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* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSlog_staticLoggerClass');
* Default logging handler
* @property-read bool $enabled
* @property-read string $format
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSlog_handler extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass {
* The handler configuration
* (LSconfig.handlers.<name>)
* @see LSlog::start()
* @see LSlog_handler::__construct()
* @var array
protected $config = array();
* Log level
* @var string|null
protected $level;
* Default log formats
* @var LSformat
protected $default_format = '%{requesturi} - %{remoteaddr} - %{ldapservername} - %{authuser} - %{logger} - %{level} - %{message}';
* Default CLI log formats
* @var LSformat
protected $default_cli_format = '%{clibinpath} - %{logger} - %{level} - %{message}';
* Defaultly add datetime prefix (enabled/disabled)
* @see LSlog_handler::__get()
* @var bool
protected $default_datetime_prefix = true;
* Default datetime format (as expected by date())
* @see LSlog_handler::__get()
* @see date()
* @var string
protected $default_datetime_format = 'Y/m/d H:i:s';
* Explicity included loggers
* (LSconfig.handlers.<name>.loggers)
* @var array<string>
protected $loggers = array();
* Explicity excluded loggers
* (LSconfig.handlers.<name>.excluded_loggers)
* @var array<string>
protected $excluded_loggers = array();
* Constructor
* @param array $config The handler configuration (LSconfig.handlers.<name>)
* @return void
public function __construct($config) {
$this -> config = $config;
$this -> level = $this -> getConfig('level', null, 'string');
$this -> loggers = $this -> getConfig('loggers', array());
if (!is_array($this -> loggers))
$this -> loggers = array($this -> loggers);
$this -> excluded_loggers = $this -> getConfig('excluded_loggers', array());
if (!is_array($this -> excluded_loggers))
$this -> excluded_loggers = array($this -> excluded_loggers);
* Allow conversion of LSlog_handler to string
* @return string The string representation of the LSlog_handler
public function __toString() {
return "<".get_class($this)." ".implode(', ', $this -> __toStringDetails()).">";
* Return list of details for the string representation of the LSlog_handler
* @return array List of details for the string representation of the LSlog_handler
public function __toStringDetails() {
return array(
"level=".($this -> level?$this -> level:'default'),
"loggers=".($this -> loggers?implode(',', $this -> loggers):'all'),
"excluded loggers=".($this -> excluded_loggers?implode(',', $this -> excluded_loggers):'no'),
* Get handler info
* @param string $key The info name
* @return mixed The info value
public function __get($key) {
switch ($key) {
case 'enabled':
return $this -> getConfig('enabled', true, 'bool');
case 'format':
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli")
$format = $this -> getConfig('cli_format', $this -> default_cli_format, 'string');
$format = $this -> getConfig('format', $this -> default_format, 'string');
// Add datetime prefix (if enabled)
if ($this -> getConfig('datetime_prefix', $this -> default_datetime_prefix, 'boolean')) {
$format = date($this -> getConfig('datetime_format', $this -> default_datetime_format, 'string'))." - $format";
return $format;
// Unknown key, log warning
self :: log_warning("__get($key): invalid property requested\n".LSlog :: get_debug_backtrace_context());
* Check system compatibility with this handler
* Note : LSlog do not generate no error about imcompatibly, it's
* just omit this handler if system is incompatible. You have to
* trigger it with this method if you want.
* @return bool True if system is compatible, False otherwise
public function checkCompatibility() {
return True;
* Get a configuration variable value
* @param string $var The configuration variable name
* @param mixed $default The default value to return if configuration variable
* is not set (Default : null)
* @param string|null $cast The type of expected value. The configuration variable
* value will be cast as this type. Could be : bool, int,
* float or string. (Optional, default : raw value)
* @return mixed The configuration variable value
public function getConfig($var, $default=null, $cast=null) {
return LSconfig :: get($var, $default, $cast, $this -> config);
* Set log level
* @param string $level The level
* @return bool True if log level set, False otherwise
public function setLevel($level) {
if (!is_null($level) && !LSlog :: checkLevelExists($level)) {
self :: log_error("Invalid log level '$level'");
return false;
self :: log_debug("Log handler ".get_called_class()." level set to ".(is_null($level)?'default':$level));
$this -> level = $level;
return true;
* Check level against configured level
* @param string $level The level
* @return bool True if a message with this level have to be logged, False otherwise
public function checkLevel($level) {
return LSlog :: checkLevel($level, $this -> level);
* Check logger against configured loggers filters
* @param string $logger The logger name
* @return bool True if message of this logger have to be logged, False otherwise
public function checkLogger($logger) {
if (!$this -> loggers && !$this -> excluded_loggers)
return true;
if ($this -> loggers && in_array($logger, $this -> loggers))
return true;
if ($this -> excluded_loggers && !in_array($logger, $this -> excluded_loggers))
return true;
return false;
* Log a message
* @param string $level The message level
* @param string $message The message
* @param string|null $logger The logger name (optional, default: null)
* @return void
public function logging($level, $message, $logger=null) {
* Format a message
* @param string $level The message level
* @param string $message The message
* @param string|null $logger The logger name (optional, default: null)
* @return string The formated message to log
protected function format($level, $message, $logger=null) {
global $argv;
return getFData(
$this -> format,
'level' => $level,
'message' => $message,
'logger' => ($logger?$logger:'default'),
'clibinpath' => (isset($argv)?basename($argv[0]):'unknown bin path'),
'requesturi' => (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']:'unknown request URI'),
'remoteaddr' => (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])?$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']:'unknown remote address'),
'ldapservername' => self :: getLdapServerName(),
'authuser' => self :: getAuthenticatedUserDN(),
* Helper to retrieve current LDAP server name
* @return string Current LDAP server name
private static function getLdapServerName() {
if (LSsession :: $ldapServer) {
if (isset(LSsession :: $ldapServer['name']))
return LSsession :: $ldapServer['name'];
return "#".LSsession :: get('ldap_server_id');
return "Not connected";
* Helper to retrieve current authenticated user DN
* @return string Current authenticated user DN
private static function getAuthenticatedUserDN() {
$auth_dn = LSsession :: getLSuserObjectDn();
if ($auth_dn)
return LSsession :: getLSuserObjectDn();
return "Anonymous";