2020-06-04 16:46:00 +02:00

976 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSlog_staticLoggerClass');
class LSrelation extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
// Reference to the LSldapObject
private $obj = null;
// Relation name
private $name = null;
// Relation config
private $config = null;
* LSrelation constructor
* An LSrelation object focus on one type of relations of a specific
* object. All non-static method are designed to manipulate this type
* of relation of the object specified at constuct time.
* @param[in] &$obj LSldapObject A reference to the LSldapObject
* @param [in] $relationName string The relation name
* @retval void
public function __construct(&$obj, $relationName) {
$this -> obj =& $obj;
$this -> name = $relationName;
$this -> config = $obj -> getConfig("LSrelation.$relationName");
if (!is_array($this -> config) || !$this -> checkConfig()) {
$this -> config = null;
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $relationName,
'LSobject' => $obj -> getType()
* Return a configuration parameter (or default value)
* @param[] $param The configuration parameter
* @param[] $default The default value (default : null)
* @param[] $cast Cast resulting value in specific type (default : disabled)
* @retval mixed The configuration parameter value or default value if not set
public function getConfig($param, $default=null, $cast=null) {
return LSconfig :: get($param, $default, $cast, $this -> config);
* Get relation info
* @param[in] $key string The info name
* @retval mixed The info value
public function __get($key) {
switch ($key) {
case 'name':
return $this -> name;
case 'LSobject':
case 'linkAttribute':
case 'linkAttributeValue':
case 'linkAttributeOtherValues':
case 'list_function':
case 'getkeyvalue_function':
case 'update_function':
case 'remove_function':
case 'rename_function':
case 'canEdit_function':
case 'canEdit_attribute':
return $this -> getConfig($key);
case 'linkAttributeValues':
$linkAttributeValues = (is_array($this -> linkAttributeOtherValues)?$this -> linkAttributeOtherValues:array());
if ($this -> linkAttributeValue)
$linkAttributeValues[] = $this -> linkAttributeValue;
return $linkAttributeValues;
case 'relatedEditableAttribute':
return $this -> getConfig(
$this -> getConfig('linkAttribute', false)
* Check relation configuration
* @retval boolean True if relation is properly configured, False otherwise
public function checkConfig() {
// Check LSobject parameter
if (!$this -> LSobject) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'LSobject',
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Load related object type
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> LSobject)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Check if it's a simple relation
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
// Check linkAttribute refered to an existing related object type attribute
if (!call_user_func(array($this -> LSobject, 'hasAttr'), $this -> linkAttribute)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'linkAttribute',
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Check linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttributeValue != 'dn' && !$this -> obj -> hasAttr($this -> linkAttributeValue)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'linkAttributeValue',
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
return true;
// Advanced relation: check all required parameters refered to related objects
// methods
$required_parameters = array(
'list_function', 'getkeyvalue_function', 'update_function',
'remove_function', 'rename_function', 'canEdit_function',
foreach($required_parameters as $p) {
// Check parameter is defined
if (!$this -> $p) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => $p,
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Check parameter refered to an existing related object class method
if (!method_exists($this -> LSobject, $this -> $p)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => $p,
'function' => $this -> $p,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'relation' => $this -> name,
return false;
return true;
* Check a relation exist
* @param[in] $object_type string The object type
* @param[in] $relation_name string The relation name
* @retval boolean True if relation exist, false otherwise
public static function exists($object_type, $relation_name) {
if ($object_type && LSsession :: loadLSobject($object_type)) {
return is_array(LSconfig :: get("LSobjects.$object_type.LSrelation.$relation_name"));
return false;
* Get relation name
* @retval string The relation name
public function getName() {
return $this -> name;
* Check if user can edit this relation
* @retval boolean True if user can edit this relation, false otherwise
public function canEdit() {
return LSsession :: relationCanEdit($this -> obj -> getValue('dn'),$this -> obj -> getType(),$this -> name);
* Check if user can create a related object
* @retval boolean True if user can create a related object, false otherwise
public function canCreate() {
return LSsession :: canCreate($this -> LSobject);
* List related objects
* @retval array|false An array of related objects (LSldapObject), of false in case of error
public function listRelatedObjects() {
// Load related object type
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> LSobject)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Instanciate related object
$objRel = new $this -> LSobject();
// Use list_function
if ($this -> list_function) {
if (method_exists($this -> LSobject, $this -> list_function)) {
return call_user_func_array(
array($objRel, $this -> list_function),
array(&$this -> obj)
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'list_function',
'function' => $this -> list_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return False;
// Use linkAttribute & linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
return $objRel -> listObjectsInRelation(
$this -> obj,
$this -> linkAttribute,
$this -> obj -> getType(),
$this -> linkAttributeValues
