*/ class LScli extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass { // Configured commands private static $commands = array(); // Store current executed command private static $current_command = null; /** * Add a CLI command * * @param[in] $command string The CLI command name (required) * @param[in] $handler callable The CLI command handler (must be callable, required) * @param[in] $short_desc string|false A short description of what this command does (required) * @param[in] $usage_args string|false A short list of commands available arguments show in usage message * (optional, default: false) * @param[in] $long_desc string|false A long description of what this command does (optional, default: false) * @param[in] $need_ldap_con boolean Permit to define if this command need connection to LDAP server (optional, * default: true) * @param[in] $args_autocompleter callable|null Callable of the CLI command arguments autocompleter (optional, default: * null) * @param[in] $override boolean Allow override if a command already exists with the same name (optional, * default: false) * * @retval void **/ public static function add_command($command, $handler, $short_desc, $usage_args=false, $long_desc=false, $need_ldap_con=true, $args_autocompleter=null, $override=false) { if (array_key_exists($command, self :: $commands) && !$override) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LScli_01', $command); return False; } if (!is_callable($handler)) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LScli_02', $command); return False; } self :: $commands[$command] = array ( 'handler' => $handler, 'short_desc' => $short_desc, 'usage_args' => $usage_args, 'long_desc' => $long_desc, 'need_ldap_con' => boolval($need_ldap_con), 'args_autocompleter' => $args_autocompleter, ); return True; } /** * Show usage message * * @param[in] $error string|false Error message to display before usage message (optional, default: false) * @retval void **/ public static function usage($error=false) { global $argv; if ($error) echo "$error\n\n"; echo "Usage : ".basename($argv[0])." [-h] [-qdC] command\n"; echo " -h Show this message\n"; echo " -q|--quiet Quiet mode: nothing log on console (but keep other logging handler)\n"; echo " -d|--debug Debug mode (set log level to DEBUG, default: WARNING)\n"; echo " -v|--verbose Verbose mode (set log level to INFO, default: WARNING)\n"; echo " --trace Trace mode (set log level to TRACE, default: WARNING)\n"; echo " -C|--console Log on console with same log level as other handlers (otherwise, log only errors)\n"; echo " -S|--ldap-server Connect to a specific LDAP server: you could specify a LDAP\n"; echo " server by its declaration order in configuration (default:\n"; echo " first one).\n"; echo " -L|--load-class Load specific class to permit access to its CLI commands\n"; echo " -A|--load-addons Load specific addon to permit access to its CLI commands\n"; echo " command Command to run\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Available commands :\n"; foreach (self :: $commands as $command => $info) { if (self :: $current_command and self :: $current_command != $command) continue; echo " $command : ".$info['short_desc']."\n"; echo " ".basename($argv[0])." $command ".($info['usage_args']?$info['usage_args']:'')."\n"; if ($info['long_desc']) { if (is_array($info['long_desc'])) $info['long_desc'] = implode("\n", $info['long_desc']); echo "\n ".str_replace("\n", "\n ", wordwrap($info['long_desc']))."\n"; } echo "\n"; } if (empty(self :: $commands)) echo " Currently no available command is declared.\n"; exit(($error?1:0)); } /** * Handle CLI arguments and run command (if provided) * * @retval void **/ public static function handle_args() { if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { self :: log_fatal('Try to use LScli :: handle_args() in non-CLI context.'); return; } global $argv; $log_level = 'WARNING'; $console_log = false; $quiet = false; $ldap_server_id = false; $ldap_server_subDn = false; $command = false; $command_args = array(); self :: log_debug("handle_args :\n".varDump($argv)); for ($i=1; $i < count($argv); $i++) { if (array_key_exists($argv[$i], self :: $commands)) { if (!