2023-03-20 19:46:25 +01:00

984 lines
31 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSlog_staticLoggerClass');
* Manage access to LDAP directory
* This class hangle LDAP directory access using PEAR :: Net_LDAP2.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSldap extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* LDAP connection configuration
* (LSconfig.ldap_servers.<idx>.ldap_config)
* @see LSsession::LSldapConnect()
* @see LSldap::setConfig()
* @see LSldap::getConfig()
* @var array
private static $config = array();
* LDAP connection (Net_LDAP2 object)
* @see LSldap::connect()
* @see LSldap::reconnectAs()
* @see LSldap::isConnected()
* @see LSldap::close()
* @var Net_LDAP2|null
private static $cnx = NULL;
* Registered events
* @see self::addEvent()
* @see self::fireEvent()
* @var array
private static $_events = array();
* Set configuration
* This method permit to define LDAP server access configuration
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param array $config Configuration array as accepted by Net_LDAP2
* @return void
public static function setConfig ($config) {
self :: $config = $config;
* Connect to LDAP server
* This method establish connection to LDAP server
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param array|null $config LDAP configuration array in format of Net_LDAP2
* @return boolean true if connected, false instead
public static function connect($config=null) {
if ($config) {
self :: setConfig($config);
if (!self :: fireEvent('connecting'))
return false;
self :: $cnx = Net_LDAP2::connect(self :: $config);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError(self :: $cnx)) {
self :: fireEvent('connection_failure', array('error' => self :: $cnx -> getMessage()));
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_01',self :: $cnx -> getMessage());
self :: $cnx = NULL;
return false;
self :: fireEvent('connected');
return true;
* Reconnect (or connect) with other credentials
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $dn Bind DN
* @param string $pwd Bind password
* @param array|null $config LDAP configuration array as expected by Net_LDAP2
* (optional, default: keep current)
* @return boolean true if connected, false instead
public static function reconnectAs($dn, $pwd, $config=null) {
if ($config) {
self :: setConfig($config);
if (self :: $cnx) {
self :: $cnx -> done();
$config = self :: $config;
$config['binddn'] = $dn;
$config['bindpw'] = $pwd;
if (!self :: fireEvent('reconnecting', array('dn' => $dn)))
return false;
self :: $cnx = Net_LDAP2::connect($config);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError(self :: $cnx)) {
self :: fireEvent(
array('dn' => $dn, 'error' => self :: $cnx -> getMessage())
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_01', self :: $cnx -> getMessage());
self :: $cnx = NULL;
return false;
self :: fireEvent('reconnected', array('dn' => $dn));
return true;
* Set authz proxy control
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $dn Bind DN
* @return boolean true if authz proxy controle is set, false otherwise
public static function setAuthzProxyControl($dn) {
if (!self :: $cnx) {
self :: connect();
if (!self :: fireEvent('setting_authz_proxy', array('dn' => $dn)))
return false;
$result = self :: $cnx -> setOption(
array (
'oid' => '2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.18',
'value' => "dn:$dn",
'iscritical' => true
// Also check user exists to validate the connection with
// authz proxy control.
if ($result !== True || !self :: exists($dn)) {
self :: fireEvent('setting_authz_proxy_failure', array('dn' => $dn));
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_09');
return False;
self :: fireEvent('set_authz_proxy', array('dn' => $dn));
return True;
* Disconnect
* This method permit to close the connection to the LDAP server
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @return void
public static function close() {
if (!self :: fireEvent('closing'))
self :: $cnx -> done();
self :: $cnx = null;
self :: fireEvent('closed');
* Search in LDAP directory
* This method make a search in LDAP directory and return the result as an array.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $filter The search LDAP filter
* @param string $basedn The base DN of the search
* @param array $params Array to search parameters as accepted by Net_LDAP2::search()
* @see Net_LDAP2::search()
* @return array|false Return an array of entries returned by the LDAP directory.
