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synced 2025-03-13 15:43:07 +01:00
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291 lines
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name: Picker
description: Creates a Picker, which can be used for anything
authors: Arian Stolwijk
requires: [Core/Element.Dimensions, Core/Fx.Tween, Core/Fx.Transitions]
provides: Picker
var Picker = new Class({
Implements: [Options, Events],
options: {/*
onShow: function(){},
onOpen: function(){},
onHide: function(){},
onClose: function(){},*/
pickerClass: 'datepicker',
inject: null,
animationDuration: 400,
useFadeInOut: true,
positionOffset: {x: 0, y: 0},
pickerPosition: 'bottom',
draggable: true,
showOnInit: true
initialize: function(options){
if (this.options.showOnInit) this.show();
constructPicker: function(){
var options = this.options;
var picker = this.picker = new Element('div', {
'class': options.pickerClass,
styles: {
left: 0,
top: 0,
display: 'none',
opacity: 0
}).inject(options.inject || document.body);
if (options.useFadeInOut){
picker.set('tween', {
duration: options.animationDuration,
link: 'cancel'
// Build the header
var header = this.header = new Element('div.header').inject(picker);
this.closeButton = new Element('div.closeButton[text=x]')
.addEvent('click', this.close.pass(false, this))
var title = this.title = new Element('div.title').inject(header);
this.titleText = new Element('div.titleText').inject(title);
// Build the body of the picker
var body = this.body = new Element('div.body').inject(picker);
// oldContents and newContents are used to slide from the old content to a new one.
var slider = this.slider = new Element('div.slider', {
styles: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0
}).set('tween', {
duration: options.animationDuration,
transition: Fx.Transitions.Quad.easeInOut
this.oldContents = new Element('div', {
styles: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0
this.newContents = new Element('div', {
styles: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0
// IFrameShim for select fields in IE
var shim = this.shim = window['IframeShim'] ? new IframeShim(picker) : null;
// Dragging
if (options.draggable && typeOf(picker.makeDraggable) == 'function'){
this.dragger = picker.makeDraggable(shim ? {
onDrag: shim.position.bind(shim)
} : null);
picker.setStyle('cursor', 'move');
this.addEvent('open', function(){
picker.setStyle('display', 'block');
if (shim) shim.show();
}, true);
this.addEvent('hide', function(){
picker.setStyle('display', 'none');
if (shim) shim.hide();
}, true);
open: function(noFx){
if (this.opened == true) return this;
this.opened = true;
if (this.options.useFadeInOut && !noFx){
} else {
this.picker.setStyle('opacity', 1);
return this;
show: function(){
return this.open(true);
close: function(noFx){
if (this.opened == false) return this;
this.opened = false;
if (this.options.useFadeInOut && !noFx){
} else {
this.picker.setStyle('opacity', 0);
return this;
hide: function(){
return this.close(true);
toggle: function(){
return this[this.opened == true ? 'close' : 'open']();
destroy: function(){
if (this.shim) this.shim.destroy();
position: function(x, y){
var offset = this.options.positionOffset,
scroll = document.getScroll(),
size = document.getSize(),
pickersize = this.picker.getSize();
if (typeOf(x) == 'element'){
var element = x,
where = y || this.options.pickerPosition;
var elementCoords = element.getCoordinates();
x = (where == 'left') ? elementCoords.left - pickersize.x
: (where == 'bottom' || where == 'top') ? elementCoords.left
: elementCoords.right
y = (where == 'bottom') ? elementCoords.bottom
: (where == 'top') ? elementCoords.top - pickersize.y
: elementCoords.top;
x += offset.x * ((where && where == 'left') ? -1 : 1);
y += offset.y * ((where && where == 'top') ? -1: 1);
if ((x + pickersize.x) > (size.x + scroll.x)) x = (size.x + scroll.x) - pickersize.x;
if ((y + pickersize.y) > (size.y + scroll.y)) y = (size.y + scroll.y) - pickersize.y;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
left: x,
top: y
if (this.shim) this.shim.position();
return this;
setBodySize: function(){
var bodysize = this.bodysize = this.body.getSize();
width: 2 * bodysize.x,
height: bodysize.y
left: bodysize.x,
width: bodysize.x,
height: bodysize.y
width: bodysize.x,
height: bodysize.y
setContent: function(){
var content = Array.from(arguments), fx;
if (['right', 'left', 'fade'].contains(content[1])) fx = content[1];
if (content.length == 1 || fx) content = content[0];
// swap contents so we can fill the newContents again and animate
var old = this.oldContents;
this.oldContents = this.newContents;
this.newContents = old;
var type = typeOf(content);
if (['string', 'number'].contains(type)) this.newContents.set('text', content);
else this.newContents.adopt(content);
if (fx){
} else {
this.slider.setStyle('left', 0);
this.oldContents.setStyles({left: 0, opacity: 0});
this.newContents.setStyles({left: 0, opacity: 1});
return this;
fx: function(fx){
var oldContents = this.oldContents,
newContents = this.newContents,
slider = this.slider,
bodysize = this.bodysize;
if (fx == 'right'){
oldContents.setStyles({left: 0, opacity: 1});
newContents.setStyles({left: bodysize.x, opacity: 1});
slider.setStyle('left', 0).tween('left', 0, -bodysize.x);
} else if (fx == 'left'){
oldContents.setStyles({left: bodysize.x, opacity: 1});
newContents.setStyles({left: 0, opacity: 1});
slider.setStyle('left', -bodysize.x).tween('left', -bodysize.x, 0);
} else if (fx == 'fade'){
slider.setStyle('left', 0);
oldContents.setStyle('left', 0).set('tween', {
duration: this.options.animationDuration / 2
}).tween('opacity', 1, 0).get('tween').chain(function(){
oldContents.setStyle('left', bodysize.x);
newContents.setStyles({opacity: 0, left: 0}).set('tween', {
duration: this.options.animationDuration
}).tween('opacity', 0, 1);
toElement: function(){
return this.picker;
setTitle: function(text){
this.titleText.set('text', text);
return this;
setTitleEvent: function(fn){
if (fn) this.titleText.addEvent('click', fn);
this.titleText.setStyle('cursor', fn ? 'pointer' : '');
return this;