*/ class LSattr_html_select_object extends LSattr_html{ var $unrecognizedValues=false; /** * Ajoute l'attribut au formualaire passer en paramètre * * @param[in] &$form LSform Le formulaire * @param[in] $idForm L'identifiant du formulaire * @param[in] $data Valeur du champs du formulaire * * @retval LSformElement L'element du formulaire ajouté */ public function addToForm (&$form,$idForm,$data=NULL) { $this -> config['attrObject'] = $this; $element=$form -> addElement('select_object', $this -> name, $this -> getLabel(), $this -> config, $this); if(!$element) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSform_06',$this -> name); return; } if ($data) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data=array($data); } $values=$this -> getFormValues($data); if ($values) { $element -> setValue($values); } } return $element; } /** * Effectue les tâches nécéssaires au moment du rafraichissement du formulaire * * Récupère un array du type array('DNs' => 'displayName') à partir d'une * liste de DNs. * * @param[in] $data mixed La valeur de l'attribut (liste de DNs) * * @retval mixed La valeur formatée de l'attribut (array('DNs' => 'displayName')) **/ public function refreshForm($data,$fromDNs=false) { return $this -> getFormValues($data,$fromDNs); } /** * Check and return selectable objects configuration and eventually instanciate * it if &instanciate * * @param[in] boolean &$instanciated_objects reference If this reference point to an array, each valid * selectable object type will be instanciated in this * array with object type name as key. * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval array|false Selectable objects configuration or False on error. */ public function getSelectableObjectsConfig(&$instanciated_objects) { $confs = $this -> getConfig('html_options.selectable_object'); if (!is_array($confs)) { self :: log_debug('getSelectableObjectsConfig(): html_options.selectable_object not properly configured'); return false; } // Make sure we have an array or configured selectable objects if (isset($confs['object_type'])) { $confs = array($confs); } // Return confs $ret_confs = array(); // For each configured object types: // - check we have the minimal configuration (object_type & value_attribute) // - check we to not have multiple conf for the same object type // - load object type // - implement an object of this type (if is_array($instanciated_objects)) // - if value are from attributes, check this attribute exists foreach ($confs as $conf) { if (!isset($conf['object_type'])) { LSerror :: addErrorCode( 'LSattr_html_select_object_01', array( 'attr' => $this -> name, 'parameter' => 'object_type', ) ); return false; } if (!isset($conf['value_attribute'])) { LSerror :: addErrorCode( 'LSattr_html_select_object_01', array( 'attr' => $this -> name, 'parameter' => 'value_attribute', ) ); return false; } if (array_key_exists($conf['object_type'], $ret_confs)) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_object_04', array('type' => $conf['object_type'], 'attr' => $this -> name)); return false; } $object_type = $conf['object_type']; if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($object_type)) return false; if (is_array($instanciated_objects)) $instanciated_objects[$object_type] = new $object_type(); if (!($conf['value_attribute']=='dn') && !($conf['value_attribute']=='%{dn}')) { if (!$object_type :: hasAttr($conf['value_attribute'])) { LSerror :: addErrorCode( 'LSattr_html_select_object_02', array( 'attr' => $this -> name, 'object_type' => $conf['object_type'], 'value_attribute' => $conf['value_attribute'], ) ); return false; } } // Handle other parameters $conf['display_name_format'] = LSconfig :: get('display_name_format', null, null, $conf); $conf['onlyAccessible'] = LSconfig :: get('onlyAccessible', false, 'bool', $conf); $conf['filter'] = LSconfig :: get('filter', null, null, $conf); $ret_confs[$object_type] = $conf; } return $ret_confs; } /** * Return an array of selected objects with DN as key and as value, an array with object name (key name) * and type (key object_type). * * @param[in] mixed $values array|null Array of the input values () * @param[in] boolean $fromDNs boolean If true, considered provided values as DNs (default: false) * @param[in] boolean $retreiveAttrValues boolean If true, attribute values will be returned instead * of selected objects info (default: false) * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval array|false Array of selected objects with DN as key and object info as value or array * of attribute values if $retreiveAttrValues==true or False on error. */ public function getFormValues($values=NULL, $fromDNs=false, $retreiveAttrValues=false) { self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): input values=".varDump($values)); // Check parameters consistency if ($retreiveAttrValues && !$fromDNs) { self :: log_fatal('getFormValues(): $fromDNs must be true if $retreiveAttrValues==true'); return false; } if (!is_array($values)) { self :: log_warning('getFormValues(): $values is not array'); return false; } // Retreive/check selectable objects config $objs = array(); $confs = $this -> getSelectableObjectsConfig($objs); if (!is_array($confs) || empty($confs)) { self :: log_warning('getFormValues(): invalid selectable objects config'); return false; } $selected_objects = array(); $unrecognizedValues = array(); $found_values = array(); foreach ($confs as $conf) { foreach($values as $value) { // If we already mark its value as unrecognized, pass if (in_array($value, $unrecognizedValues)) continue; // Ignore empty value if (empty($value)) continue; // Determine value attribute: DN/attribute valued (or force form DNs) if(($conf['value_attribute']=='dn') || ($conf['value_attribute']=='%{dn}') || $fromDNs) { // Construct resulting list from DN values if ($conf['onlyAccessible']) { if (!LSsession :: canAccess($conf['object_type'], $value)) { self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): ".$conf['object_type']."($value): not accessible, pass"); continue; } } // Load object data (with custom filter if defined) if(!$objs[$conf['object_type']] -> loadData($value, $conf['filter'])) { self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): ".$conf['object_type']."