Benjamin Renard 9907e08f18 Code cleaning
2021-08-25 18:02:37 +02:00

474 lines
15 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement');
* Element jsonCompositeAttribute for LSform
* This classe permit to handle compostie attributes encoded with JSON.
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement {
var $template = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.tpl';
var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field.tpl';
public function __construct(&$form, $name, $label, $params, &$attr_html){
parent :: __construct($form, $name, $label, $params,$attr_html);
$this -> components = $this -> getParam('html_options.components', array());
* Value components :
* Format :
* array (
* '[component1_key]' => array (
* 'label' => '[component label]',
* 'type' => '[component type]',
* 'required' => '[booléen]',
* 'check_data' => array([config LSform_rule])
* ),
* '[component2_key]' => array (
* 'label' => 'label2',
* 'type' => 'select_list',
* 'options' => array([config as LSattr_html_select_list html_options]),
* ),
* [...]
* )
* Types :
* - 'select_list' => Component feed by a list of valeur configured like an
* atribute LSattr_html :: select_list.
* - 'text' => manual entry
var $components = array();
* Parse values
* @retval array Parsed values
private function parseValues() {
self :: log_trace('values: '.varDump($this -> values));
foreach($this -> values as $val) {
$decodedValue = json_decode($val, true);
self :: log_trace('decoded value: '.varDump($decodedValue));
if (is_array($decodedValue)) {
$parseValue = array('value' => $val);
foreach($decodedValue as $c => $cvalue) {
$parseValue[$c] = $this -> translateComponentValue($c,$cvalue);
$parseValues[] = $parseValue;
self :: log_trace('parsed values: '.varDump($parseValues));
return $parseValues;
* Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément
* Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement
* @retval array
public function getDisplay(){
$return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
$return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,
'parseValues' => $this -> parseValues(),
'fullWidth' => $this -> getParam('html_options.fullWidth', false, 'bool'),
LStemplate :: addCssFile('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.css');
if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam(
$this -> name,
array (
'components' => $this -> components,
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value_component_text_value.js');
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js');
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value.js');
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field.js');
LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.js');
return $return;
* Retournne un template Smarty compilé dans le contexte d'un LSformElement
* @param[in] string $template Le template à retourner
* @param[in] array $variables Variables Smarty à assigner avant l'affichage
* @retval string Le HTML compilé du template
public function fetchTemplate($template=NULL,$variables=array()) {
$components = $this -> components;
foreach($components as $c => $cconf) {
if ($cconf['type']=='select_list') {
$components[$c]['possible_values']=$this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c);
$variables['components'] = $components;
return parent::fetchTemplate($template, $variables);
* Translate componant value
* Return an array containing :
* - value : untranslated value
* - translated : translated value
* @param[in] $c string The component name
* @param[in] $value string The value
* @param[in] $inLoop boolean Internal param to control recursion
* @retval array
protected function translateComponentValue($c,$value,$inLoop=false) {
if (!$inLoop && isset($this -> components[$c]['multiple']) && $this -> components[$c]['multiple']) {
$retval = array();
foreach(ensureIsArray($value) as $val)
$retval[] = $this -> translateComponentValue($c, $val, true);
else {
$retval = array (
'translated' => $value,
'value' => $value,
if (isset($this -> components[$c])) {
if ($this -> components[$c]['type']=='select_list') {
$retval['translated'] = $this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c,$value);
//elseif type == 'text' => no transformation
return $retval;
* Retrieve possible values of an select_list component
* @param[in] $c string The component name
* @retval array
protected $_cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues=array();
protected function getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c) {
if (!isset($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c])) {
if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSattr_html_select_list')) return;
$this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c] = LSattr_html_select_list :: _getPossibleValues(
$this -> components[$c]['options'],
$this -> name,
self :: log_trace(
"Component $c possible values: ".varDump($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c])
return $this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c];
* Retrieve value's label of an select_list component
* @param[in] $c string The component name
* @param[in] $value string The value
* @retval array
protected function getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c, $value) {
if ($this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c)) {
foreach ($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c] as $v => $label) {
if (is_array($label)) {
if (!isset($label['possible_values'])) continue;
foreach ($label['possible_values'] as $vk => $vl)
if ($vk == $$value) return $vl;
if ($v == $value) return $label;
self :: log_trace("No label found for value '$value'");
* Retrieve LSformElement value from POST data
* This method check present of this element's value in POST data and retrieve
* it to feed the array passed in paramater.
* @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retrieved values
* @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data,
* just ignore it.
