**/ /** * Retrieve a resource * * @param[in] $tpl_name string The template name * @param[in] $tpl_source string Variable passed by reference * where the result should be stored. * @param[in] $smarty_obj object The Smarty object * * @return bool TRUE if it was able to successfully retrieve * the resource and FALSE otherwise. **/ function LStemplate_smarty_get_template ($tpl_name, &$tpl_source, &$smarty_obj) { $tpl_source=LStemplate :: getTemplateSource($tpl_name); return True; } /** * Retrieve the last modification timestamp of a template * * @param[in] $tpl_name string The template name * @param[in] $tpl_timestamp int Variable passed by reference * where the result should be stored. * @param[in] $smarty_obj object The Smarty object * * @return bool TRUE if the timestamp could be succesfully determined, * or FALSE otherwise **/ function LStemplate_smarty_get_timestamp($tpl_name, &$tpl_timestamp, &$smarty_obj) { $time=LStemplate :: getTemplateTimestamp($tpl_name); if ($time) { $tpl_timestamp=$time; return True; } return False; } /** * Determine if template is secured or not * * This function is used only for template resources but should * still be defined. * * @param[in] $tpl_name string The template name * @param[in] $smarty_obj object The Smarty object * * @return bool TRUE if the template is secured, or FALSE otherwise **/ function LStemplate_smarty_get_secure($tpl_name, &$smarty_obj) { return True; } /** * Determine if template is trusted or not * * This function is used for only for PHP script components * requested by {include_php} tag or {insert} tag with the * src attribute. However, it should still be defined even * for template resources. * * @param[in] $tpl_name string The template name * @param[in] $smarty_obj object The Smarty object * * @return bool TRUE if the template is trusted, or FALSE otherwise **/ function LStemplate_smarty_get_trusted($tpl_name, &$smarty_obj) { return True; } // Register 'ls' template ressource LStemplate :: $_smarty -> register_resource('ls', array( 'LStemplate_smarty_get_template', 'LStemplate_smarty_get_timestamp', 'LStemplate_smarty_get_secure', 'LStemplate_smarty_get_trusted' ) ); /** * Register a template function * * @param[in] string $name The function name in template * @param[in] string $function_name The function name in PHP * * @retval void */ function LStemplate_register_function($name,$function_name) { LStemplate :: $_smarty -> register_function($name,$function_name); }