*/ class LSformElement_select extends LSformElement { var $template = 'LSformElement_select.tpl'; var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_select.tpl'; /** * Return display data of this element * * This method return display data of this element * * @retval array */ public function getDisplay(){ $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); $params = array(); if (!$this -> isFreeze()) { LStemplate :: addHelpInfo( 'LSformElement_select', array( 'clear' => _("Reset selection.") ) ); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_select.js'); } $params['possible_values'] = $this -> params['text_possible_values']; $params['unrecognized_value_label_format'] = _("%{value} (unrecognized value)"); $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,$params); return $return; } /** * Check if a value is valid for the current form element * * This method check if a value is correct, that mean if it's one * of the possible values. * * @param[in] $value The value to check * * @retval string or False The value's label or False if this value is incorrect */ public function isValidValue($value) { return self :: _isValidValue($value, $this -> getParam('text_possible_values')); } /** * Check if a value is valid against specified possible values * * This method check if a value is correct, that mean if it's one * of the possible values. * * @param[in] $value The value to check * @param[in] $possible_values The possible values * * @retval string or False The value's label or False if this value is incorrect */ public static function _isValidValue($value, $possible_values) { if (!is_array($possible_values)) { return False; } $ret=False; if (is_array($possible_values) && isset($value)) { foreach($possible_values as $key => $name) { if (is_array($name)) { if (!is_array($name['possible_values'])) continue; foreach($name['possible_values'] as $k => $v) { if ($k==$value) { $ret=$v; break; } } if ($ret) break; } elseif ($key==$value) { $ret=$name; break; } if ($ret) break; } } return $ret; } /** * CLI autocompleter for form element attribute values * * @param[in] &$opts array Reference of array of avalaible autocomplete options * @param[in] $comp_word string The (unquoted) command word to autocomplete * @param[in] $attr_value string The current attribute value in command word to autocomplete (optional, default: empty string) * @param[in] $multiple_value_delimiter string The multiple value delimiter (optional, default: "|") * @param[in] $quote_char string The quote character detected (optional, default: empty string) * * @retval void */ public function autocomplete_attr_values(&$opts, $comp_word, $attr_value="", $multiple_value_delimiter="|", $quote_char='') { // Split attribute values and retrieved splited value in $attr_values and $last_attr_value if (!$this -> split_autocomplete_attr_values($attr_value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $attr_values, $last_attr_value)) return; foreach ($this -> params['text_possible_values'] as $value => $label) { if (is_array($label)) { foreach ($label['possible_values'] as $v => $l) { $this -> add_autocomplete_attr_value_opts($opts, $attr_values, $v, $multiple_value_delimiter, $quote_char); } } else { $this -> add_autocomplete_attr_value_opts($opts, $attr_values, $value, $multiple_value_delimiter, $quote_char); } } } /** * Retrieve value as return in API response * * @param[in] $details boolean If true, returned values will contain details if this field type * support it (optional, default: false) * * @retval mixed API value(s) or null/empty array if no value */ public function getApiValue($details=false) { $values = array(); foreach(ensureIsArray($this -> values) as $value) { $label = $this -> _isValidValue($value, $this -> params['text_possible_values']); if ($label === false) continue; if ($details) $values[] = array( 'label' => $label, 'value' => $value, ); else $values[] = $value; } if ($this -> isMultiple()) { return ensureIsArray($values); } if (!$values) return null; return $values[0]; } } /** * LSformElement_select_checkIsValidValue template function * * This function permit to check during template processing * if a value is valid. This function get as parameters * (in $params) : * - $value : the value to check * - $possible_values : the possible values of the element * As return, this function assign two template variables : * - LSformElement_select_isValidValue : * Boolean defining if the value is valid * - LSformElement_select_isValidValue_label : * The value's label * * @param[in] $params The template function parameters * @param[in] $template Smarty object * * @retval void **/ function LSformElement_select_checkIsValidValue($params, $template) { $ret = LSformElement_select :: _isValidValue($params['value'], $params['possible_values']); if ($ret===False) { $label=''; $ret=false; } else { $label=$ret; $ret=true; } $template -> assign('LSformElement_select_isValidValue',$ret); $template -> assign('LSformElement_select_isValidValue_label',$label); } LStemplate :: registerFunction('LSformElement_select_checkIsValidValue','LSformElement_select_checkIsValidValue');