$command) self :: $current_command = $command = $argv[$i]; else $command_args[] = $argv[$i]; } else { switch($argv[$i]) { case '-h': case '--help': self :: usage(); break; case '-d': case '--debug': $log_level = 'DEBUG'; break; case '-v': case '--verbose': $log_level = 'INFO'; break; case '--trace': $log_level = 'TRACE'; break; case '-q': case '--quiet': $quiet = true; break; case '-C': case '--console': $console_log = true; break; case '-S': case '--ldap-server': $i++; $ldap_server_id = intval($argv[$i]); if(!LSsession :: setLdapServer($ldap_server_id)) self :: usage("Fail to select LDAP server #$ldap_server_id."); break; case '--sub-dn': $i++; $ldap_server_subDn = $argv[$i]; break; case '-L': case '--load-class': $i++; $class = $argv[$i]; if(!LSsession :: loadLSclass($class)) self :: usage("Fail to load class '$class'."); break; case '-A': case '--load-addon': $i++; $addon = $argv[$i]; if(!LSsession :: loadLSaddon($addon)) self :: usage("Fail to load addon '$addon'."); break; case '--': $command_args = array_merge($command_args, array_slice($argv, $i)); $i = count($argv); break; default: if ($command) $command_args[] = $argv[$i]; else self :: usage( getFData(_("Invalid parameter \"%{parameter}\".\nNote: Command's parameter/argument must be place after the command."), $argv[$i]) ); } } } // Set log level LSlog :: setLevel($log_level); // Enable/disable log on console if ($quiet) // Quiet mode: disable log on console LSlog :: disableLogOnConsole(); else // Enable console log: // - if $console_log: use same log level as other handlers // - otherwise: log only errors LSlog :: logOnConsole(($console_log?$log_level:'ERROR')); // If no LDAP server subDn selected, check if current LDAP server need it, // and select the first one if (!$ldap_server_subDn) { self :: need_ldap_con(); $subDns = LSsession :: getSubDnLdapServer(); if (is_array($subDns)) { asort($subDns); $ldap_server_subDn = key($subDns); } } // Select LDAP server subDn (if need) if ($ldap_server_subDn) { self :: need_ldap_con(); if(!LSsession :: setSubDn($ldap_server_subDn)) self :: usage("Fail to select sub DN '$ldap_server_subDn'."); } if (!$command) { self :: log_debug("LScli :: handle_args() : no detected command => show usage"); self :: usage(); } // Select LDAP server (if not already done with -S/--ldap-server parameter) if ($ldap_server_id === false && !LSsession :: setLdapServer(0)) self :: log_fatal('Fail to select first LDAP server.'); // Run command self :: run_command($command, $command_args); } /** * Run command * * @param[in] $command string The command name * @param[in] $command string The command arguments (optional, default: array()) * @param[in] $exit boolean If true, function will exit after command execution (optional, default: true) * * @retval void|boolean If $exit is False, return boolean casted command return **/ public static function run_command($command, $command_args=array(), $exit=true) { if (php_sapi_name() != "cli") { self :: log_fatal('Try to use LScli :: run_command() in non-CLI context.'); return; } if (!array_key_exists($command, self :: $commands)) { self :: log_warning("LScli :: run_command() : invalid command '$command'."); return false; } // Connect to LDAP server (if command need) if (self :: $commands[$command]['need_ldap_con']) { self :: need_ldap_con(); } // Run command self :: log_debug("Run command $command with argument(s) '".implode("', '", $command_args)."'"); try { $result = call_user_func(self :: $commands[$command]['handler'], $command_args); if ($exit) exit($result?0:1); return boolval($result); } catch(Exception $e) { LSlog :: exception($e, "An exception occured running CLI command $command"); } if ($exit) exit(1); return false; } /** * Start LDAP connection (if not already connected) * * @retval void **/ public static function need_ldap_con() { // Connect to LDAP server (if not already the case) if (!class_exists('LSldap') || !LSldap :: isConnected()) { if (!LSsession :: LSldapConnect()) self :: log_fatal('Fail to connect to LDAP server.'); } } /** * Run external command * * @param[in] $command string|array The command. It's could be an array of the command with its arguments. * @param[in] $data_stdin string|null The command arguments (optional, default: null) * @param[in] $escape_command_args boolean If true, the command will be escaped (optional, default: true) * @param[in] $cwd string|null The initial working dir for the command * (optional, default: null = use current PHP * process working directory) * * @retval false|array An array of return code, stdout and stderr result or False in case of fatal error **/ public static function run_external_command($command, $data_stdin=null, $escape_command_args=true, $cwd=null) { if (array($command)) $command = implode(' ', $command); if ($escape_command_args) $command = escapeshellcmd($command); self :: log_debug("Run external command: '$command'"); $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout 2 => array("pipe", "w"), // stderr ); $process = proc_open($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd); if (!is_resource($process)) { self :: log_error("Fail to run external command: '$command'"); return false; } if (!is_null($data_stdin)) { fwrite($pipes[0], $data_stdin); } fclose($pipes[0]); $stdout = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[1]); $stderr = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[2]); $return_value = proc_close($process); if (!empty($stderr) || $return_value != 0) self :: log_error("Externan command error:\nCommand : $command\nStdout :\n$stdout\n\n - Stderr :\n$stderr"); else self :: log_debug("Externan command result:\n\tCommand : $command\n\tReturn code: $return_value\n\tOutput:\n\t\t- Stdout :\n$stdout\n\n\t\t- Stderr :\n$stderr"); return array($return_value, $stdout, $stderr); } /** * CLI helper to ask for user confirmation * * @param[in] $question string The confirmation question (optional, default: "Are you sure?") * * @retval boolean True if user confirmed, false otherwise **/ public static function confirm($question=null) { if (is_null($question)) $question = "Are you sure?"; echo "\n$question Type 'yes' to continue: "; $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line) != 'yes'){ echo "User cancel\n"; return false; } echo "\n"; return true; } /** * CLI command to handle BASH command autocompleter * * @param[in] $command_args array Command arguments * * @retval boolean True on success, false otherwise **/ public static function bash_autocomplete($command_args) { if (count($command_args) < 3) return; $comp_word_num = intval($command_args[0]); if ($comp_word_num <= 0) return; if ($command_args[1] != '--') return; $comp_words = array_slice($command_args, 2); $comp_word = (isset($comp_words[$comp_word_num])?$comp_words[$comp_word_num]:''); self :: log_debug("bash_autocomplete: words = '".implode("', '", $comp_words)."' | word to complete = #$comp_word_num == '$comp_word'"); // List available options $opts = array( '-h', '--help', '-d', '--debug', '-v', '--verbose', '--trace', '-q', '--quiet', '-C', '--console', '-S', '--ldap-server', '-L', '--load-class', '-A', '--load-addon', ); // Detect if command already enter, if LDAP server is selected and load specified class/addon $command = null; $command_arg_num = null; $command_args = array(); $ldap_server_id = false; $ldap_server_subDn = false; for ($i=1; $i < count($comp_words); $i++) { $unescaped_comp_word = $comp_words[$i]; self :: unquote_word($unescaped_comp_word); if (array_key_exists($unescaped_comp_word, self :: $commands)) { if (!