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('listing related objects')
return false;
* Get the value to store to created the relation with $this -> obj
* @retval array List of value of the link attribute
public function getRelatedKeyValue() {
// Load related object type
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> LSobject)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Instanciate related object
$objRel = new $this -> LSobject();
// Use getkeyvalue_function
if ($this -> getkeyvalue_function) {
if (method_exists($this -> LSobject, $this -> getkeyvalue_function)) {
return call_user_func_array(
array($objRel, $this -> getkeyvalue_function),
array(&$this -> obj)
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'getkeyvalue_function',
'function' => $this -> getkeyvalue_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return false;
// Use linkAttribute & linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
return $objRel -> getObjectKeyValueInRelation(
$this -> obj,
$this -> obj -> getType(),
$this -> linkAttributeValue
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('getting key value')
return false;
* Check if user can edit the relation with the specified object
* @param[in] &$objRel LSldapObject A reference to the related object
* @retval boolean True if user can edit the relation with the specified object, false otherwise
public function canEditRelationWithObject(&$objRel) {
if (!$this -> canEdit()) return;
// Use canEdit_function
if ($this -> canEdit_function) {
if (method_exists($objRel, $this -> canEdit_function)) {
return call_user_func(array($objRel, $this -> canEdit_function));
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'canEdit_function',
'function' => $this -> canEdit_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return False;
// Use related editable attribute
if ($this -> relatedEditableAttribute) {
return LSsession :: canEdit(
$objRel -> getType(),
$objRel -> getDn(),
$this -> relatedEditableAttribute
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('checking right on relation with specific object')
return false;
* Remove relation with the specified object
* @param[in] &$objRel LSldapObject A reference to the related object
* @retval boolean True if relation removed, false otherwise
public function removeRelationWithObject(&$objRel) {
// Use remove_function
if ($this -> remove_function) {
if (method_exists($this -> LSobject, $this -> remove_function)) {
return call_user_func_array(
array($objRel, $this -> remove_function),
array(&$this -> obj)
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'remove_function',
'function' => $this -> remove_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return False;
// Use linkAttribute & linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
return $objRel -> deleteOneObjectInRelation($this -> obj, $this -> linkAttribute, $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> linkAttributeValue, null, $this -> linkAttributeValues);
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('removing relation with specific object')
return false;
* Rename relation with the specified object
* @param[in] &$objRel LSldapObject A reference to the related object
* @param[in] $oldKeyValue string The old key value of the relation
* @retval boolean True if relation rename, false otherwise
public function renameRelationWithObject(&$objRel, $oldKeyValue) {
// Use rename_function
if ($this -> rename_function) {
if (method_exists($objRel,$this -> rename_function)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> rename_function), array(&$this -> obj, $oldKeyValue));
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'rename_function',
'function' => $this -> rename_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return False;
// Use linkAttribute & linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
return $objRel -> renameOneObjectInRelation(
$this -> obj,
$this -> linkAttribute,
$this -> obj -> getType(),
$this -> linkAttributeValue
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('checking right on relation with specific object')
return false;
* Update relation with the specified DN objects list
* @param[in] $listDns array Array of DN of the related objects
* @retval boolean True if relations updated, false otherwise
public function updateRelations($listDns) {
// Load related objects type
if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> LSobject)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
return false;
// Instanciate related object
$objRel = new $this -> LSobject();
// Use update_function
if ($this -> update_function) {
if (method_exists($objRel, $this -> update_function)) {
return call_user_func_array(
array($objRel, $this -> update_function),
array(&$this -> obj, $listDns)
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'parameter' => 'update_function',
'function' => $this -> update_function,
'LSobject' => $objRel -> getType(),
'relation' => $this -> name,
return false;
// Use linkAttribute & linkAttributeValue
if ($this -> linkAttribute && $this -> linkAttributeValue) {
return $objRel -> updateObjectsInRelation(
$this -> obj,
$this -> linkAttribute,
$this -> obj -> getType(),
$this -> linkAttributeValue,
$this -> linkAttributeValues
// Configuration problem
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'relation' => $this -> name,
'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject,
'action' => _('updating relations')
return false;
* Load display dependencies
* @retval void
public static function loadDependenciesDisplay() {
if (LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect')) {
LSselect :: loadDependenciesDisplay();
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSrelation.js');
LStemplate :: addCssFile('LSrelation.css');
LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam('LSrelation_labels', array(
'close_confirm_text' => _('Do you really want to delete'),
'close_confirm_title' => _('Warning'),
'close_confirm_validate' => _('Delete')
* Load LSrelations information of an object to display it on LSview.