* Each element of this array corresponded to one returned entry and is
* an array with the following keys:
* - dn: The DN of the entry
* - attrs: Associative array of the entry's attributes values
* False returned in case of error.
public static function search($filter, $basedn=NULL, $params=array()) {
$filterstr = (is_a($filter, 'Net_LDAP2_Filter')?$filter->asString():$filter);
if (is_empty($basedn)) {
$basedn = self :: getConfig('basedn');
if (is_empty($basedn)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_08');
return false;
self :: log_debug("LSldap::search($filterstr): empty basedn provided, use basedn from configuration: ".varDump($basedn));
self :: log_trace("LSldap::search($filterstr, $basedn): run search with parameters: ".varDump($params));
$ret = self :: $cnx -> search($basedn, $filter, $params);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_02', $ret -> getMessage());
return false;
self :: log_debug("LSldap::search($filterstr, $basedn) : return ".$ret->count()." objet(s)");
$retInfos = array();
foreach($ret as $dn => $entry) {
if (!$entry instanceof Net_LDAP2_Entry) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_02', "LDAP search return an ".get_class($entry).". object");
$retInfos[] = array(
'dn' => $dn,
'attrs' => $entry -> getValues()
return $retInfos;
* Count the number of mathching objects found in LDAP directory
* This method make a search in LDAP directory and return the number of
* macthing entries.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $filter The search LDAP filter
* @param string $basedn The base DN of the search
* @param array $params Array to search parameters as accepted by Net_LDAP2::search()
* @see Net_LDAP2::search()
* @return integer|null The number of matching entries on success, null otherwise
public static function getNumberResult($filter, $basedn=NULL, $params=array()) {
if (empty($filter))
$filter = NULL;
$filterstr = (is_a($filter, 'Net_LDAP2_Filter')?$filter->asString():$filter);
if (is_empty($basedn)) {
$basedn = self :: getConfig('basedn');
if (is_empty($basedn)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_08');
return null;
self :: log_debug("LSldap::getNumberResult($filterstr): empty basedn provided, use basedn from configuration: ".varDump($basedn));
self :: log_trace("LSldap::getNumberResult($filterstr, $basedn): run search with parameters: ".varDump($params));
$ret = self :: $cnx -> search($basedn, $filter, $params);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_02',$ret -> getMessage());
return null;
$count = $ret -> count();
self :: log_trace("LSldap::getNumberResult($filterstr, $basedn): result=$count");
return $count;
* Load values of an LDAP entry attributes
* This method retrieve attributes values of an LDAP entry and return it
* as associative array.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $dn DN de l'entré Ldap
* @param string|Net_LDAP2_Filter|null $filter LDAP filter string (optional, default: null == '(objectClass=*)')
* @param array|null $attrs Array of requested attribute (optional, default: null == all attributes, excepted internal)
* @param boolean $include_internal If true, internal attributes will be included (default: false)
* @return array|false Associative array of attributes values (with attribute name as key), or false on error
public static function getAttrs($dn, $filter=null, $attrs=null, $include_internal=false) {
$infos = ldap_explode_dn($dn,0);
return false;
if (!$filter)
$filter = '(objectClass=*)';
$params = array(
'scope' => 'base',
'attributes' => (is_array($attrs)?$attrs:array('*')),
if ($include_internal && !in_array('+', $params['attributes']))
$params['attributes'][] = '+';
$return = self :: search($filter, $dn, $params);
if (is_array($return) && count($return) == 1)
return $return[0]['attrs'];
return false;
* Parse a date string as Datetime object
* @param string $value LDAP date string to parse
* @return Datetime|false Datetime object, or false
public static function parseDate($value) {
$datetime = date_create_from_format('YmdHis.uO', $value);
return (
$datetime instanceof DateTime?
$datetime -> setTimezone(timezone_open(date_default_timezone_get())):
* Check if an attribute exists in specified attributes collection
* It performs a case-insensitive search.
* @author Emmanuel Saracco <esaracco@easter-eggs.com>
* @param array $attrs Array of LDAP attributes
* @param string $name Name of a attribute
* @return boolean true if found
public static function attrExists($attrs, $name) {
return array_key_exists(strtolower($name), array_change_key_case($attrs));
* Return a attribute value
* It performs a case-insensitive search.