$command) { $command = $comp_words[$i]; self :: unquote_word($command); $command_arg_num = $i; } else $command_args[] = $comp_words[$i]; } else { switch($unescaped_comp_word) { case '-S': case '--ldap-server': $i++; if ($i == $comp_word_num) { return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( self :: autocomplete_opts(array_keys(LSconfig :: get("ldap_servers", array())), $comp_word) ); } if (!isset($comp_words[$i])) break; if (isset($comp_words[$i])) { $ldap_server_id = intval($comp_words[$i]); self :: unquote_word($ldap_server_id); if(!LSsession :: setLdapServer($ldap_server_id)) self :: usage("Fail to select LDAP server #$ldap_server_id."); } break; case '--sub-dn': $i++; if ($i == $comp_word_num) { self :: need_ldap_con(); $subDns = LSsession :: getSubDnLdapServer(); if (!is_array($subDns)) $subDns = array(); return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( self :: autocomplete_opts(array_keys($subDns), $comp_word) ); } if (!isset($comp_words[$i])) break; $ldap_server_subDn = $comp_words[$i]; self :: unquote_word($ldap_server_subDn); self :: need_ldap_con(); if(!LSsession :: setSubDn($ldap_server_subDn)) self :: usage("Fail to select sub DN '$ldap_server_subDn'."); break; case '-L': case '--load-class': $i++; if ($i == $comp_word_num) { return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( self :: autocomplete_class_name($comp_word) ); } if (!isset($comp_words[$i])) break; $class = $comp_words[$i]; self :: unquote_word($class); if(!LSsession :: loadLSclass($class)) self :: usage("Fail to load class '$class'."); break; case '-A': case '--load-addon': $i++; if ($i == $comp_word_num) { return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( self :: autocomplete_addon_name($comp_word) ); } if (!isset($comp_words[$i])) break; $addon = $comp_words[$i]; self :: unquote_word($addon); if(!LSsession :: loadLSaddon($addon)) self :: usage("Fail to load addon '$addon'."); break; default: if (!in_array($comp_words[$i], $opts)) { $command_args[] = $comp_words[$i]; } } } } // Is no subDn selected, check if LDAP server has subDn and select the first one if true if (!$ldap_server_subDn) { self :: need_ldap_con(); $subDns = LSsession :: getSubDnLdapServer(); if (is_array($subDns)) { asort($subDns); $subDn = key($subDns); if(!LSsession :: setSubDn($subDn)) self :: usage("Fail to select sub DN '$subDn'."); $opts[] = '--sub-dn'; } } // If command set and args autocompleter defined, use it if ($command && is_callable(self :: $commands[$command]['args_autocompleter'])) { $command_comp_word_num = $comp_word_num-$command_arg_num-1; self :: log_debug("Run CLI command $command autocompleter with cmd args='".implode("', '", $command_args)."', comp word #$command_comp_word_num = '$comp_word'"); return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( call_user_func( self :: $commands[$command]['args_autocompleter'], $command_args, $command_comp_word_num, $comp_word, $opts ) ); } // If command not already choiced, add commands name to available options list if (!$command) $opts = array_merge($opts, array_keys(self :: $commands)); return self :: return_bash_autocomplete_list( self :: autocomplete_opts($opts, $comp_word, true) ); } /** * Print list of available autocomplete options as required by BASH * * @param[in] $list mixed List of available autocomplete options if it's an array * * @retval boolean True if $list is an array, false otherwise **/ public static function return_bash_autocomplete_list($list) { if (is_array($list)) { echo implode("\n", $list); return true; } return false; } /** * Autocomplete class name * * @param[in] $prefix string Class name prefix (optional, default=empty string) * * @retval array List of matched class names **/ public static function autocomplete_class_name($prefix='', $quote_char=null) { $classes = array(); if (is_null($quote_char)) $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); $regex = "/^class\.($prefix.*)\.php$/"; foreach(array(LS_ROOT_DIR."/".LS_CLASS_DIR, LS_ROOT_DIR."/".LS_LOCAL_DIR."/".LS_CLASS_DIR) as $dir_path) { foreach (listFiles($dir_path, $regex) as $file) { $class = $file[1]; if (!in_array($class, $classes)) $classes[] = self :: quote_word($class, $quote_char); } } return $classes; } /** * Autocomplete addon name * * @param[in] $prefix string Addon name prefix (optional, default=empty string) * * @retval array List of matched addon names **/ public static function autocomplete_addon_name($prefix='') { $addons = array(); $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); $regex = "/^LSaddons\.