ldapsaisie (4.2.0-1) stable; urgency=medium * PHP 8.2 support * LSconfig: add escape_key, explode_keys and implode_keys helper methods * Improve LSldapObject::getDisplayValue() method to match with getValue() method's parameters * Fix LSattribute::getDisplayValue() when called on updated attribute * LSattr_ldap::date: replace unique format parameter by a list * Fix some french translated messages * Auth: * LSauth: add filter_function parameter * LSauthMethod::CAS: fix support of phpCAS >= 1.6.0 and patched Debian Buster 1.3.6-1+deb10u1 version * Addons * accesslog: * Improve displaying changes attributes values * Fix infinity loop problem handling entry renaming event with the same DN * ftp: Remove PEAR Net_FTP dependency * posix: Add deleteHomeDirectoryByFTP function * supann: Add supannCMSIdEtiquette attribute support * doc: switch format to Markdown & Mkdocs -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 26 Oct 2023 11:55:52 +0200 ldapsaisie (4.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * PHP8 compatibility * Import/export: * Allow translation of labels * Add before/after import triggers feature * Allow to generate attribute value using a custom callable * Add update_only mode * Trace errors and messages during import to map them with objects and hooks. * Improve handling time & memory limits and allow before_import hook to set them * import: Check generated field value and stop import in case of error * import: Fix displaying attribute errors two times * Translation: * Fix handling backslash in export POT file * Improve internal message extrators from PHP files * CLI commands messages translation * generate_lang_file: add possibility to translate message in a text editor * generate_lang_file: ignore LSformat string with simple string substitution * Make location paths in ldapsaisie.pot file relative * generate_ldapsaisie_pot: Add -I/--internal paramater to use internal message extractor for PHP files instead of xgettext * Templating tr function: provided message could now be formated as LSformat string using extra provided parameters * Search: * handle translation of LSformat, alternativeLSformats and formaterLSformat * Fix/improve handling data keep in session * globalSearch: defaulty display extraDisplayedColumns * LSsession: * fix saving context info method to keep existing other info * canExecuteCustomAction(): fix handling self LSprofile * loadLSprofiles(): reset current LSprofiles on each call * LSprofiles by LSobject: add possibility to compute basedn using LSformat on authenticated user * LSldap: * add formatDate() method * add possibility to configure hooks * getAttr(): be sure to return on array when $multiple is true * add LDAP password policy support * update(): fix object creation with required userPassword attribute * translate code comments * fix updating internal attributes * LSform: * fix handling default values of dataEntryForm * dataEntryForm: Add forceGeneration parameter * LSformElements * inarray: add reverse parameter * jsonCompositeAttribute: * fix checking non-multiple components value * fix handling empty value & $onlyIfPresent parameter * pre: Fix long lines diplay * select_list/select_box: display values respecting possible values order and force sub-options at the end when sorting * Themes: * light-blue.css: Fix LSobject-list links color on line hover * Fix default ASC & DESC images color to fit with clear themes * Addons: * Some news addons: accesslog, impersonate, orgchart, ppolicy, showSupportInfo * Code cleaning * Mail: * fix catch all message suffix in HTML mode * make optional parameter of sendMail() defaulty null * add MAIL_CATCH_ALL parameter * SUPANN: * Rename some functions: * supannCheckEduPersonPrimaryAffiliation => validate_eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation * supannCheckEduPersonAffiliation => validate_eduPersonAffiliation * Add some new functions: * generate_supannRessourceEtat * generate_supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale & validate_supannEntiteAffectationPrincipale * Add UAI code of ENSAD * LSformElements: * supannCompositeAttribute: fix checking components value * supannEtuInscription: fix cursusann component regex * LSexample: * Make restore_lsexample compatible with OpenLDAP 2.5 (and Debian Bookworm) * LSexample: restore compatibility with Debian stretch * Remove showObjectAccessLogs custom action on LSpeople * Defaulty enable LSpeople API access * Other changes: * LSerror::getErrors(): add $reset parameter * LSselect: fix ajax input * AJAX routes: ensure to enable AJAX mode even if an error occured handling request * LSldapObject::validateAttrsData(): fix handling attribute generation of empty required attributes even if their new value have been provided * Add argon2 passwords support * LSdefault / copyable helper: add copyable-no-btn helper class and fix translating messages * Add some helper functions: generate_uuid(), getRdn() and parentDn() * Code cleaning and quality improvement using PHPstan and pre-commit & CI to maintain it * Fix typos -- Benjamin Renard Sat, 22 Jul 2023 13:38:40 +0200 ldapsaisie (4.