* @author Emmanuel Saracco <esaracco@easter-eggs.com>
* @param array $attrs Array of LDAP attributes
* @param string $name Name of a attribute
* @param boolean $multiple true if we must return array
* @return ($multiple is True ? array<int,string> : string|null) Found value (or array of values) or null
public static function getAttr($attrs, $name, $multiple=false) {
$name = strtolower($name);
foreach ($attrs as $k => $v) {
if (strtolower($k) === $name) {
$v = ensureIsArray($v);
return $multiple ? $v : $v[0];
return $multiple ? array() : null;
* Return an existing or new LDAP entry
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $object_type The object type
* @param string $dn The DN of the LDAP entry
* @return Net_LDAP2_Entry|array|false A Net_LDAP2_Entry object or an array if
* it's a new entry:
* Array (
* 'entry' => Net_LDAP2_Entry,
* 'new' => true
* )
* False returned in case of error
public static function getEntry($object_type, $dn) {
$obj_classes = LSconfig :: get("LSobjects.$object_type.objectclass");
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_03');
return false;
$attrs = array_keys(LSconfig :: get("LSobjects.$object_type.attrs", array(), 'array'));
$entry = self :: getLdapEntry($dn, $attrs);
if ($entry === false) {
$newentry = self :: getNewEntry($dn, $obj_classes, array());
if (!$newentry) {
return false;
// Mark entry as new
$newentry -> markAsNew();
return $newentry;
// Mark entry as NOT new
$entry -> markAsNew(false);
return $entry;
* Return a Net_LDAP2_Entry object of an existing entry
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $dn DN of the requested LDAP entry
* @param array|null $attrs Array of requested attribute (optional, default: null == all attributes, excepted internal)
* @return Net_LDAP2_Entry|false A Net_LDAP2_Entry object or false if error occured
public static function getLdapEntry($dn, $attrs=null) {
$entry = self :: $cnx -> getEntry($dn, (is_array($attrs)?$attrs:array()));
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($entry)) {
return false;
else {
return $entry;
* Check if an LDAP object exists
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $dn DN of the LDAP entry to check
* @return boolean True if entry exists, false otherwise
public static function exists($dn) {
return is_a(self :: getLdapEntry($dn), 'Net_LDAP2_Entry');
* Return a new Net_LDAP2_Entry object
* @param string $dn The DN of the object
* @param array<string> $objectClass Array of the object's object classes
* @param array $attrs Array of the object's attributes values
* @param boolean $add Set to true to add the new entry to LDAP directory (default: false)
* @return Net_LDAP2_Entry|False A Net_LDAP2_Entry object on success, False otherwise
public static function getNewEntry($dn, $objectClass, $attrs, $add=false) {
$newentry = Net_LDAP2_Entry::createFresh(
array('objectclass' =>$objectClass),
if(Net_LDAP2::isError($newentry)) {
return false;
if($add) {
if(!self :: $cnx -> add($newentry)) {
return false;
return $newentry;
* Update an entry in LDAP
* Note: this method drop empty attribute values and attributes without value.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param string $object_type The object type
* @param string $dn DN of the LDAP object
* @param array $changes Array of object attributes changes
* @return boolean True if object was updated, False otherwise.
public static function update($object_type, $dn, $changes) {
self :: log_trace("update($object_type, $dn): change=".varDump($changes));
// Retrieve current LDAP entry
$entry = self :: getEntry($object_type, $dn);
if(!is_a($entry, 'Net_LDAP2_Entry')) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_04');
return false;
if (
!self :: fireEvent(
array('object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn, 'entry' => &$entry, 'changes' => $changes)
return false;
// Distinguish drop attributes from change attributes
$changed_attrs = array();
$dropped_attrs = array();
foreach($changes as $attrName => $attrVal) {
$drop = true;
if (is_array($attrVal)) {
foreach($attrVal as $val) {
if (!is_empty($val)) {
$drop = false;
else {
if (!is_empty($attrVal)) {
$drop = false;
if($drop) {
$dropped_attrs[] = $attrName;
self :: log_trace("update($object_type, $dn): changed attrs=".varDump($changed_attrs));
self :: log_trace("update($object_type, $dn): dropped attrs=".varDump($dropped_attrs));
// Set an error flag to false
$error = false;
// Handle special case: user password change
if ($changed_attrs && !$entry->isNew() && self :: attrExists($changed_attrs, 'userPassword')) {
$changed_attrs = self :: updateUserPassword($object_type, $changed_attrs, $dn);
if ($changed_attrs === false) {
return false;
// Keep original entry (to provide to hooks)
$original_entry = clone $entry;
// Handle attributes changes (if need)
if ($changed_attrs) {
$entry -> replace($changed_attrs);
if ($entry -> isNew()) {
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): add new entry");
$ret = self :: $cnx -> add($entry);
else {
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): update entry (for changed attributes)");
$ret = $entry -> update();
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'original_entry' => &$original_entry, 'entry' => &$entry,
'changes' => $changed_attrs, 'error' => $ret->getMessage()
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_05',$dn);
