Benjamin Renard dd80110e6d - Modification des templates :
-> Le choix du niveau est maintenant dans le menu de gauche
 -> Le logo est cliquable (retour à l'accueil)
- Mise en cache des subDnLdapServer (sous-niveaux)
- Modification majeur sur le module de recherche :
  -> Refonte du mécanisme de la page
	-> Ajout du cache de recherche (gain notable de rapidité)
	-> Ajout d'un message quand la recherche ne retourne aucun résultat
	-> Possibilité de faire une recherche récursive
- Personnalisation rendu possible du nom donné au concepte de niveau
- LSldapObject : Correction d'un bug dans la méthode listObjects() : Warning
  lors de certains retours vides.
- LSsession : 
  -> Création de méthode pour centraliser les tests d'activation des caches
  -> Proprité ajax_displate : permet l'affichage des debugs à travers les 
	   requêtes ajax du type 'update'
- LSsmoothbox : Modification de l'affichage
2008-06-18 12:27:35 +00:00

287 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
require_once 'includes/functions.php';
require_once 'includes/class/class.LSsession.php';
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] = new LSsession();
if($LSsession -> startLSsession()) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['LSobject'])) {
$LSobject = $_REQUEST['LSobject'];
if ( $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> loadLSobject($LSobject) ) {
$object = new $LSobject();
$GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('pagetitle',$object -> getLabel());
$GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSobject_list_objectname',$object -> getLabel());
if (isset($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject])) {
$filter = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['filter'];
if (isCompatibleDNs($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['topDn'],$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn)) {
$topDn = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['topDn'];
debug("topDn from cache : ".$topDn);
else {
$topDn = $object -> config['container_dn'].','.$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
debug("topDn from cache : ".$topDn);
$params = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['params'];
$pattern = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['pattern'];
$recur = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['recur'];
$approx = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['approx'];
$selectedTopDn = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject]['selectedTopDn'];
else {
$filter = NULL;
$topDn = $object -> config['container_dn'].','.$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
$params = array('scope' => 'one');
$pattern = false;
$recur = false;
$approx = false;
$selectedTopDn = $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
if (isset($_REQUEST['LSview_search_submit'])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['LSview_pattern']) && ($_REQUEST['LSview_pattern']!=$pattern)) {
$pattern = $_REQUEST['LSview_pattern'];
$approx = (isset($_REQUEST['LSview_approx']));
if ($pattern && $pattern!='') {
if ($approx) {
foreach ($object -> attrs as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
else {
foreach ($object -> attrs as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
else {
$filter = NULL;
if (isset($_REQUEST['LSview_recur'])) {
$recur = true;
$params['scope'] = 'sub';
if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> validSubDnLdapServer($_REQUEST['LSselect_topDn'])) {
$topDn = $_REQUEST['LSselect_topDn'];
$selectedTopDn = $topDn;
else {
$topDn = $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
$selectedTopDn = $topDn;
else {
$recur = false;
$params['scope'] = 'one';
if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> validSubDnLdapServer($_REQUEST['LSselect_topDn'])) {
$topDn = $object -> config['container_dn'].','.$_REQUEST['LSselect_topDn'];
$selectedTopDn = $_REQUEST['LSselect_topDn'];
else {
$topDn = $object -> config['container_dn'].','.$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
$selectedTopDn = $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> topDn;
// Sauvegarde en Session
$_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$LSobject] = array(
'filter' => $filter,
'topDn' => $topDn,
'params' => $params,
'pattern' => $pattern,
'recur' => $recur,
'approx' => $approx,
'selectedTopDn' => $selectedTopDn
if ($recur) {
if ($approx) {
// Hidden fields
'LSobject' => $LSobject,
'LSview_search_submit' => 1,
'ajax' => 1
// Hash de la recherche déterminer à partir des paramètres de la recherche
$hash = mhash (MHASH_MD5,
'LSobject' => $LSobject,
'filter' => $filter,
'topDn' => $topDn,
'params' => $params
if (($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> cacheSearch()) && isset($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$hash]) && (!isset($_REQUEST['refresh']))) {
// On affiche à partir du cache
debug('From cache');
else {
$LSview_actions[] = array (
'label' => _('Rafraîchir'),
'url' => 'view.php?LSobject='.$LSobject.'&amp;refresh',
'action' => 'refresh'
$list=$object -> listObjects($filter,$topDn,$params);
$subDnLdapServer = $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> getSortSubDnLdapServer();
foreach($list as $thisObject) {
if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canAccess($LSobject,$thisObject->getValue('dn'))) {
while (!$subDn_name && next($subDnLdapServer)) {
if (isCompatibleDNs(key($subDnLdapServer),$thisObject -> getValue('dn'))) {
'dn' => $thisObject->getValue('dn'),
'displayValue' => $thisObject->getDisplayValue(),
'subDn' => $subDn_name
else {
$searchData['LSview_actions'] = $LSview_actions;
if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> cacheSearch()) {
// Pagination
if ($searchData['LSobject_list_nbresult'] > NB_LSOBJECT_LIST) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
$searchData['objectList'] = array_slice($searchData['objectList'], ($_REQUEST['page']) * NB_LSOBJECT_LIST, NB_LSOBJECT_LIST);
else {
$searchData['objectList'] = array_slice($searchData['objectList'], 0, NB_LSOBJECT_LIST);
$searchData['LSobject_list_nbpage']=ceil($searchData['LSobject_list_nbresult'] / NB_LSOBJECT_LIST);
// Bis/Pas Bis + Select/Pas Select
for($i=0;$i<count($searchData['objectList']);$i++) {
if ($i%2==0) {
else {
if (is_array($_SESSION['LSselect'][$LSobject])) {
if(in_array($searchData['objectList'][$i]['dn'],$_SESSION['LSselect'][$LSobject])) {
$select = true;
else {
$select = false;
else {
$select = false;
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSview.js');
'action' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
'submit' => _('Rechercher'),
'LSobject' => $LSobject
$GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSview_search_recur_label',_('Recherche récursive'));
$GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSview_search_approx_label',_('Recherche approximative'));
$GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSobject_list_without_result_label',_("Cette recherche n'a retourné aucun résultat."));
$GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('LSview_actions',$searchData['LSview_actions']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['ajax'])) {
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('select_table.tpl');
else {
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('select.tpl');
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> ajaxDisplay = true;
else {
$GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1004,$LSobject);
else {
$GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1012);
else {
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('login.tpl');
// Affichage des retours d'erreurs
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> displayTemplate();