* @retval boolean true if value is in POST data, false instead
public function getPostData(&$return, $onlyIfPresent=false) {
if($this -> isFreeze()) {
return true;
// Extract value form POST data
$parseValues = array();
// API mode
if ($this -> form -> api_mode) {
$json_values = $this -> getData($_POST, $this -> name);
if (!is_array($json_values) || empty($json_values)) {
self :: log_trace($this." -> getPostData(): not in POST data");
return true;
$json_value_count = 0;
foreach($json_values as $json_value) {
$json_value_count += 1;
$input_value = json_decode($json_value, true);
if (!is_array($input_value)) {
$this -> form -> setElementError(
$this -> attr_html,
getFData(_('Fail to decode JSON value #%{idx}.'), $json_value_count)
$parseValue = array();
$unemptyComponents = array();
foreach (array_keys($this -> components) as $c) {
if (!isset($input_value[$c]))
if ($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'multiple', false, 'bool')) {
$parseValue[$c] = array();
if (is_array($input_value[$c])) {
foreach($input_value[$c] as $val) {
if (is_empty($val))
$parseValue[$c][] = $val;
else {
$parseValue[$c] = $input_value[$c];
if (is_empty($parseValue[$c])) {
$unemptyComponents[] = $c;
// Ignore empty value from form
if (empty($unemptyComponents))
$parseValues[] = $parseValue;
elseif (is_array($_POST[$this -> name.'__values_uuid'])) {
// HTML form mode
foreach ($_POST[$this -> name.'__values_uuid'] as $uuid) {
$parseValue = array();
$unemptyComponents = array();
foreach (array_keys($this -> components) as $c) {
if (!isset($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid]))
$parseValue[$c] = array();
foreach($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid] as $val) {
if (empty($val))
$parseValue[$c][] = $val;
if (empty($parseValue[$c])) {
if (!$this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'multiple', false, 'bool')) {
$parseValue[$c] = $parseValue[$c][0];
$unemptyComponents[] = $c;
// Ignore empty value from form
if (empty($unemptyComponents))
$parseValues[] = $parseValue;
// Check extracted values
foreach ($parseValues as $parseValue) {
// Check component value
foreach ($parseValue as $c => $value)
$this -> checkComponentValues($c, $value);
// Check required components
foreach (array_keys($this -> components) as $c) {
if ($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'required', false, 'bool') && !isset($parseValue[$c])) {
$this -> form -> setElementError(
$this -> attr_html,
_('Component %{c} must be defined'),
__($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'label'))
$return[$this -> name][] = json_encode($parseValue);
return true;
* Check one component's values
* @param[] $c The component name
* @param[] $value The values of the component
* @retval void
private function checkComponentValues($c, $value) {
// Check select_list component's values
if ($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'type') == 'select_list') {
if ($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'multiple', false, 'bool')) {
foreach ($value as $val) {
$this -> checkSelectListComponentValue($c, $val);
$this -> checkSelectListComponentValue($c, $value);
// Apply check data rules
LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformRule', null, true);
foreach($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'check_data', array(), 'array') as $ruleType => $rconf) {
$errors = LSformRule :: validate_values($ruleType, $value, $rconf, $this);
if (is_array($errors)) {
$retval = false;
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$this -> form -> setElementError(
$this -> attr_html,
__('%{label}: %{error}'),
'label' => __($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'label')),
'error' => $error,
* Check one select_list component's value
* @param[] $c The component name
* @param[] $value The value to check
* @retval void
private function checkSelectListComponentValue($c, $value) {
if (!$this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c, $value)) {
$this -> form -> setElementError(
$this -> attr_html,
_('Invalid value "%{value}" for component %{component}.'),
'value' => $value,
'component' => __($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'label'))
* Return a configuration parameter for a specific component (or default value)
* @param[] $component The component name
* @param[] $param The configuration parameter
* @param[] $default The default value (default : null)
* @param[] $cast Cast resulting value in specific type (default : disabled)
* @retval mixed The configuration parameter value or default value if not set
public function getComponentConfig($component, $param, $default=null, $cast=null) {
return LSconfig :: get(
$param, $default, $cast,
(array_key_exists($component, $this -> components)?$this -> components[$component]:array())
* Retrieve value as return in API response
* @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type
* support it (optional, default: false)
* @retval mixed API value(s) or null/empty array if no value
public function getApiValue($details=false) {
$values = array();
foreach(ensureIsArray($this -> values) as $value) {
$decodedValue = json_decode($value, true);
if (is_array($decodedValue)) {
$parsedValue = array();
foreach(array_keys($this -> components) as $c) {
if (!isset($decodedValue[$c]))
if ($this -> getComponentConfig($c, 'multiple', false, 'bool')) {
$parsedValue[$c] = ensureIsArray($decodedValue[$c]);
else {
$parsedValue[$c] = $decodedValue[$c];
$values[] = $parsedValue;
if ($this -> isMultiple()) {
return $values;
if (!$values)
return null;
return $values[0];