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,'NetLdap-Error : '.$ret->getMessage());
return false;
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'original_entry' => &$original_entry, 'entry' => &$entry,
'changes' => $changed_attrs
elseif ($entry -> isNew()) {
self :: log_error("update($object_type, $dn): no changed attribute but it's a new entry...");
return false;
else {
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): no changed attribute");
// Handle droped attributes (is need and not a new entry)
if ($dropped_attrs && !$entry -> isNew()) {
// $entry -> delete() method is buggy (for some attribute like jpegPhoto)
// Prefer replace attribute by an empty array
$replace_attrs = array();
foreach($dropped_attrs as $attr) {
// Check if attribute is present
if(!$entry -> exists($attr)) {
// Attribute not present on LDAP entry
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): dropped attr $attr is not present in LDAP entry => ignore it");
$replace_attrs[$attr] = array();
if (!$replace_attrs) {
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): no attribute to drop");
return true;
// Replace values in LDAP
$entry -> replace($replace_attrs);
self :: log_debug("update($object_type, $dn): update entry (for dropped attributes: ".implode(', ', array_keys($replace_attrs)).")");
$ret = $entry -> update();
// Check result
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'original_entry' => &$original_entry, 'entry' => &$entry,
'changes' => $replace_attrs, 'error' => $ret->getMessage()
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_06');
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,'NetLdap-Error : '.$ret->getMessage());
return false;
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'original_entry' => &$original_entry, 'entry' => &$entry,
'changes' => $replace_attrs
return true;
* Test to bind to LDAP directory
* This method establish a connection to the LDAP server and test
* to bind with provided DN and password.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @return boolean True on bind success, False otherwise.
public static function checkBind($dn,$pwd) {
$config = self :: $config;
$config['binddn'] = $dn;
$config['bindpw'] = $pwd;
$cnx = Net_LDAP2::connect($config);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($cnx)) {
return false;
return true;
* Return the status of the LDAP connection
* @return boolean True if connected on LDAP server, False otherwise
public static function isConnected() {
return (self :: $cnx == NULL)?false:true;
* Drop an object in LDAP directory
* @param string $dn The DN of the object to remove
* @return boolean True if object was removed, False otherwise.
public static function remove($dn) {
if (!self :: fireEvent('removing', array('dn' => $dn)))
return false;
$ret = self :: $cnx -> delete($dn,array('recursive' => true));
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
self :: fireEvent('remove_failure', array('dn' => $dn, 'error' => $ret->getMessage()));
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,'NetLdap-Error : '.$ret->getMessage());
return false;
self :: fireEvent('removed', array('dn' => $dn));
return true;
* Move an entry in LDAP directory
* @param string $old The current object DN
* @param string $new The new object DN
* @return boolean True if object was moved, False otherwise.
public static function move($old, $new) {
if (!self :: fireEvent('moving', array('old' => $old, 'new' => $new)))
return false;
$ret = self :: $cnx -> move($old, $new);
if (Net_LDAP2::isError($ret)) {
self :: fireEvent(
array('old' => $old, 'new' => $new, 'error' => $ret->getMessage())
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_07');
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,'NetLdap-Error : '.$ret->getMessage());
return false;
self :: fireEvent('moved', array('old' => $old, 'new' => $new));
return true;
* Combine LDAP Filters
* @param string $op The combine logical operator. May be "and",
* "or", "not" or the subsequent logical
* equivalents "&", "|", "!".
* @param array[string|Net_LDAP2_Filter] $filters Array of LDAP filters (as string or
* Net_LDAP2_Filter object)
* @param boolean $asStr Set to true if you want to retreive
* combined filter as string instead of
* as a Net_LDAP2_Filter object (optional,
* default: false)
* @return string|Net_LDAP2_Filter|false The combined filter or False in case of error
public static function combineFilters($op, $filters, $asStr=false) {
if (is_array($filters) && !empty($filters)) {
if (count($filters)==1) {
if ($asStr && $filters[0] instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
return $filters[0]->asString();
else {
return $filters[0];
if (!Net_LDAP2::isError($filter)) {
if ($asStr) {
return $filter->asString();
else {
return $filter;
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,$filter -> getMessage());
return false;
* Check LDAP Filters String
* @param string $filter A LDAP filter as string
* @return boolean True only if the filter could be parsed
public static function isValidFilter($filter) {
if (is_string($filter) && !empty($filter)) {
if (!Net_LDAP2::isError($filter)) {
return true;
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(0,$filter -> getMessage());
return false;
* Update userPassword attribute
* This method uses LDAP controls when possible (Net_LDAP2 does not).
