*/ class LSattribute extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass { var $name; var $config; var $ldapObject; var $ldap; var $html; var $data; var $updateData=false; var $is_validate=false; var $_finalUpdateData=false; var $_myRights=NULL; var $_events=array(); var $_objectEvents=array(); /** * Constructeur * * Cette methode construit l'objet et définis la configuration. * Elle lance la construction des objets LSattr_html et LSattr_ldap correspondant * à ses types définis définis dans sa configuration * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $name string Nom de l'attribut ldap * @param[in] $config array Configuration de l'objet * @param[in] &$ldapObject LSldapObject L'objet ldap parent * * @retval boolean Retourne true si la création a réussi, false sinon. */ public function __construct($name, $config, &$ldapObject) { $this -> name = $name; $this -> config = $config; $this -> ldapObject =& $ldapObject; $html_type = $this -> getConfig('html_type', 'text', 'string'); $html_class = "LSattr_html_".$html_type; $ldap_type = $this -> getConfig('ldap_type', 'ascii', 'string'); $ldap_class = "LSattr_ldap_".$ldap_type; LSsession :: loadLSclass($html_class); LSsession :: loadLSclass($ldap_class); if (class_exists($html_class) && class_exists($ldap_class)) { $this -> html = new $html_class($name, $config, $this); $this -> ldap = new $ldap_class($name, $config, $this); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode( 'LSattribute_01', array('attr' => $name, 'html'=> $html_type, 'ldap' => $ldap_type) ); return; } return true; } /** * Allow conversion of LSattribute to string * * @retval string The string representation of the LSattribute */ public function __toString() { return strval($this -> ldapObject)." -> name.">"; } /** * Retourne la valeur du label de l'attribut * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval string Le label de l'attribut * * @see LSattr_html::getLabel() */ public function getLabel() { if (!$this -> html) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_09',array('type' => 'html','name' => $this -> name)); return; } return $this -> html -> getLabel(); } /** * Défini la valeur de l'attribut * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true */ public function loadData($attr_data) { $this -> data = ensureIsArray($attr_data); return true; } /** * Redéfini la valeur de l'attribut * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true */ public function reloadData($attr_data) { $this -> data = ensureIsArray($attr_data); $this -> updateData = false; $this -> is_validate = false; return true; } /** * Retourne la valeur de l'attribut * * Retourne la valeur nouvelle si elle existe, sinon la valeur passé. * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval mixed La valeur de l'attribut */ public function getValue() { if ($this -> isUpdate()) { return $this -> getUpdateData(); } else { return $this -> getOldValue(); } } /** * Retourne la valeur originale de l'attribut * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval mixed La valeur originale de l'attribut */ public function getOldValue() { return $this -> data; } /** * Return attribute's display value * * @param[in] $data mixed Custom attribute data (optional, default: current attribute data) * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval mixed The display value of the attribute */ public function getDisplayValue($data=false) { if (!$this -> ldap) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_09',array('type' => 'ldap','name' => $this -> name)); return; } if ($data !== false) { $data = $this -> ldap -> getDisplayValue($data); } elseif ($this -> isUpdate()) { $data = $this -> ldap -> getDisplayValue($this -> updateData); } else { $data = $this -> ldap -> getDisplayValue($this -> data); } $onDisplay = $this -> getConfig('onDisplay'); if ($onDisplay) { $result = $data; foreach(ensureIsArray($onDisplay) as $func) { if (function_exists($func)) { $result = call_user_func($func, $result); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_02', array('attr' => $this->name, 'func' => $func)); return; } } return $result; } return $data; } /** * Ajoute l'attribut au formulaire * * Cette méthode ajoute l'attribut au formulaire $form si l'identifiant de celui-ci * ($idForm) est connu dans la configuration de l'objet. * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] object $form Le formulaire dans lequel doit être ajouté l'attribut * @param[in] string $idForm L'identifiant du formulaire * @param[in] objet &$obj Objet utilisable pour la génération de la valeur de l'attribut * @param[in] array $value valeur de l'élement * * @retval boolean true si l'ajout a fonctionner ou qu'il n'est pas nécessaire, false sinon */ public function addToForm(&$form,$idForm,&$obj=NULL,$value=NULL) { $form_mode = $this -> getConfig("form.$idForm", false); self :: log_debug("$this -> addToForm($idForm): mode = ".varDump($form_mode)); if($form_mode === false) { self :: log_debug("Attribute ".