($prefix.*)\.php$/"; foreach(array(LS_ROOT_DIR."/".LS_ADDONS_DIR, LS_ROOT_DIR."/".LS_LOCAL_DIR."/".LS_ADDONS_DIR) as $dir_path) { foreach (listFiles($dir_path, $regex) as $file) { $addon = $file[1]; if (!in_array($addon, $addons)) $addons[] = self :: quote_word($addon, $quote_char); } } return $addons; } /** * Autocomplete options * * @param[in] $opts array Available options * @param[in] $prefix string Option name prefix (optional, default=empty string) * @param[in] $case_sensitive boolean Set to false if options are case insensitive (optional, default=true) * @param[in] $quote_char boolean Quote character (optional, if not set, $prefix will be unquoted and its * quote char (if detected) will be used to quote options) * * @retval array List of matched options **/ public static function autocomplete_opts($opts, $prefix='', $case_sensitive=true, $quote_char='') { if (!is_string($prefix) || strlen($prefix)==0) return $opts; if (!$quote_char) $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); if (!$case_sensitive) $prefix = strtolower($prefix); $matched_opts = array(); foreach($opts as $key => $opt) { if (!$case_sensitive) $opt = strtolower($opt); self :: unquote_word($opt); if (substr($opt, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) $matched_opts[] = LScli :: quote_word($opt, $quote_char); } self :: log_debug("autocomplete_opts(".implode('|', $opts).", $prefix, case ".($case_sensitive?"sensitive":"insensitive").") : matched opts: ".print_r($matched_opts, true)); return $matched_opts; } /** * Autocomplete integer option * * @param[in] $prefix string Option prefix (optional, default=empty string) * * @retval array List of available options **/ public static function autocomplete_int($prefix='', $quote_char='') { $opts = array(); for ($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) { $opts[] = self :: quote_word("$prefix$i", $quote_char); } return $opts; } /** * Autocomplete boolean option * * @param[in] $prefix string Option prefix (optional, default=empty string) * * @retval array List of available options **/ public static function autocomplete_bool($prefix='', $quote_char='') { return self :: autocomplete_opts(array('0', '1'), $prefix, false, $quote_char); } /** * Autocomplete LSobject type option * * @param[in] $prefix string Option prefix (optional, default=empty string) * @param[in] $case_sensitive boolean Set to false if options are case insensitive (optional, default=true) * @param[in] $quote_char boolean Quote character (optional, if not set, $prefix will be unquoted and its * quote char (if detected) will be used to quote options) * * @retval array List of available options **/ public static function autocomplete_LSobject_types($prefix='', $case_sensitive=true, $quote_char='') { $subdn_config = LSconfig :: get('subDn', null, null, LSsession :: $ldapServer); if (is_array($subdn_config)) { $types = array(); $currentSubDn = LSsession :: getTopDn(); foreach($subdn_config as $name => $config) { if ($name=='LSobject') { self :: need_ldap_con(); if (is_array($config)) { foreach($config as $objectType => $objectConf) { if (LSsession :: loadLSobject($objectType)) { if ($subdnobject = new $objectType()) { $tbl = $subdnobject -> getSelectArray(NULL,LSsession::getRootDn(),NULL,NULL,false,NULL,array('onlyAccessible' => False)); if (is_array($tbl) && array_key_exists($currentSubDn, $tbl)) { if (is_array($objectConf['LSobjects'])) { foreach($objectConf['LSobjects'] as $type) { if (!in_array($type, $types)) $types[] = $type; } } break; } } } } } } else if (isset($config['dn']) && $config['dn'] == $currentSubDn) { if (is_array($config['LSobjects'])) { foreach($config['LSobjects'] as $type) { if (!in_array($type, $types)) $types[] = $type; } } break; } } } else { $types = LSconfig :: get('LSaccess', array(), null, LSsession :: $ldapServer); } return self :: autocomplete_opts($types, $prefix, $case_sensitive, $quote_char); } /** * Autocomplete LSobject DN option * * @param[in] $objType string LSobject type * @param[in] $prefix string Option prefix (optional, default=empty string) * @param[in] $case_sensitive boolean Set to false if options are case insensitive (optional, default=true) * @param[in] $quote_char boolean Quote character (optional, if not set, $prefix will be unquoted and its * quote char (if detected) will be used to quote options) * * @retval array List of available options **/ public static function autocomplete_LSobject_dn($objType, $prefix='', $case_sensitive=true, $quote_char='') { if (!LSsession ::loadLSobject($objType, false)) return array(); // Make sure to unquote prefix if (!