2021-06-10 18:45:00 +02:00

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* Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
* https://ldapsaisie.org
* Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Type d'attribut HTML select_list
* 'html_options' => array (
* 'possible_values' => array (
* '[LSformat de la valeur clé]' => '[LSformat du nom d'affichage]',
* ...
* 'OTHER_OBJECT' => array (
* 'object_type' => '[Type d'LSobject]',
* 'display_name_format' => '[LSformat du nom d'affichage des LSobjects]',
* 'value_attribute' => '[Nom de l'attribut clé]',
* 'filter' => '[Filtre de recherche des LSobject]',
* 'scope' => '[Scope de la recherche]',
* 'basedn' => '[Basedn de la recherche]'
* )
* )
* ),
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSattr_html_select_list extends LSattr_html{
var $LSformElement_type = 'select';
* Ajoute l'attribut au formualaire passer en paramètre
* @param[in] &$form LSform Le formulaire
* @param[in] $idForm L'identifiant du formulaire
* @param[in] $data Valeur du champs du formulaire
* @retval LSformElement L'element du formulaire ajouté
public function addToForm (&$form,$idForm,$data=NULL) {
$possible_values=$this -> getPossibleValues();
$this -> config['text_possible_values'] = $possible_values;
if ($element) {
// Mise en place de la regle de verification des donnees
$form -> addRule($this -> name, 'LSformElement_select_validValue', array('msg'=> _('Invalid value'),'params' => array('possible_values' => $possible_values)) );
return $element;
* Return array of possible values with translated labels (if enabled)
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array Associative array with possible values as key and corresponding
* translated label as value.
protected function getPossibleValues() {
return static :: _getPossibleValues(
$this -> getConfig('html_options'),
$this -> name,
* Return array of possible values with translated labels (if enabled)
* @param[in] $options Attribute HTML options (optional)
* @param[in] $name Attribute name (optional)
* @param[in] &$ldapObject Related LSldapObject (optional)
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array Associative array with possible values as key and corresponding
* translated label as value.
public static function _getPossibleValues($options=false, $name=false, &$ldapObject=false) {
// Handle get_possible_values parameter
$retInfos = self :: getCallablePossibleValues($options, $name, $ldapObject);
if (!is_array($retInfos))
$retInfos = array();
// Handle other configured possible values
if (is_array($options) && isset($options['possible_values']) && is_array($options['possible_values'])) {
$translate_labels = LSconfig :: get('translate_labels', true, 'bool', $options);
foreach($options['possible_values'] as $val_key => $val_label) {
if($val_key==='OTHER_OBJECT') {
$objInfos=static :: getLSobjectPossibleValues($val_label,$options,$name);
$retInfos=static :: _array_merge($retInfos,$objInfos);
elseif($val_key==='OTHER_ATTRIBUTE') {
$attrInfos=static :: getLSattributePossibleValues($val_label, $options, $name, $ldapObject);
$retInfos=static :: _array_merge($retInfos,$attrInfos);
elseif (is_array($val_label)) {
if (!isset($val_label['possible_values']) || !is_array($val_label['possible_values']) || !isset($val_label['label']))
foreach($val_label['possible_values'] as $vk => $vl) {
if ($vk==='OTHER_OBJECT') {
$objInfos=static :: getLSobjectPossibleValues($vl,$options,$name);
$subRetInfos=static :: _array_merge($subRetInfos,$objInfos);
else {
$vk = $ldapObject->getFData($vk);
$vl = $ldapObject->getFData(($translate_labels?__($vl):$vl));
$subRetInfos[$vk] = $vl;
static :: _sort($subRetInfos,$options);
$subRetLabel = $ldapObject->getFData(($translate_labels?__($val_label['label']):$val_label['label']));
$retInfos[] = array (
'label' => $subRetLabel,
'possible_values' => $subRetInfos
else {
$val_key = $ldapObject->getFData($val_key);
$val_label = $ldapObject->getFData(($translate_labels?__($val_label):$val_label));
$retInfos[$val_key] = $val_label;
static :: _sort($retInfos, $options);
return $retInfos;
* Merge arrays preserving keys (string or numeric)
* As array_merge PHP function, this function merge arrays but
* this method permit to preverve key even if it's numeric key.
