Benjamin Renard f0bb4f585c LScli modify command: add autocompletion
Autocompletion feature also add on LSform and LSformElement for 
attribute values
2020-07-07 12:43:55 +02:00

326 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement');
* Select object element for LdapSaisie form
* This class define select elements for form. It extends the generic class LSformElement.
* HTML options :
* // *************************************
* 'html_options' => array (
* selectable_object => array (
* 'object_type' => '[Type of LSobject witch is selectable]',
* 'display_name_format' => '[LSformat of the display name of the LSobjects]',
* 'value_attribute' => '[The attribute name whitch is used as the key value of one LSobject]'
* )
* ),
* // *************************************
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformElement_select_object extends LSformElement {
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_select_object_field.tpl';
var $template = 'LSformElement_select_object.tpl';
* Return display informations of the element
* This method return the display informations of the element.
* @retval array
public function getDisplay($refresh=NULL){
LStemplate :: addCssFile('LSformElement_select_object.css');
if ($refresh) {
$this -> values = $this -> getValuesFromLSselect();
$return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam(
$this -> name,
'LSselect_id' => $this -> attr_html -> getLSselectId(),
'addBtn' => _('Modify'),
'deleteBtns' => _('Delete'),
'up_label' => _('Move up'),
'down_label' => _('Move down'),
'ordered' => $this -> getParam('html_options.ordered', 0, 'int'),
'multiple' => $this -> getParam('multiple', 0, 'int'),
'filter64' => base64_encode($this -> getParam('html_options.selectable_object.filter', '', 'string')),
'noValueLabel' => _('No set value'),
'noResultLabel' => _('No result')
LStemplate :: addHelpInfo(
'searchAdd' => _("Fast Add"),
'add' => _("Display advanced search and selection panel."),
'delete' => _("Delete")
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_select_object_field.js');
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_select_object.js');
if (LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect') && $this -> initLSselect()) {
LSselect :: loadDependenciesDisplay();
if ($this -> getParam('html_options.sort', true) && !$this -> getParam('html_options.ordered', false, 'bool')) {
uasort($this -> values, array($this, '_sortTwoValues'));
$return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,array(
'unrecognizedValues' => $this -> attr_html -> unrecognizedValues,
'unrecognizedValueLabel' => _("%{value} (unrecognized value)")
return $return;
* Init LSselect
* @retval boolean True if LSselect is initialized, false otherwise
private function initLSselect() {
// Retreive selectable objects configuratio from HTML attr
$objs = null;
$confs = $this -> attr_html -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs)) {
self :: log_warning($this -> name.": html_options.selectable_object not defined");
return false;
// Build selectable objects type list as required by LSselect
$select_conf = array();
foreach ($confs as $obj_type => $conf) {
$select_conf[$obj_type] = array(
'object_type' => $conf['object_type'],
'display_name_format' => $conf['display_name_format'],
'filter' => $conf['filter'],
'onlyAccessible' => $conf['onlyAccessible'],
// Init LSselect
LSselect :: init(
$this -> attr_html -> getLSselectId(),
boolval($this -> getParam('multiple', 0, 'int')),
$this -> values
return True;
* Function use with uasort to sort two values
* @param[in] $va string One value
* @param[in] $vb string One value
* @retval int Value for uasort
private function _sortTwoValues(&$va,&$vb) {
if ($this -> getParam('html_options.sortDirection') == 'DESC') {
else {
if ($va == $vb) return 0;
$val = strcoll(strtolower($va['name']), strtolower($vb['name']));
return $val*$dir;
* Return the values of the object form the session variable
public function getValuesFromLSselect() {
return $this -> attr_html -> getValuesFromLSselect();
* Export the values of the element
* @retval Array The values of the element
public function exportValues(){
$values = $this -> attr_html -> getValuesFromFormValues($this -> values);
return $values;
* Defined the value of the element from the data sent in POST with the form.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @param[in] [<b>required</b>] string or array The new value of the element
* @retval boolean Return True
public function setValueFromPostData($data) {
parent :: setValueFromPostData($data);