$this -> name." not in form $idForm."); return True; } $myRights = $this -> myRights(); if($myRights == 'n') { self :: log_debug("User can't read or write the attribute ".$this -> name.", don't add it to $idForm form."); return True; } $element = $this -> _addToForm($form, $idForm, $obj, $value); if(!$element) return false; if($this -> getConfig('required', false, 'bool')) $form -> setRequired($this -> name); if ( !$form_mode || ($myRights != 'w') ) { self :: log_debug("Attribute ".$this -> name." is freeze in form $idForm."); $element -> freeze(); } else { $check_data = $this -> getConfig('check_data', array()); if(is_array($check_data)) { foreach ($check_data as $rule => $rule_options) { // Handle rule without options or message if (is_int($rule) && is_string($rule_options)) { $rule = $rule_options; $rule_options = array(); } // Check rule if(!is_empty($rule) && !$form -> isRuleRegistered($rule)) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_03', array('attr' => $this->name, 'rule' => $rule)); return; } // Add rule to form $form -> addRule($this -> name, $rule, (is_array($rule_options)?$rule_options:array())); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_04', $this->name); } } return true; } /** * Récupération des droits de l'utilisateur sur l'attribut * * @retval string 'r'/'w'/'n' pour 'read'/'write'/'none' **/ private function myRights() { // cache if ($this -> _myRights != NULL) { return $this -> _myRights; } $return='n'; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { // In CLI mode, take maximum rights affected to LSprofiles foreach ($this -> getConfig("rights", array()) as $who => $right) { if (in_array($right, array('r', 'w'))) { $return = $right; if ($return == 'w') break; } } } else { $whoami = $this -> ldapObject -> whoami(); foreach($whoami as $who) { $right = $this -> getConfig("rights.$who", null); if (in_array($right, array('r', 'w'))) { $return = $right; if ($return == 'w') break; } } } $this -> _myRights = $return; return $return; } /** * Add attribute to LSview * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $form LSform The LSform object * @param[in] $api_mode boolean True if it's a view in API mode (=all accessible attributes present, * optional, default: false) * * @retval boolean True on success, False otherwise */ public function addToView(&$form, $api_mode=false) { if ((!$api_mode && !$this -> getConfig('view', false, 'bool')) || ($this -> myRights() == 'n') ) return true; $element = $this -> _addToForm($form, 'view'); if ($element) { $element -> freeze(); return true; } return false; } /** * Add attribute to export * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] $form LSform The LSform object * * @retval boolean True on success, False otherwise */ public function addToExport(&$form) { if ($this -> myRights() == 'n') return False; $element = $this -> _addToForm($form, 'export'); if ($element) { $element -> freeze(); return True; } return False; } /** * Add attribute to a LSform for export * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] object $form The LSform object * * @retval LSformElement|False LSformElement object on success, False otherwise */ private function _addToForm(&$form, $idForm, &$obj=NULL, $data=NULL) { if (!$this -> html) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_09',array('type' => 'html','name' => $this -> name)); return; } if (is_null($data)) { if(!is_empty($this -> data)) { $data = $this -> getFormVal(); } else if ($obj && !is_empty($this -> getConfig('default_value'))) { $data = $obj -> getFData($this -> getConfig('default_value')); } } $element = $this -> html -> addToForm($form, $idForm, $data); if(!$element instanceof LSformElement) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSform_06',$this -> name); return; } return $element; } /** * Rafraichis la valeur de l'attribut dans un formualaire * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] object &$form LSform Le formulaire dans lequel doit être ajouté l'attribut * @param[in] string $idForm L'identifiant du formulaire * * @retval boolean true si la valeur a été rafraichie ou que ce n'est pas nécessaire, false sinon */ public function refreshForm(&$form,$idForm) { if ($this -> getConfig("form.$idForm") && ($this -> myRights() != 'n')) { if (!$this -> html) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_09',array('type' => 'html','name' => $this -> name)); return; } $form_element = $form -> getElement($this -> name); if ($form_element) { $values = $this -> html -> refreshForm($this -> getFormVal()); return $form_element -> setValue($values); } else { LSdebug('LSformElement "'.$this -> name.'" n\'existe pas'); } } return true; } /** * Return the form display value * * @param[in] $data mixed Custom attribute data (optional, default: current attribute data) * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval string The form display value */ public function getFormVal($data=null) { if (is_null($data)) { $data = ($this -> isUpdate()?