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Add API feature * Add full import / export objets feature (see LSio & LSioFormat) * Global improvements on SUPANN support: * nomenclatures: * Update/clean nomenclatures * Normalize affiliations & civilites nomenclatures * rework on nomenclatures loading * Add support for new attributes : * supannMailPrive * supannAdressePostalePrivee * supannTelephonePrive * supannOIDCGenre * supannCodePopulation * supannEmpProfil * supannExtProfil * supannEtuDiplome * supannEtuElementPedagogique * supannEtuEtape * supannEtuRegimeInscription * supannEtuSecteurDisciplinaire * supannEtuTypeDiplome * supannRessourceEtat * supannRessourceEtatDate * add new components of supannEtuInscription attribute (SUPANN 2021) * add generate_supann_codeEtablissement_uai_nomenclature CLI command * add eduPersonUniqueId() * supannParseCompositeValue(): check global value integrity * Improve SUPANN attributes CSS * Add dynamic groups support (with cache members attributes) * Ensure attributes values are always an array in LSattribute & LSattr_ldap * Remove historic read right on all attributes of the hard-coded "admin" LSprofile * LSsession: * improve loadLSaddons() method * fix errors in changeAuthUser() and add logging messages * Fix/improve LSsession_13 errors (unconfigured/unknown custom action function) * checkAccess(): fix checking read right * Fix relationCanAccess() method and add debuging infos * displayAjaxReturn(): Adjust HTTP returned code on unsuccessfull request * getLSuserObject(): improve errors logging * setApiMode now trigger LSsession :: setAjaxDisplay() * LSldap: fix search & getNumberResult methods to use basedn from configuration instead of empty one. * LSldapObject: * make method _updateData() protected instead of private * fix/improve validateAttrData() * submitChange(): * on new object, check if generated DN is not already affected * Add security check about isNew() return * fix error renaming LSobject * fix default $attrValues handling for updateObjectsInRelation/deleteOneObjectInRelation methods * clean update/validate form data code to fix handling just check mode * fix triggering after_modify event on create * getValue(): ensure return is array in case of attribute * LSrelation: add display_name_format parameter * LSattribute: * fix canBeGenerated() when default_value isn't a string * fix handling default_value in generateValue() * add default LDAP & HTML type (ascii / text) * addToForm(): fix checking user rights before adding/freezing it * fix handling current/provided data * addToForm(): fix freezing * LSattr_ldap: * shadowExpire: * fix getUpdateData() * fix to rounding method to avoid date change * compositeValueToJSON: use static instead of self keyword (to allow override) * Add pwdHistory * date: add note about date & time with micro-seconds * naiveDate: Add format option * password: fix verify method for Salted SHA2 passwords * sambaAcctFlagsparse_flags(): fix handling null|empty value * LSattr_html: * jsonCompositeAttribute: Add fullWidth parameter and improve responsive display * sambaAcctFlags: Add note about how setting default_value * valueWithUnit: fix handling zero value * select_box: add inline parameter * fix handling current/provided data * add $singleValue class variable to handle this common case * LSform: * fix displaying error in form in case of global error * fix displaying multiple errors on same field (on Ajax submit) * display fields errors in same order as triggered * fix reporting failure on Ajax submit * LSformElement: * getApiValue(): add $details parameter * getEmptyField(): do not set value to null (already set by fetchTemplate()) * labeledValue: * fix/improve display * add translate_labels parameter and fix translating it * fix label translation on freeze view * date: fix getPostData() method * mail: * Move autocomplete feature in text parent class * fix duplicated email JS button * supannLabeledValue: Add validation of POST values from configured nomenclatures * image: fix bug deleting current image * password: * fix using LSldapobject getDisplayFData method instead of getFData * fix sendind email in create form * fix multiple sent email in some cases * supannLabeledValue: * fix unparsable value display * improve API mode * supannCompositeAttribute: * Add possibility to override parse/format value methods to handledifferent composite value formats * Add possibility to configure date components LDAP format * handle API/CLI mode * LSformRule: * add validate_values() method and use it to value rules * do not defined validate_one_by_one constant visibility * add possibility to throw custom exception to provide error details * Improve LSformRules to throw LSformRuleException with error details and only show default error message if rule does not trigger itself an error * Handle rule without options or message * Add numberOfValues rule * configure CLI parameters autocompleters * compare: code cleaning * add zxcvbn rule for password security check * LSsearch: * rename method setParamsFormPostData() to setParamsFromRequest() * setParamsFromRequest(): add check on parameters load from request data * setParamsFromRequest(): fix error handling filter parameter * LSaddons: * mail: Add test_send_mail CLI command * mailquota: improve error reporting * posix: fix generate_shadowLastChange() * samba: fix PHP warning about LS_SAMBA_UNIX_ID_POOL_DN contant * LSaccessRightsMatrixView: * handle LSform layout to ordering attributes * handle inherited rights from user LSprofiles * LSurl: * add request HTTP method check that must match with one of supported by handler (default: GET or POST) * add_handler: fix handling all params in case of multiple patterns * expose current request as static class variable * handle_request() now