* @retval array Merged array
protected static function _array_merge() {
foreach(func_get_args() as $a) {
foreach($a as $k => $v) {
return $ret;
* Apply sort feature on possible values if this feature is enabled
* @param[in] &$retInfos array Possible values array reference to sort
* @param[in] $options array|false Attribute HTML options
* @retval void
public static function _sort(&$retInfos, $options) {
if (!isset($options['sort']) || $options['sort']) {
if (isset($options['sortDirection']) && $options['sortDirection']=='DESC') {
else {
* Function use with uasort to sort two values in ASC order
* @param[in] $va string One value
* @param[in] $vb string One value
* @retval int Value for uasort
protected static function _sortTwoValuesAsc(&$va,&$vb) {
if (is_array($va)) {
else {
if (is_array($vb)) {
else {
if ($nva == $nvb) return 0;
return strcoll(strtolower($nva), strtolower($nvb));
* Function use with uasort to sort two values in DESC order
* @param[in] $va string One value
* @param[in] $vb string One value
* @retval int Value for uasort
protected static function _sortTwoValuesDesc(&$va,&$vb) {
return (-1 * static :: _sortTwoValuesAsc($va,$vb));
* Retourne un tableau des valeurs possibles d'un type d'objet
* @param[in] $conf OTHER_OBJECT configuration array
* @param[in] $options array|false Attribute HTML options
* @param[in] $name Attribute name
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array Tableau associatif des valeurs possible de la liste avec en clé
* la valeur des balises option et en valeur ce qui sera affiché.
protected static function getLSobjectPossibleValues($conf, $options, $name) {
$retInfos = array();
if ((!isset($conf['object_type'])) || ((!isset($conf['value_attribute'])) && (!isset($conf['values_attribute'])))) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_01',$name);
if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSsearch')) {
'filter' => (isset($conf['filter'])?$conf['filter']:null),
'basedn' => (isset($conf['basedn'])?$conf['basedn']:null),
'scope' => (isset($conf['scope'])?$conf['scope']:null),
'displayFormat' => (isset($conf['display_name_format'])?$conf['display_name_format']:null),
'onlyAccessible' => (isset($conf['onlyAccessible'])?$conf['onlyAccessible']:False),
if (isset($conf['value_attribute']) && $conf['value_attribute']!='dn') {
$param['attributes'][] = $conf['value_attribute'];
if (isset($conf['values_attribute'])) {
$param['attributes'][] = $conf['values_attribute'];
$LSsearch = new LSsearch($conf['object_type'],'LSattr_html_select_list',$param,true);
$LSsearch -> run();
if (isset($conf['value_attribute'])) {
if(($conf['value_attribute']=='dn')||($conf['value_attribute']=='%{dn}')) {
$retInfos = $LSsearch -> listObjectsName();
else {
$list = $LSsearch -> getSearchEntries();
foreach($list as $entry) {
$key = $entry -> get($conf['value_attribute']);
if(is_array($key)) {
$key = $key[0];
$retInfos[$key]=$entry -> displayName;
if (isset($conf['values_attribute'])) {
$list = $LSsearch -> getSearchEntries();
foreach($list as $entry) {
$keys = $entry -> get($conf['values_attribute']);
foreach (ensureIsArray($keys) as $key) {
static :: _sort($retInfos,$options);
return $retInfos;
* Retourne un tableau des valeurs possibles d'un autre attribut
* @param[in] $attr OTHER_ATTRIBUTE configuration value
* @param[in] $options array|false Attribute HTML options
* @param[in] $name Attribute name
* @param[in] $LSldapObject LSldapObject reference
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array Tableau associatif des valeurs possible de la liste avec en clé
* la valeur des balises option et en valeur ce qui sera affiché.