* LSrelations information are provided to template by usind LSrelations variable.
* @param[in] $object LSldapObject L'objet dont on cherche les LSrelations
* @retval void
public static function displayInLSview($object) {
if (!($object instanceof LSldapObject))
if (!is_array($object -> getConfig('LSrelation')))
foreach($object -> getConfig('LSrelation') as $relationName => $relationConf) {
// Check user access
if (!LSsession :: relationCanAccess($object -> getValue('dn'), $object->getType(), $relationName)) {
self :: log_debug("User have no access to relation $relationName of ".$object->getType());
'label' => __($relationConf['label']),
'LSobject' => $relationConf['LSobject']
if (isset($relationConf['emptyText'])) {
$return['emptyText'] = __($relationConf['emptyText']);
else {
$return['emptyText'] = _('No object.');
'emptyText' => $return['emptyText']
$_SESSION['LSrelation'][$id] = array(
'relationName' => $relationName,
'objectType' => $object -> getType(),
'objectDn' => $object -> getDn(),
$relation = new LSrelation($object, $relationName);
if ($relation -> canEdit()) {
$return['actions'][] = array(
'label' => _('Modify'),
'url' => "object/select/$id",
'action' => 'modify',
'class' => 'LSrelation_modify',
'data' => array(
'relation-id' => $id,
if ($relation -> canCreate()) {
$return['actions'][] = array(
'label' => _('New'),
'url' => 'object/'.$relationConf['LSobject'].'/create?LSrelation='.$relationName.'&amp;relatedLSobject='.$object->getType().'&amp;relatedLSobjectDN='.urlencode($object -> getValue('dn')),
'action' => 'create',
'class' => null,
$list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects();
if (is_array($list)) {
foreach($list as $o) {
$return['objectList'][] = array(
'text' => $o -> getDisplayName(NULL,true),
'dn' => $o -> getDn(),
'canEdit' => $relation -> canEditRelationWithObject($o)
else {
self :: loadDependenciesDisplay();
LStemplate :: assign('LSrelations',$LSrelations);
LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam('LSrelations',$LSrelations_JSparams);
* AJAX methods
* Helper to check AJAX method call and instanciate corresponding
* LSldapObject and LSrelation objects.
* @param[in] &$data array Reference to AJAX returned data array
* @param[in] $additional_parameters array|string|null List of additional required parameter
* @retval array|false Array with LSobject and LSrelation
public static function _ajax_check_call(&$data, &$conf, &$object, &$relation, $additional_required_parameters=null) {
$data['success'] = false;
// Check parameters
if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
self :: log_warning("Parameter 'id' is missing.");
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_12');
return false;
// Check additional required parameters
if ($additional_required_parameters) {
if (!is_array($additional_required_parameters))
$additional_required_parameters = array($additional_required_parameters);
foreach($additional_required_parameters as $p) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST[$p])) {
self :: log_warning("Parameter '$p' is missing.");
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_12');
return false;
$data[$p] = $_REQUEST[$p];
// Check relation exists in session
if (!isset($_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']])) {
self :: log_warning("No relation '".$_REQUEST['id']."' in session");
return false;
// Load object type
$conf = $_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']];
if (!LSsession ::loadLSobject($conf['objectType'])) {
self :: log_warning("Fail to load '".$conf['objectType']."'");
return false;
$data['id'] = $_REQUEST['id'];
// Check relation exists
if (!self :: exists($conf['objectType'], $conf['relationName'])) {
self :: log_warning("Relation '".$conf['relationName']."' not found in ".$conf['objectType']." configuration");
return false;
// Instanciate object and load its data
$object = new $conf['objectType']();
if (!$object -> loadData($conf['objectDn'])) {
self :: log_warning("Fail to load data of '".$conf['objectDn']."'");
return false;
// Instanciate relation
$relation = new LSrelation($object, $conf['relationName']);
// Check user access to it relation
if (!$relation -> canEdit()) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_11');
return false;
self :: log_debug("_ajax_check_call(): ok");
return true;
* Init LSselect for a relation
* @param[in] &$data Reference to returned data array
* @retval void
public static function ajax_initSelection(&$data) {
$conf = null;
$object = null;
$relation = null;
if (!self :: _ajax_check_call($data, $conf, $object, $relation, 'href')) {
// Load LSselect
if(!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect', null, true)) {
// List related objects
$list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects();