handle Ajax mode detection * LSurlRequest: fix fatal error on logging * LSconfig :: get(): add array casting (using ensureIsArray()) * LSlang: * fix loading alternative lang files in local directory * fix handling locales that only existing in local directory * Authentication: * Add authz proxy authorization support * LSauthMethod_HTTP: fix logging HTTP_AUTHORIZATION parsing error * Interface: * Fix/improve/factorize search pagination * Fix/improve LSobject & LSsearch customActions code * Add LSdefaut copyable feature and use it in showTechInfo * routes.php: fix error calling LSsession::addErrorCode() vs LSerror::addErrorCode() * Add footer with LdapSaisie version * Add preprod CSS & SVG image to easily add a watermark * Improve/fix LSdefaut / LSsession / LSerror / LSdebug / LSinfosBox * Fix handling noRedirect parameter of LSobject's customAction * Fix handling disableOnSuccessMsg parameter on LSobject customActions * LStemplate: * detect and stop template displaying loop (trigger a fatal error) * fatal_error(): correctly handle Ajax mode * CSS: * Fix possibility to scroll the menu on responsive view * light-blue.css: * improve custom select display * fix handling ul.LSselect_selectable_object_types * fix handling LSformElement_valueWithUnit width * Fix displaying toggle-menu button in responsive view * fix tables style * Add LStable CSS class to make easier to create customized table * HTML buttons are now handle by default CSS (and light-blue one) * CLI: * show: * fix handling --raw-values parameter * add JSON output (with -j|--json parameters) * search: * add --all parameter to permit to disable pagination * add JSON output (with -j|--json parameters) * generate_lang_file: some improvements * add -F/--fix-utf8 parameter * add -K/--keep-unused parameter * Add import & export commands * Add test_form_rule command * Default config files: * add ending-line commas to avoid problem on editing * fix value_attribute ('dn' vs '%{dn}') * Debian packaging: * Make logrotate handling all log file in /var/log/ldapsaisie * remove deprecated php-file-csv-datasource dependency * add recommend on php-unidecode (for withoutAccents() improvements) * helpers: * Add ensureIsArray() helper and use it to make code more readable * withoutAccents(): use unidecode lib if available * Improve getCallableName() * Code cleaning and fix some PHP warnings * Add some debugging/trace messages * Doc: * Add note about how setting default_value * API relation method: use group objects from LSexample * Add anchors for API sections * Remove PEAR File_CSV_DataSource deprecated dependency * add IDs to sections * Add README file * Improve doc about attribute values validation * LSrelation: Make canEdit_attribute parameter more visible in case of simple relation * improve contrib / LSformRules section * Fix project URLs and list emails addresses * LSexample: * LSpeople: * fix sambaPwdCanChange as single-value * improve pagination config * personalTitle: remove Ms deprecated possible value * LSgroup: upgrade generate_gidNumber_withSambaDomainObject to generate_samba_gidNumber * Add Ppolicy support * Add restore_lsexample script -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:11:51 +0100 ldapsaisie (3.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSsession: * includeFile(): improve logging * loadLSprofiles(): restructuring code and improve comments and logging * loadLSobject(): auto declare simple PHP class for simple LSObject type if PHP class file not found * Improve error messages * LSauthMethod :: authenticate(): fix PHP warning * LSurl::redirect: fix handling absolute URL without protocol For instance "//localhost/phpldapadmin/") * light-blue.css: fix objet link color in list when table row is hover * LStemplate::getImagePath(): handle SVG image type/ext as preferred format * LSsearch: * Fix/improve logging * Remove buggy _hash cache parameter and replace it by an hash accessible key * getHash(): fix handling onlyAccessible parameter * LSsearchEntry: remove useless $hash private property * LScli: add --trace parameter * modify page: fix URL encode object DN in redirection URL * LSlang: * Fix warning about return not True * generate_lang_file CLI command: * Add Q choice in interactive mode to quit * Factor handling possible_values of select list&box * Improve logging * Handle redirections of old-style URL even if user not authenticated * Translate LSerror message at formating/diplaying time * Attribute types: * image: fix error on non-AJAX form when no file is submitted * date: * Add special_values parameter (also add for LSformRule::date) * Make today button working even if input is empty * Add clear button * select_box: fix double translation of labels on unfreeze field * select_list: * clean code of getPossibleValues() method * add get_possible_values parameter * shadowExpire: fix getUpdateData() method to return string values and add doc about this undocumented LDAP attribute type * LSformRule: * provide reference to LSformElement instead of copied value * imagesize: use self :: log_debug() instead of LSdebug() * date: add special_values parameter * LSldapObject: * getValue(): add $first and $default parameters * submitChange(): improve logging * add isValidTypeName() method and use it in LSsession::loadLSobject(). LSobject type name must now only contains letter, digits, dash or underscore. * loadData(): explicitly list need attributes in LDAP request * LSrelation: * fix error codes prefix * check relation is correctly configured before using it to avoid some unreal warnings in case of misconfigured relation * LSformElement::getEmptyField() / LSformElement.tpl: Provide value index as $value_idx template variable * Improve POSIX and Samba support: * Improve LSaddons samba & posix * Add LSattr LDAP & HTML sambaAcctFlags type * Fix home and profile path formats in default configuration * Improve POSIX & Samba config in LSexample * LSaddons: * Add showTechInfo LSaddon * Improve LSaddons samba & posix * LSmail: add possibility to send HTML email * SUPPAN: add support for some attributes * LSaccessRightsMatrixView: handle customActions & customSearchActions * LSldap: fix/improve update() and getEntry() methods * Logging: * Improve logging on LSobject & LSattribute triggers executions * Extend LSlog_handler using LSlog_staticLoggerClass * Add warning on unknown key requested using __get methods * Add __toString() method to all common extendable PHP classes to make context logging easier * Log referrer URL in case of old-style URL redirection * LSform: * fix non-AJAX form submission (or form with input[type=file]) * fix/improve handling config (especially, fix handling ajaxSubmit configuration parameter) * Fix handling "0" (zero string) value * Doc: * some fixes and improvements * Publish and complete contrib section about LSaddons, LSformElements and LSformRules -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 30 Sep 2020 11:35:29 +0200 ldapsaisie (3.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSformElement JS: fire change event on input field cleared * LSview: Fix validated URL generation * LSformElement :: boolean: fix translation of default labels * LSaccessRightsMatrixView: fix tab links URL * Fix subDn form style * LSsession: * fix/improve methods & doc about global preference parameters * fix handling subDn in recoverPassword feature * fix usage of self :: $topDn instead of self :: getTopDn() * add setSubDn() and log_exception() methods * LScli: * fix/improve handling LDAP servers with configured subDn * search command: remove buggy --subDn parameter * LSerror: fix PHP error * light-blue.css: globally improve style and use dark-grey for text * login / recoverPassword forms: fix logo style when is too large * LSmail: fix select mail style * LSerror: format error message at adding time to fix formatting error in specific cases. * LSlog: add TRACE log level * Add some debug/trace messages * dumpFile(): add $force_download and $filename parameters -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:28:45 +0200 ldapsaisie (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * A lot of code cleaning and PHP notices fixes * Introduce LSurl, a new URL routing manager for LdapSaisie: all pages and files served by the application is now outside the web root directory. * Define base URL in page templates by using public_root_url parameter * Add a CLI commands manager and the ldapsaisie CLI tool that currently permit to: * search/list, show, create, modify and remove LSobject * run procedure implemented in LdapSaisie (useful to run it as cron for instance). * Provide BASH autocompletion mechanisms for ldapsaisie CLI tool * Replace generate_lang_file.php and generate_ldapsaisie.pot.sh script by CLI commands generate_lang_file and generate_ldapsaisie_pot * LSsession: * includeFile(): allow inclusion of external file with include path search support (see $external parameter). * deprecate redirect() method in favor of LSurl :: redirect() * move lang stuff to a dedicated LSlang class * keep trace of already loaded addon to avoid loading it more than once * add default LSprofiles with the name of authenticable object types * Move custom JS & CSS handling methods from LSsession to LStemplate * LSsearch: * fix handling approx parameter * fix possibility to specify a filter and a pattern (in the same time) * fix sorting by extraDisplayedColumns (on one setParams() call) * fix search customActions JS validation * add option to disable cache on customInfos * LdapObject: * add __toString() method to fix password recovery bug (report by Adrien Malgoyre ) * change getDisplayName $spe parameter default value from empty string to null * specify object type filter on loading data * LSrelation: globally rework and improve it * LSlog: - fix handling non-string message - console handler: fix stderr switching on message other than INFO / DEBUG - add loggers, filters and format message by handlers - some fixes and improvements on get_debug_backtrace_context() method - add enabled parameter for handlers * LSerror: - permit to control message escape method by adding a $escape parameter to all accessible methods - do not automatically close, wait user click on cross button * LSauth: - Add possibility to configure more than one LSobject type as user - Add possibility to handle duplicated identifier * LSauthMethod::CAS: Remove deprecated LSAUTH_CAS_SERVER_SSL_CERT parameter (since corresponding bogus setCasServerCert() method has been remove in phpCAS) * LSaddon: - mail: Improve mail forging method by using PEAR Mail_mime lib - LSaccessRigthsMatrixView: fix handling subDn LDAP servers configuration * LSattr_html: - mail: add autocomplete feature - select_object: Allow multiple type of objects selection - wysiwyg: adjust width - password: add confirmInput and confirmChange features and fix/improve send new password feature * LSform: - Avoid page scrolling on tab change - Add possibility to set callback to confirm/cancel event - Add CSS class on submitting form to permit visual adaptation - validate(): fix checking elements's errors after getPostData() * LSformRule: - imagesize: fix parameters handling problem - filesize: improve by avoiding to create a temporary file - email: fix handling domain parameter if its an array * Add ___() function to allow declaration of messages that will be translated at display time * LSimport: fix data removing on LSobject import * LSselect: Allow multiple type of objects selection * LStemplate: - Now offer some new methods moved from LSsession to handle custom JS & CSS: addJSscript(), addLibJSscript(), addJSconfigParam(), addHelpInfos() (renamed as addHelpInfo()), addCssFile() and addLibCssFile() - fatal_error() method now use LStemplate methods to assign variables and display template instead of directly use Smarty methods. * Interface is now responsive * Templates: * Globally rework on templates files to use blocks. Common basic templates files are now deprecated in favor to base.tpl and base_connected.tpl: accueil.tpl, blank.tpl, empty.tpl, top.tpl, bottom.tpl * Add var_dump template function helper * Rework on CSS and specially on light-blue.css to make it easily customizable, make handling more LdapSaisie components and make it more responsive. All other light-*.css file now only override some CSS variables to change base colors. * LSmail: fix/improve CSS * Fix historical typo in configuration variable name defaultJSscipts vs defaultJSscripts * Fix compatibility with Safari and add error popup on Internet Explorer -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 21 Jul 2020 14:13:30 +0200 ldapsaisie (2.4.1-0) unstable; urgency=medium * generate_lang_file.php : handle LSprofiles's label * Enable globalSearch by default * generate_lang_file.php : add ignore choice in interactive mode * LSsession : improving logging * Fix some translation problems by forcing the LANGUAGE env variable value -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 28 Oct 2019 13:03:01 +0100 ldapsaisie (2.4.0-0) unstable; urgency=medium * LSauthMethod_CAS : improve logging * Fix global search button display on Chromium * Fix some PHP 7 warnings * LSsearch : * Add nbObjectsByPageChoices parameter * Add $GLOBALS['NB_LSOBJECT_LIST_CHOICES'] parameter * Update light CSS styles * Add LSattr_ldap :: naiveDate * Add LSaddon LSaccessRightsMatrixView * LSprofiles : add possibility to configure them a label * generate_lang_file.php : fix some problems -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 25 Oct 2019 18:02:49 +0200 ldapsaisie (2.3-0) unstable; urgency=medium * LSform_rule :: differentPassword : Add missing LSform :: getValue() function * LSattr_ldap_password : Fix parameters pass to verify_function and add doc about it -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 01 Jul 2019 19:16:14 +0200 ldapsaisie (2.2-0) unstable; urgency=medium * LSattr_ldap : * date : Fix handling timezone * password : Rework/improve on password encrypt/decrypt method * Logging / errors reporting : * Globally rework and improve logging by introducing LSlog component * LSerror : fix error formatting when no error code is provided * LSform : warn on error loading LSformRule * LStemplate : * catch error on displaying/fetching templates * display error page on fatal error * Other improvements : * Force search pattern in global search * upgradeFromGit.sh : add gettext MO file change detection * New features : * Add LSformRule :: differentPassword * Add LSaddon mailquota -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 01 Jul 2019 17:08:08 +0200 ldapsaisie (2.1-0) unstable; urgency=medium * LSattr_html :: select_list : fix children classes overriding problem * Translations : clean code and improvements * Fix question on remove object page * Add reset search button * Fix global_search in multiple subDn context * Global search : add button to trigger search -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 05 Jun 2019 12:41:54 +0200 ldapsaisie (2.0-0) unstable; urgency=medium * LSform : * Don't blame on missing required attribute on non-create form and if attibute is not present in form (or freezed). * Fix display bug when user has no right on the first tab * LSldapObject : fix removing old RDN value after object renaming * LSerror : fix PHP error handling * LSsession : * Fix setLocale() parameter handling * Always log include errors * LSattr_html_maildir : fix PHP error in class contructor * LSformRule :: compare : fix find operator method * LSformElement_password : fix syntax error in getPostData() method * LSsearch : make purgeParams() and purgeCache() methods static * Add SSH LSaddon * LSauth : add afterLogout() trigger * LSauthMethod_HTTP : * add LSAUTHMETHOD_HTTP_LOGOUT_REMOTE_URL parameter * fix constructor to load config before handling it * LSattribute : add help_info_in_view parameter * LSsearchEntry : Fix 'unknwon property error' on accessing undefined attribute * Clarify recover password process by hiding form after the first step * Globally improve configuration information access to avoid duplicated code and PHP warnings. * Log all errors on developpement instance and with magic URL parameter LSdebug * Explicitly defined class methods visibility and upgrade PHP class constructor syntax. Solve static/non-static problems on some methods, parent constructor calls