protected function getLSattributePossibleValues($attr, $options ,$name ,&$ldapObject) {
if (is_string($attr)) {
if (isset($ldapObject->attrs[$attr]) && $ldapObject->attrs[$attr] instanceof LSattribute) {
$attr_values = ensureIsArray($ldapObject->attrs[$attr]->getValue());
if (isset($options['translate_labels']) && !$options['translate_labels']) {
foreach($attr_values as $attr_value)
$retInfos[$attr_value] = $attr_value;
else {
foreach($attr_values as $attr_value)
$retInfos[$attr_value] = __($attr_value);
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_02',$attr);
elseif (is_array($attr)) {
if (isset($attr['attr'])) {
if (isset($ldapObject->attrs[$attr['attr']]) && $ldapObject->attrs[$attr['attr']] instanceof LSattribute) {
if (isset($attr['json_component_key'])) {
if (get_class($ldapObject->attrs[$attr['attr']]->html) == 'LSattr_html_jsonCompositeAttribute') {
$attr_values = ensureIsArray($ldapObject->attrs[$attr['attr']]->getValue());
foreach($attr_values as $attr_value) {
$value_data = @json_decode($attr_value, true);
if (!isset($value_data[$attr['json_component_key']])) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_05', array('attr' => $attr['attr'], 'value' => $attr_value, 'component' => $attr['json_component_key']));
return $retInfos;
$key = $value_data[$attr['json_component_key']];
if (isset($attr['json_component_label'])) {
if (!isset($value_data[$attr['json_component_label']])) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_05', array('attr' => $attr['attr'], 'value' => $attr_value, 'component' => $attr['json_component_label']));
return $retInfos;
$label = $value_data[$attr['json_component_label']];
$label = $key;
$retInfos[$key] = $label;
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_03',$attr['attr']);
$retInfos = static :: getLSattributePossibleValues($attr['attr'], $options ,$name ,$ldapObject);
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_02',$attr['attr']);
else {
foreach($attr as $sub_attr => $sub_label) {
$subRetInfos = static :: getLSattributePossibleValues($sub_attr, $options ,$name ,$ldapObject);
static :: _sort($subRetInfos,$options);
$retInfos[] = array (
'label' => $sub_label,
'possible_values' => $subRetInfos
static :: _sort($retInfos,$options);
return $retInfos;
* Return array of possible values with translated labels (if enabled)
* by using specify callable
* @param[in] $options Attribute HTML options
* @param[in] $name Attribute name
* @param[in] &$ldapObject Related LSldapObject
* @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
* @retval array|false Associative array with possible values as key and corresponding
* translated label as value, or false in case of error.
public static function getCallablePossibleValues($options, $name, &$ldapObject) {
// Handle get_possible_values parameter
$get_possible_values = LSconfig :: get('get_possible_values', null, null, $options);
if (!$get_possible_values)
return array();
// Check callable
if (!is_callable($get_possible_values)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_list_06', $name);
return false;
// Run callable
try {
$retInfos = call_user_func_array(
array($options, $name, $ldapObject)
catch (Exception $er) {
self :: log_exception($er, strval($this)." -> _getPossibleValues(): exception occured running ".format_callable($get_possible_values));
$retInfos = null;
// Check result
if (!is_array($retInfos)) {
LSerror :: addErrorCode(
'attr' => $name,
'callable' => format_callable($get_possible_values)
return false;
return $retInfos;
* Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_01',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Configuration data are missing to generate the select list of the attribute %{attr}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_02',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Invalid attribute %{attr} reference as OTHER_ATTRIBUTE possible values.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_03',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Attribute %{attr} referenced as OTHER_ATTRIBUTE possible values is not a jsonCompositeAttribute.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_04',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Fail to decode the following attribute %{attr} value as JSON : %{value}")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_05',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: No component %{component} found in the following attribute %{attr} JSON value : %{value}")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_06',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: Invalid get_possible_values parameter found in configuration of attribute %{attr}: must be a callable.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_list_07',
___("LSattr_html_select_list: fail to retreive possible values of attribute %{attr} using configured function %{callable}.")