if (!is_array($list)) {
self :: log_warning('Fail to list related objects');
// Forge selected object list for LSselect
$selected_objects = array();
foreach($list as $o) {
$selected_objects[$o -> getDn()] = array(
'object_type' => $o -> getType(),
'editableAttr' => $relation -> relatedEditableAttribute,
// Init LSselect
LSselect :: init(
array (
$relation -> LSobject => array(
'object_type' => $relation -> LSobject,
// Set success
$data['success'] = true;
* Update related object from LSselect result
* @param[in] &$data Reference to returned data array
* @retval void
public static function ajax_updateFromSelection(&$data) {
$conf = null;
$object = null;
$relation = null;
if (!self :: _ajax_check_call($data, $conf, $object, $relation)) {
$LSobjectInRelation = $object->getConfig("LSrelation.".$conf['relationName'].".LSobject");
$relationConf = $object->getConfig("LSrelation.".$conf['relationName']);
// Load LSselect
if(!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect', null, true)) {
// Retreive selected object from LSselect
$selected_objects = LSselect :: getSelectedObjects($_REQUEST['id']);
if (!is_array($selected_objects)) {
self :: log_warning("Fail to retreive selected object from LSselect");
self :: log_debug('Selected objects: '.varDump($selected_objects));
// Update related objects
if (!$relation -> updateRelations(array_keys($selected_objects))) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_03', $conf['relationName']);
self :: log_warning("Fail to update objects in relation");
self :: log_debug('Related objects updated');
// List related objects
$list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects();
if (is_array($list) && !empty($list)) {
foreach($list as $o) {
if ($relation -> canEditRelationWithObject($o)) {
$class=' LSrelation_editable';
else {
$data['html'].= "<li class='LSrelation'><a href='object/$LSobjectInRelation/".urlencode($o -> getDn())."' class='LSrelation$class' id='LSrelation_".$_REQUEST['id']."_".$o -> getDn()."'>".$o -> getDisplayName(NULL,true)."</a></li>\n";
else {
if (isset($relationConf['emptyText'])) {
$data['html'] = "<li>".__($relationConf['emptyText'])."</li>\n";
else {
$data['html'] = "<li>"._('No object.')."</li>\n";
$data['success'] = true;
* Remove related object specify by DN
* @param[in] &$data Reference to returned data array
* @retval void
public static function ajax_deleteByDn(&$data) {
$conf = null;
$object = null;
$relation = null;
if (!self :: _ajax_check_call($data, $conf, $object, $relation, 'dn')) {
// List related objects
$list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects();
if (!is_array($list)) {
self :: log_warning('Fail to list related objects');
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_03',$conf['relationName']);
// For each related objects:
// - check if DN match
// - check user can edit relation with specific object
// - remove relation
$found = false;
foreach($list as $o) {
if($o -> getDn() == $_REQUEST['dn']) {
if (!$relation -> canEditRelationWithObject($o)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_11');
if (!$relation -> removeRelationWithObject($o)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_03', $conf['relationName']);
else {
$found = true;
// Check object found
if (!$found) {
self :: log_warning("Object '".$_REQUEST['dn']."' not found in related objects list.");
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_03', $conf['relationName']);
// Set success
$data['dn'] = $_REQUEST['dn'];
$data['success'] = true;
* Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_01',
_("LSrelation : Invalid parameter '%{parameter}' of the relation %{relation}: objects %{LSobject} have no function '%{function}'.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_02',
_("LSrelation : Relation %{relation} of object type %{LSobject} unknown.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_03',
_("LSrelation : Error during relation update of the relation %{relation}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_04',
_("LSrelation : Object type %{LSobject} unknown (Relation : %{relation}).")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_05',
_("LSrelation : Incomplete configuration for LSrelation %{relation} of object type %{LSobject} for action : %{action}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_06',
_("LSrelation : Invalid editable attribute for LSrelation %{relation} with LSobject %{LSobject}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_07',
_("LSrelation : The configuration parameter '%{parameter}' of the relation %{relation} of %{LSobject} is missing.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSrelations_08',
_("LSrelation : The configuration parameter '%{parameter}' of the relation %{relation} of %{LSobject} is invalid.")