self :: log_debug("setValueFromPostData(): input values=".varDump($this -> values));
$this -> values = $this -> attr_html -> refreshForm($this -> values, true);
self :: log_debug("setValueFromPostData(): final values=".varDump($this -> values));
return true;
* Search the selectionable objects with a pattern
* @param[in] $pattern The pattern of the search
* @retval array(dn -> displayName) Found objects
public function searchAdd($pattern) {
$objs = array();
$confs = $this -> attr_html -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs))
$selectable_objects = array();
foreach($confs as $object_type => $conf) {
$obj_type = $this -> getParam('html_options.selectable_object.object_type');
$sparams = array();
$sparams['onlyAccessible'] = $conf['onlyAccessible'];
$objects = $objs[$object_type] -> getSelectArray(
self :: log_debug($objects);
if (!is_array($objects)) {
self :: log_warning("searchAdd($pattern): error occured looking for matching $object_type objects");
foreach($objects as $dn => $name) {
$selectable_objects[$dn] = array (
'object_type' => $object_type,
'name' => $name,
return $selectable_objects;
* This ajax method is used to refresh the value display
* in the form element after the modify LSselect window is closed.
* @param[in] $data The address to the array of data witch will be return by the ajax request
* @retval void
public static function ajax_refresh(&$data) {
if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objectdn'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) ) {
if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) {
$object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype']();
if ($_REQUEST['idform'] == 'create' || ($_REQUEST['objectdn'] && $object -> loadData($_REQUEST['objectdn']))) {
$form = $object -> getForm($_REQUEST['idform']);
$field = $form -> getElement($_REQUEST['attribute']);
$val = $field -> getValuesFromLSselect();
if ( is_array($val) ) {
$data = array(
'objects' => $val
self :: log_debug('ajax_refresh(): invalid return of $field -> getValuesFromLSselect()');
self :: log_error("ajax_refresh(): Fail to load data of object ".$_REQUEST['objecttype']." from DN '".$_REQUEST['objectdn']."'");
self :: log_error("ajax_refresh(): Fail to load object type '".$_REQUEST['objecttype']."'");
self :: log_error("ajax_refresh(): some parameter(s) are missing");
* This ajax method is used by the search-and-add function of the form element.
* @param[in] $data The address to the array of data witch will be return by the ajax request
* @retval void
public static function ajax_searchAdd(&$data) {
if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['pattern'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) ) {
if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) {
$object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype']();
$form = $object -> getForm($_REQUEST['idform']);
$field=$form -> getElement($_REQUEST['attribute']);
$data['objects'] = $field -> searchAdd($_REQUEST['pattern']);
* CLI autocompleter for form element attribute values
* @param[in] &$opts array Reference of array of avalaible autocomplete options
* @param[in] $comp_word string The (unquoted) command word to autocomplete
* @param[in] $attr_value string The current attribute value in command word to autocomplete (optional, default: empty string)
* @param[in] $multiple_value_delimiter string The multiple value delimiter (optional, default: "|")
* @param[in] $quote_char string The quote character detected (optional, default: empty string)
* @retval void
public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') {
self :: log_debug("LSformElement :: autocomplete_opts([...], '$comp_word', '$attr_value', '$multiple_value_delimiter', '$quote_char')");
// Split attribute values and retreived splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value
if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value))
// Retreive selectable objects configuration
$objs = null;
$confs = $this -> attr_html -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs);
if (!is_array($confs))
// Iter on selectable object types to retreived available autocomplete options
foreach($confs as $object_type => $conf) {
$dns = LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_dn($object_type, $last_attr_value);
self :: log_debug("LScli :: autocomplete_LSobject_dn($object_type, $last_attr_value) : ".varDump($dns));
if (is_array($dns)) {
foreach ($dns as $dn) {
$this -> add_autocomplete_attr_value_opts($opts, $attr_values, $dn, $multiple_value_delimiter, $quote_char);