and 'Cannot make non static method' errors. * Increase NB_LSOBJECT_LIST default value to 30 * Add globalSearch feature * Code cleaning / Fix some PHP notices -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 21 May 2019 12:17:40 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.8-6) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix bug on LSformElement :: text -> getDependsFields() when using modifiers characters * LSattr_ldap :: password : Add SHA256/SHA512 & SSHA256/SSHA512 support -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 04 Feb 2019 18:33:15 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.8-5) unstable; urgency=medium * LSattr_html :: select_list : add translate_labels option * generate_lang_file.php : fix infinity loop case in parse_addon_file() function * LSsearch :: extraDisplayedColumns : add escape parameter * Fix and improve LSformat PHP and JS implementations * Debian packaging : Add php-mbstring as Recommends (need since Debian 9) * LStemplate : Add triggers feature * LSformElement_textarea : fix clear btn/Grammalecte compatibility * Doc : Fix PDF export -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 01 Oct 2018 13:31:37 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.8-4) unstable; urgency=medium * LSldapObject : Change getPatternFilter() method to use common LSsearch lib * Security fixes : + Fix XSS problem using LSdebug/LSerror/LSinfos + Fix search pattern validation + Use escape smarty modifier to enforce security * LSsearch : Use strnatcmp instead of strcoll in sorting method * LSattr_html :: jsonCompositeAttribute : fix check required method * LSform : + fix empty submit button problem in some specific cases + add possibility to trigger on init/submit events * Fix moo keybinding * LSdefault : add getCurrentLang() method * Add LSattr_html :: wysiwyg * Add LSaddon exportSearchResultAsCSV * Fix default LSpeople configuration * LSauthMethod::HTTP : support multiple methods to retrieve user and password from HTTP server * Documentation : + Improve doc on LSattr_html::pre + Fix PDF doc export generation * Improve LSsession :: loadLSobject() error debugging * LSformElement::boolean : add true_label and false_label parameters * Add parameter to specify default view -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 13 Sep 2018 16:27:24 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.8-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix local file and custom theme handling -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 01 Jun 2018 13:59:17 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add missing patch of 1.7-2 Debian package version missing on last version * Add nocache param on JS/CSS URL to avoid cache problems -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 22 May 2018 18:52:32 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSdefault : encode LSjsConfig data in Base64 * LSattr_html : + password : add get_mail_attr_function parameter + valueWithUnit : add translate_labels, store_integer and round_down parameters + jsonCompositeAttribute : + Add help_info and multiple parameters on components + Fix foreach syntax for retro-compat with old Smarty versions + fix JS clear value method + select_list : + add possiblity to use values of other attribute as possible values + fix warning on empty jsonCompositeAttribute possible values + fix invalid possible values on empty other attribute value * LSldap : fix/improve getAttr() method * LSformElement.js : do not handle sub li elements during initialization * Translation : fix error when trying to translate empty string * ldapsaisie-generate-lang-file (generate_lang_file.php) : + improve to handle new config parameters + add interactive mode + add output file feature + add short parameters -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 16 May 2018 17:42:02 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.7-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix cron and doc about new tmp dir path -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 09 Jan 2018 03:16:01 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSattr_html :: date : + Fix default form rule parameters + Add showNowButton and showTodayButton parameters * LSformRule_date : add error if no date format specified * Add generateFunction and additionalAttrs parameters for extraDisplayedColumns * LSatt_html :: jsonCompositeAttributeFix : fix possible values ajax loading * generate_lang_file.php : handle LSattr_html::jsonCompositeAttribute config * LSattr_html :: ssh_key : fix regex * Add LSformRule :: ssh_pub_key * Replace all ereg() function call by preg_match() -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 08 Jan 2018 20:27:15 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSrelation : + Add create action button + Add create button even if user can't edit the relation * LSldapObject : fix foreach error in getObjectKeyValueInRelation() if attribute is empty * Review LSformRules parameters usage and documentation -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 22 Aug 2017 15:45:44 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium * LSformElement :: select_box : fix isValidValue() method in inherited context -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 27 Jun 2017 15:12:54 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium * IMPORTANT : Rename LSattr_ldap :: postalAddress to LSattr_ldap :: postaladdress * Add some basic CSS theme files * Use light blue CSS theme file as default * LSattr_html :: postaladdress : improve it and add default configuration value * LSformElement_select : fix bug when possible_values params is unset or empty * Add cron file to purge old temporary files * Doc : + Improve doc on postalAddress attribute type + Fix HTML element style -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 26 Jun 2017 18:37:39 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add new type of HTML attribut : jsonCompositeAttribute * LSrelation : + improve and make it easy to configure simple relation + add possibilty to handle relation with multiple key values * Fix some PHP 7 compatibility errors -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 11 May 2017 15:32:16 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium * LSobject / customAction : add noRedirect parameter * Add button to permit user to refresh his access rights * Fix problems when onlyAccessible parameter is set to True in LSobject configuration file * Add parameters to handle onlyAccessible LSsearch parameter for : + LSsession / subDn + LSattr_html :: select_list + LSattr_html :: select_object * LSattr_html :: select_object : Fix handling filter parameter * Fix view access to specific autorized LSobject even if LSobject type is not in menu -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 23 Mar 2017 16:42:25 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * LSsearch : Add visibleTo parameter to extra displayed columns * LSldapObject : Add helpInfo parameter for customActions * LSmail : add possibilty to set some display options from JS * LSaddon posix : Fix hard-coded parameter information and add comment for newest functions * LSauthMethod::HTTP : Add parameter to disable checking login/password by LDAP auth challenge * LSattr_html :: select_list : add values_attribute parameter * generate_lang_file.php : some improvements * upgradeFromGit : Clean template cache during upgrade * LSformRule :: date : Fix mktime return check * LSaddon / view : permit to hide a LSaddon view in menu * Some fixes -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 02 Feb 2017 12:15:58 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * LSaddon : Permit LSaddon to provide ajax function * LSaddon : Permit LSaddon to provide a custom view * LSsession : improve refresh * LSsearch : add formaterFunction parameter for extraDisplayedColumns * Translation : + Improve generate_lang_file.php script : + Initialize LSsession before parsing for messages permiting to resolv some case of complex configurations + Make it callable from anywhere + Automatically imports existing langs files + Add parsing of LSaddons + Update french translation fixing some missing strings * Automatically imports existing langs files * Doc : Fix compatibility with old version of Docbook DTD * Interface : Fix CSS vertical alignment of #status -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 21 Aug 2015 18:06:09 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Translation : manage message strings in templates files * Add import feature * Add LSformRule_callable * LSsession : Catch initialization exceptions * Fix Smarty default path to default smarty3 path of Debian package * LSldapObject : Fix method to get rdn value * LSformElement : * valueWithUnit : improve floatint number display and add parameter for formatting control * select_list / select_box : permit to put possible values in labelled group -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 30 Jul 2015 16:55:06 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.1-6) unstable; urgency=low * Global : * Allow a sequence of filters in LSobjects profile configurations (Thank B.Dauvergne) * Redefine globals on per LDAP server basic (Thank B.Dauvergne) * Add global parameter defaultCSSfiles * LSsupann addon : Convert all defines to globals (Thank B.Dauvergne) * LSattr_html :: password : Add possibility to generate password using pwgen command * LSformElement :: select_object : Add ordered feature * LSattr_ldap :: boolean : Add default TRUE/FALSE values * view.tpl : use double quotes instead of simple in HTML -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 09 Feb 2015 11:26:00 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.1-5) unstable; urgency=low * Improove generate_lang_file.php script * Add support of supannActivite attribute * LSldap : fix combineFilters() method * LSldapObject : fix getObjectFilter() * Fix fr_FR.UTF8 translation -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:58:18 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low * LSaddons :: supann : * Complet redesign and improve * Redesign LSformElement : supannLabeledValue / supannRoleEntite * Add LSformElement : supannEmpCorps / supannEtuInscription / supannCompositeAttribute * LSsearch : fix bug in sort direction * LSsession : * Fix bug resolving user's LSprofiles * Add useUserCredentials parameter * LSform : * block form validation if element's errors is defined * preserve current tab between view, modify and create pages * LSformElement : * add no_value_label parameter * JS : permit form element to provide custom clean value method * provide class name of element in template variables * LSerror : Add PHP error handler * Function getFData() : try to catch error casting data to string -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:35:22 