* @param string $object_type The object type
* @param array $changed_attrs Array of changed attributes
* @param string $dn DN of the LDAP object
* @author Emmanuel Saracco <esaracco@easter-eggs.com>
* @return array|false New array of changed attributes or false
private static function updateUserPassword($object_type, $changed_attrs, $dn) {
if (self :: getConfig('version') < 3 || !function_exists('ldap_mod_replace_ext')) {
return $changed_attrs;
$ppolicyErrorMsg = array(
_('The password expired'),
_('The account is locked'),
_('The password was reset and must be changed'),
_('It is not possible to modify the password'),
_('The old password must be supplied'),
_('The password does not meet the quality requirements'),
_('The password is too short'),
_('It is too soon to change the password'),
_('This password was recently used and cannot be used again'),
self :: log_debug("updateUserPassword($object_type, $dn): update entry userPassword attribute");
$changes = array('userPassword' => self :: getAttr($changed_attrs, 'userPassword', true));
if (
!self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'new_passwords' => $changes['userPassword']
return false;
$ldap = self :: $cnx->getLink();
$ctrlRequest = array(array('oid' => LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYREQUEST));
$r = ldap_mod_replace_ext($ldap, $dn, $changes, $ctrlRequest);
if ($r && ldap_parse_result($ldap, $r, $errcode, $matcheddn, $errmsg, $ref, $ctrlResponse)) {
if ($errcode !== 0 && isset($ctrlResponse[LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYRESPONSE])) {
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'error' => $ppolicyErrorMsg[
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
return false;
// Password updated
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'new_passwords' => $changes['userPassword']
// Remove userPassword to prevent it from being processed by update()
else {
self :: fireEvent(
'object_type' => $object_type, 'dn' => $dn,
'error' => ldap_errno($ldap) !== 0?ldap_error($ldap):'unknown'
if (ldap_errno($ldap) !== 0) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_10', ldap_error($ldap));
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSldap_11');
return false;
return $changed_attrs;
* Return a configuration parameter (or default value)
* @param string $param The configuration parameter
* @param mixed $default The default value (default : null)
* @param string $cast Cast resulting value in specific type (default : disabled)
* @return mixed The configuration parameter value or default value if not set
private static function getConfig($param, $default=null, $cast=null) {
return LSconfig :: get($param, $default, $cast, self :: $config);
* Registered an action on a specific event
* @param string $event The event name
* @param callable $callable The callable to run on event
* @param array $params Paremeters that will be pass to the callable
* @return void
public static function addEvent($event, $callable, $params=NULL) {
self :: $_events[$event][] = array(
'callable' => $callable,
'params' => is_array($params)?$params:array(),
* Run triggered actions on specific event
* @param string $event Event name
* @param mixed $data Event data
* @return boolean True if all triggered actions succefully runned, false otherwise
public static function fireEvent($event, $data=null) {
$return = true;
// Binding via addEvent
if (isset(self :: $_events[$event]) && is_array(self :: $_events[$event])) {
foreach (self :: $_events[$event] as $e) {
if (is_callable($e['callable'])) {
try {
array($data), $e['params']
catch(Exception $er) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
array('callable' => format_callable($e['callable']), 'event' => $event)
$return = false;
else {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
array('callable' => format_callable($e['callable']), 'event' => $event)
$return = false;
return $return;
* Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_01',
___("LSldap: Error during the LDAP server connection (%{msg}).")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_02',
___("LSldap: Error during the LDAP search (%{msg}).")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_03',
___("LSldap: Object type unknown.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_04',
___("LSldap: Error while fetching the LDAP entry.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_05',
___("LSldap: Error while changing the LDAP entry (DN : %{dn}).")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_06',
___("LSldap: Error while deleting empty attributes.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_07',
___("LSldap: Error while changing the DN of the object.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_08',
___("LSldap: LDAP server base DN not configured.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_09',
___("LSldap: Fail to set authz proxy option on LDAP server connection.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_10',
___("LSldap: Error while changing the user password: %{msg}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_11',
___("LSldap: Unknown LDAP error while updating user password")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_12',
___("LSldap: Fail to execute trigger %{callable} on event %{event} : is not callable.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSldap_13',
___("LSldap: Error during the execution of the trigger %{callable} on event %{event}.")