($value): not found, pass"); continue; } self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): ".$conf['object_type']."($value): found"); // Check if it's the first this value match with an object if (isset($found_values[$value])) { // DN match with multiple object type LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_object_03',array('val' => $value, 'attribute' => $this -> name)); $unrecognizedValues[] = $value; unset($selected_objects[$found_values[$value]]); break; } $found_values[$value] = $value; if ($retreiveAttrValues) { // Retreive attribute value case: $selected_objects[dn] = attribute value if(($conf['value_attribute']=='dn') || ($conf['value_attribute']=='%{dn}')) { $selected_objects[$value] = $value; } else { $val = $objs[$conf['object_type']] -> getValue($conf['value_attribute']); if (!empty($val)) { $selected_objects[$value] = $val[0]; } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode( 'LSattr_html_select_object_06', array( 'name' => $objs[$conf['object_type']] -> getDisplayName($conf['display_name_format']), 'attr' => $this -> name ) ); } } } else { // General case: $selected_objects[dn] = array(name + object_type) $selected_objects[$value] = array( 'name' => $objs[$conf['object_type']] -> getDisplayName($conf['display_name_format']), 'object_type' => $conf['object_type'], ); self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): ".$conf['object_type']."($value): ".varDump($selected_objects[$value])); } } else { // Construct resulting list from attributes values $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create($conf['value_attribute'], 'equals', $value); if (isset($conf['filter'])) $filter = LSldap::combineFilters('and', array($filter, $conf['filter'])); $sparams = array(); $sparams['onlyAccessible'] = $conf['onlyAccessible']; $listobj = $objs[$conf['object_type']] -> listObjectsName( $filter, NULL, $sparams, $conf['display_name_format'] ); if (count($listobj)==1) { if (isset($found_values[$value])) { // Value match with multiple object type LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_object_03',array('val' => $value, 'attribute' => $this -> name)); $unrecognizedValues[] = $value; unset($selected_objects[$found_values[$value]]); break; } $dn = key($listobj); $selected_objects[$dn] = array( 'name' => $listobj[$dn], 'object_type' => $conf['object_type'], ); $found_values[$value] = $dn; } else if(count($listobj) > 1) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattr_html_select_object_03',array('val' => $value, 'attribute' => $this -> name)); if (!in_array($value, $unrecognizedValues)) $unrecognizedValues[] = $value; break; } } } } // Check if all values have been found (or already considered as unrecognized) foreach ($values as $value) { if (!isset($found_values[$value]) && !in_array($value, $unrecognizedValues)) { self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): value '$value' not recognized"); $unrecognizedValues[] = $value; } } // Retreive attribute values case: return forged array values (list of attribute values) if ($retreiveAttrValues) return array_values($selected_objects); // General case self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): unrecognizedValues=".varDump($unrecognizedValues)); $this -> unrecognizedValues = $unrecognizedValues; self :: log_debug("getFormValues(): final values=".varDump($selected_objects)); return $selected_objects; } /** * Get LSselect ID for this attribute * * @return string The LSselect ID for this attribute */ public function getLSselectId() { $id = ""; if ($this -> attribute -> ldapObject -> isNew()) $id .= $this -> attribute -> ldapObject -> getType(); else $id .= $this -> attribute -> ldapObject -> getDn(); $id .= "|".$this -> name; return $id; } /** * Return array of atttribute values form array of form values * * @param[in] mixed Array of form values * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval array|false Array of attribute values or False on error. */ public function getValuesFromFormValues($values=NULL) { if (is_array($values)) { return $this -> getFormValues(array_keys($values), true, true); } return false; } /** * Return an array of selected objects with DN as key and display name as value * from LSselect * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval array Tableau associatif des objects selectionnés avec en clé * le DN et en valeur ce qui sera affiché. */ public function getValuesFromLSselect() { $LSselect_id = $this -> getLSselectId(); if (LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect', null, true) && LSselect :: exists($LSselect_id)) { $selected_objects = LSselect :: getSelectedObjects($LSselect_id); self :: log_debug("getValuesFromLSselect(): selected objects retreived from LSselect '$LSselect_id' = ".varDump($selected_objects)); if (is_array($selected_objects)) { return $this -> getFormValues( array_keys($selected_objects), true ); } } return false; } /** * Return the values to be displayed in the LSform * * @param[in] $data The values of attribute * * @retval array The values to be displayed in the LSform **/ public function getFormVal($data) { return $data; } } /* * Error Codes */ LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_01', _("LSattr_html_select_object : parameter '%{parameter}' is missing (attribute : %{attr}).") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_02', _("LSattr_html_select_object : the value of the parameter value_attribute in the configuration of the attribute %{attrs} is incorrect. Object %{object_type} have no attribute %{value_attribute}.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_03', _("LSattr_html_select_object : more than one object returned corresponding to value %{val} of attribute %{attr}.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_04', _("LSattr_html_select_object : selection of object type %{type} is configured multiple time for attribute %{attr}.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_05', _("LSattr_html_select_object : the value '%{value}' seem to be duplicated in values of the attribute %{attr}.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattr_html_select_object_06', _("LSattr_html_select_object : selected object %{name} has no attribute %{attr} value, you can't select it.") );