* * @retval boolean true if Asterisk is totally supported, false in other case */ function LSaddon_asterisk_support() { $retval=true; $MUST_DEFINE_CONST= array( 'LS_ASTERISK_HASH_PWD_FORMAT', ); foreach($MUST_DEFINE_CONST as $const) { if ( (!defined($const)) || (constant($const) == "")) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('ASTERISK_SUPPORT_01',$const); $retval=false; } } return $retval; } /** * Make asterisk password hash * * @author Benjamin Renard * * Hash password in MD5 respecting the LSformat LS_ASTERISK_HASH_PWD_FORMAT. * * This function can be used as encode_function of LSattr_ldap :: password. * * @param[in] $ldapObject LSldapObject The LSldapObject use to build the hashed password * @param[in] $clearPassword string The password in clear text * * @retval string The hashed password */ function hashAsteriskPassword($ldapObject,$clearPassword) { if (!is_a($ldapObject,'LSldapObject')) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('ASTERISK_01',array('function' => 'hashAsteriskPassword', 'objectName' => 'LSldapObject')); return; } if (!is_string($clearPassword)) { return; } $ldapObject -> registerOtherValue('clearPassword',$clearPassword); return md5($ldapObject->getFData(LS_ASTERISK_HASH_PWD_FORMAT)); }