an undefined property Mockery\\\\LegacyMockInterface::\\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\.#" path: tests/* - message: "#Call to an undefined method Mockery\\\\(Mock|LegacyMockInterface)::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\(\\)\\.#" path: tests/*