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low * Doc : * Add method to export documentation in EPUB format * Some fix * LSsearch : * Fix sort feature to be case insensitive * Add customAction feature * LSformRule :: alphanumeric : Add parameter to allow accent * LSformat : Full support format in JS and improve substr * Add common function now() * LSattr_html :: select_list : Add sort feature * LSformElement :: select_object : Add sort feature -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 08 Oct 2014 17:26:30 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * New features : * Add LSattr_html::select_box * LSformRule :: password : Added minValidRegex parameter and use preg_match() function instead of deprecated ereg() * Bugs fixed : * LSformElement :: text : fixed bug breaking autoGenerateOnModify feature * JS / getFData() : fixed bug permitting to support than method() return array of string * LSform : fixed JS bug leaving previous errors messages in form * Improve debian rules file -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:53:20 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New features : * Add possibility to add extra displayed columns in object search result * Add inarray LSformRule * LStemplate : add registerFunction() method permitting to register function usable by in template * LSform.js : add method getInput() and use it in method getValue() * LSformElement_text : use getValue/getInput of LSform object instead of LSformElement_text to permit value generation with more form element type * Bugs fixed : * Core : Fix error reporting * LSldapObject : remove unsed variable $submitError fixing object's after_modify trigger bug * LSattr_html_select_list : Use more robust inarray LSformRule instead of regex * LSrelation : fixed refresh bug when multiple relations content the same object * Doc : * Added informations about LSattr_html_valueWithUnit * Added details about regex format using in regex check_data -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:18:01 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-11) unstable; urgency=low * Add ldapsaisie-generate-lang-file command * LSformElement_select_object : Added filter parameter * Bugs fixed : * LSformElement_password : fixed mail_attr parameter reading method * Fixed some vales check to globally permit 'zero string' value * LSsearch::setParams() : fixed attributes setting * LSldapObject::listObjects() : removed 'dn' as attribute asked in LSsearch -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 27 Nov 2013 18:26:55 +0100 ldapsaisie (1.0-10) unstable; urgency=low * Added documentation about LSformat modifiers * LSattr_html_select_list : fixed bug with number key value * generate_lang_file.php : Added inclusion of local directory and --additional-file-format parameter * LSldap : fixed problem with empty attribute on adding * LSsearch : Fixed bug on no attributes specifies in config for LSsearch * LSauthMethod::anonymous : Added parameter LSAUTHMETHOD_ANONYMOUS_DISABLE_LOGOUT * LSaddon :: samba : added some new functions to generate attributes values * Added new LSattr_ldap :: shadowExpire -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 26 Jul 2013 12:23:20 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-9) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed config.inc.php problem on upgrade -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:56:24 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-8) unstable; urgency=low * Added LSaddon::phpLdapAdmin * Disabled Apache directory listing and force FollowSymLinks option -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 28 Jun 2013 17:28:25 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-7) unstable; urgency=low * LSsearch : Added searchLSformat and approxLSformat parameter for searched attributes * Added local LSaddons and LSauth directories * Moved local directory in /usr/local/ldapsaisie -- Benjamin Renard Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:09:23 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-6) unstable; urgency=low * LStemplate : fixed template missing warning caused by Smarty3 peculiarities * LSformElement_password : added clearView and clearEdit parameters * LSaddon::posix : added generate_memberUidFromUniqueMember() function -- Benjamin Renard Thu, 27 Jun 2013 15:08:16 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-5) unstable; urgency=low * Manage CSS path with LStemplate * Update documentation * Fixed last release bugs -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:04:39 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Added image.php to permit fully dynamic image path (including via JS) -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 19 Jun 2013 02:20:39 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low * Manage image path with LStemplate (that permit local image) -- Benjamin Renard Wed, 19 Jun 2013 00:58:51 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Added LStemplate component permited template customization * Handle PHP error messages * Remove noisy files * Improve LSexample (shema, LDIF and slapd configuration) * LSformElement::valueWithUnit : sort units params before using -- Benjamin Renard Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:42:58 +0200 ldapsaisie (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Debian release -- Benjamin Renard Tue, 31 Mar 2013 05:25:12 +0100