$this -> updateData:$this -> data); } return ensureIsArray($this -> html -> getFormVal($data)); } /** * Définis les données de mises à jour si un changement a eut lieu * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @param[in] string $data Les données de mise à jour. * * @retval void */ public function setUpdateData($data) { if($this -> ldap -> isUpdated($data)) { $this -> updateData = ensureIsArray($data); } } /** * Vérifie si l'attribut a été validé * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si l'attribut a été validé, false sinon */ public function isValidate() { return $this -> is_validate; } /** * Valide le champs * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval void */ public function validate() { $this -> is_validate=true; } /** * Vérifie si l'attribut a été mise à jour * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si l'attribut a été mis à jour, false sinon */ public function isUpdate() { return ($this -> updateData===false)?false:true; } /** * Vérifie si l'attribut est obligatoire * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si l'attribut est obligatoire, false sinon */ public function isRequired() { return $this -> getConfig('required', false, 'bool'); } /** * Vérifie si la valeur de l'attribut peut être générée * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si la valeur de l'attribut peut être générée, false sinon */ public function canBeGenerated() { $format = $this -> getConfig('generate_value_format', $this -> getConfig('default_value')); self :: log_debug($this."->canBeGenerated(): format=".varDump($format)); return ( (function_exists($this -> getConfig('generate_function'))) || !is_empty($format) ); } /** * Génere la valeur de l'attribut à partir de la fonction de génération * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si la valeur à put être générée, false sinon */ public function generateValue() { $value = $this -> getConfig('default_value', false); $generate_function = $this -> getConfig('generate_function'); $format = $this -> getConfig('generate_value_format'); if ($generate_function && function_exists($generate_function)) { $value = call_user_func_array($generate_function, array(&$this -> ldapObject)); } else if ($format) { $value = $this -> ldapObject -> getFData($format); } if ($value !== false) { $this -> updateData = ensureIsArray($value); self :: log_debug($this."generateValue(): generated values = ".varDump($this -> updateData)); return true; } return; } /** * Retourne la valeur de l'attribut pour son enregistrement dans l'annuaire * si l'attribut à été modifié. * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval mixed La valeur de l'attribut pour son enregistrement dans l'annuaire */ public function getUpdateData() { if (!$this -> isUpdate()) { return; } if ( $this -> _finalUpdateData ) { return $this -> _finalUpdateData; } $data=$this -> updateData; if (isset($this -> config['onSave'])) { if (is_array($this -> config['onSave'])) { $result=$data; foreach($this -> config['onSave'] as $func) { if (function_exists($func)) { $result=call_user_func($func, $result); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_05',array('attr' => $this->name,'func' => $func)); return; } } } else { if (function_exists($this -> config['onSave'])) { $result = $this -> config['onSave']($data); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_05',array('attr' => $this->name,'func' => $this -> config['onSave'])); return; } } } else { if (!$this -> ldap) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSattribute_09',array('type' => 'ldap','name' => $this -> name)); return; } else { $result = $this -> ldap -> getUpdateData($data); } } $this -> _finalUpdateData = $result; return $result; } /** * Retourne la configuration de validation de l'attribut * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval mixed La configuration de validation de l'attribut */ public function getValidateConfig() { if (isset($this -> config['validation'])) { return $this -> config['validation']; } return; } /** * Retourne les attributs dépendants de celui-ci * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval array les noms des attributs dépendants */ public function getDependsAttrs() { return (isset($this -> config['dependAttrs'])?$this -> config['dependAttrs']:null); } /** * Ajouter une action lors d'un événement * * @param[in] $event string Le nom de l'événement * @param[in] $fct string Le nom de la fonction à exectuer * @param[in] $params mixed Paramètres pour le lancement de la fonction * @param[in] $class Nom de la classe possèdant la méthode $fct à executer * * @retval void */ public function addEvent($event,$fct,$params,$class=NULL) { $this -> _events[$event][] = array( 'function' => $fct, 'params' => $params, 'class' => $class ); } /** * Ajouter une action sur un objet lors d'un événement * * @param[in] $event string Le nom de l'événement * @param[in] $obj object L'objet dont la méthode doit être executé * @param[in] $meth string Le nom de la méthode * @param[in] $params mixed Paramètres d'execution de la méthode * * @retval void */ public function addObjectEvent($event,&$obj,$meth,$params=NULL) { $this -> _objectEvents[$event][] = array( 'obj' => &$obj, 'meth' => $meth, 'params' => $params ); } /** * Lance les actions à executer lors d'un événement * * @param[in] $event string Le nom de l'événement * * @retval boolean True si tout c'est bien passé, false sinon */ public function fireEvent($event) { self :: log_debug(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event)"); $return = true; if(isset($this -> config[$event])) { foreach(ensureIsArray($this -> config[$event]) as $func) { if(function_exists($func)) { self :: log_debug(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): run ".format_callable($func)); if(!call_user_func_array($func, array(&$this -> ldapObject))) { $return = false; } } else { self :: log_warning(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): function '".format_callable($func)."' doesn't exists."); $return = false; } } } else self :: log_trace(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): no configured trigger for this event."); if (isset($this -> _events[$event]) && is_array($this -> _events[$event])) { foreach ($this -> _events[$event] as $e) { if ($e['class']) { if (class_exists($e['class'])) { $obj = new $e['class'](); if (method_exists($obj,$e['fct'])) { try { self :: log_debug(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): run ".format_callable(array($obj, $e['fct']))); call_user_func_array(array($obj, $e['fct']), array(&$e['params'])); } catch(Exception $er) { self :: log_exception($er, strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): exception occured running ".format_callable(array($obj, $e['fct']))); $return = false; } } else { self :: log_warning(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): method '".$e['fct']."' of the class '".$e['class']."' doesn't exists."); $return = false; } } else { self :: log_warning(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): the class '".$e['class']."' doesn't exists."); $return = false; } } else { if (function_exists($e['fct'])) { try { self :: log_debug(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): run ".format_callable($e['fct'])); call_user_func_array($e['fct'], array(&$e['params'])); } catch(Exception $er) { self :: log_exception($er, strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): exception occured running ".format_callable($e['fct'])); $return = false; } } else { self :: log_warning(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): the function '".$e['fct']."' doesn't exists."); $return = false; } } } } if (isset($this -> _objectEvents[$event]) && is_array($this -> _objectEvents[$event])) { foreach ($this -> _objectEvents[$event] as $e) { if (method_exists($e['obj'], $e['meth'])) { try { self :: log_debug(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): run ".format_callable(array($e['obj'], $e['meth']))); call_user_func_array(array($e['obj'], $e['meth']),array(&$e['params'])); } catch(Exception $er) { self :: log_exception($er, strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): exception occured running ".format_callable(array($e['obj'], $e['meth']))); $return = false; } } else { self :: log_warning(strval($this)." -> fireEvent($event): the method '".$e['meth']."' of the object doesn't exists."); $return = false; } } } return $return; } /** * Return a configuration parameter (or default value) * * @param[] $param The configuration parameter * @param[] $default The default value (default : null) * @param[] $cast Cast resulting value in specific type (default : disabled) * * @retval mixed The configuration parameter value or default value if not set **/ public function getConfig($param, $default=null, $cast=null) { return LSconfig :: get($param, $default, $cast, $this -> config); } } /** * Error Codes **/ LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_01', ___("LSattribute : Attribute %{attr} : LDAP or HTML types unknow (LDAP = %{ldap} & HTML = %{html}).") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_02', ___("LSattribute : The function %{func} to display the attribute %{attr} is unknow.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_03', ___("LSattribute : The rule %{rule} to validate the attribute %{attr} is unknow.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_04', ___("LSattribute : Configuration data to verify the attribute %{attr} are incorrect.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_05', ___("LSattribute : The function %{func} to save the attribute %{attr} is unknow.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_06', ___("LSattribute : The value of the attribute %{attr} can't be generated.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_07', ___("LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} failed.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_08', ___("LSattribute : Generation of the attribute %{attr} did not return a correct value.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSattribute_09', ___("LSattribute : The attr_%{type} of the attribute %{name} is not yet defined.") );