$quote_char && $prefix) $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); $rdn_attr = LSconfig :: get("LSobjects.$objType.rdn"); if (!$rdn_attr || strlen($prefix) < (strlen($rdn_attr)+2) || substr($prefix, 0, (strlen($rdn_attr)+1)) != "$rdn_attr=") return array(LScli :: quote_word("$rdn_attr=", $quote_char)); // Split prefix by comma to keep only RDN $prefix_parts = explode(',', $prefix); $prefix_rdn = $prefix_parts[0]; // Search objects self :: need_ldap_con(); $obj = new $objType(); $objs = $obj -> listObjectsName("($prefix_rdn*)"); if (is_array($objs)) { $dns = array_keys($objs); self :: log_debug("Matching $objType DNs with prefix '$prefix_rdn': ".implode(', ', $dns)); return self :: autocomplete_opts($dns, $prefix, $case_sensitive, $quote_char); } return array(LScli :: quote_word("$rdn_attr=", $quote_char)); } /** * Autocomplete LSobject ioFormat option * * @param[in] $objType string LSobject type * @param[in] $prefix string Option prefix (optional, default=empty string) * @param[in] $case_sensitive boolean Set to false if options are case insensitive (optional, default=true) * @param[in] $quote_char boolean Quote character (optional, if not set, $prefix will be unquoted and its * quote char (if detected) will be used to quote options) * * @retval array List of available options **/ public static function autocomplete_LSobject_ioFormat($objType, $prefix='', $case_sensitive=true, $quote_char='') { if (!LSsession ::loadLSobject($objType, false)) return array(); // Make sure to unquote prefix if (!$quote_char && $prefix) $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); $obj = new $objType(); $ioFormats = array_keys($obj -> listValidIOformats()); return self :: autocomplete_opts($ioFormats, $prefix, $case_sensitive, $quote_char); } /** * Autocomplete LSformRule name * * @param[in] $prefix string LSformRule name prefix (optional, default=empty string) * * @retval array List of matched LSformRule names **/ public static function autocomplete_LSformRule_name($prefix='', $quote_char=null) { $rules = array(); $quote_char = self :: unquote_word($prefix); foreach(self :: autocomplete_class_name('LSformRule_'.$prefix, false) as $class) { $rules[] = substr($class, 11); } return self :: autocomplete_opts($rules, $prefix, true, $quote_char); } /** * Unquote a word * * @param[in] &$word string Reference of the word to unquote * * @retval string The quote character or an empty string if word if not quoted */ public static function unquote_word(&$word) { if (in_array($word[0], array('"', "'"))) { $quote_char = $word[0]; $word = substr($word, 1); if ($word[strlen($word)-1] == $quote_char) $word = substr($word, 0, -1); return $quote_char; } return ''; } /** * Quote a word * * @param[in] $word string The word to quote * @param[in] $quote_char string The quote character. If not defined or empty, the input word * will be returned unmodified. * * @retval string The quoted word */ public static function quote_word($word, $quote_char) { if (!$quote_char) return $word; return $quote_char . str_replace($quote_char, "\\$quote_char", $word) . $quote_char; } } /* * Error Codes */ LSerror :: defineError('LScli_01', ___("LScli : The CLI command '%{command}' already exists.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LScli_02', ___("LScli : The CLI command '%{command}' handler is not callable.") ); /* * Register LScli commands */ LScli :: add_command( 'bash_autocomplete', array('LScli', 'bash_autocomplete'), 'Handle BASH completion', '[arg num to autocomplete] -- [command args]', null, false );