obj =& $obj; $this -> relationName = $relationName; if (isset($obj->config['LSrelation'][$relationName]) && is_array($obj->config['LSrelation'][$relationName])) { $this -> config = $obj->config['LSrelation'][$relationName]; } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_02',array('relation' => $relationName,'LSobject' => $obj -> getType())); } } public function exists(&$obj=null,$relationName=null) { if ($obj && $relationName) { return (isset($obj->config['LSrelation'][$relationName]) && is_array($obj->config['LSrelation'][$relationName])); } else { return is_array($this -> config); } } public function getName() { return $this -> relationName; } public function canEdit() { return LSsession :: relationCanEdit($this -> obj -> getValue('dn'),$this -> obj -> getType(),$this -> relationName); } public function canCreate() { return LSsession :: canCreate($this -> config['LSobject']); } public function listRelatedObjects() { if (LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> config['LSobject'])) { $objRel = new $this -> config['LSobject'](); if (isset($this -> config['list_function'])) { if (method_exists($this -> config['LSobject'],$this -> config['list_function'])) { return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> config['list_function']), array(&$this -> obj)); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['list_function'], 'action' => _('listing related objects'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); return False; } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute']) && isset($this -> config['linkAttributeValue'])) { return $objRel -> listObjectsInRelation($this -> obj, $this -> config['linkAttribute'], $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> getLinkAttributeValues()); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('listing related objects'))); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_04',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'])); } return; } public function getLinkAttributeValues() { if (isset($this -> config['linkAttributeOtherValues'])) { $linkAttributeValues=$this -> config['linkAttributeOtherValues']; $linkAttributeValues[]=$this -> config['linkAttributeValue']; return $linkAttributeValues; } else { return $this -> config['linkAttributeValue']; } } public function getRelatedKeyValue() { if (LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> config['LSobject'])) { $objRel = new $this -> config['LSobject'](); if (isset($this -> config['getkeyvalue_function'])) { if (method_exists($this -> config['LSobject'],$this -> config['getkeyvalue_function'])) { return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> config['getkeyvalue_function']), array(&$this -> obj)); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['getkeyvalue_function'], 'action' => _('getting key value'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute']) && isset($this -> config['linkAttributeValue'])) { return $objRel -> getObjectKeyValueInRelation($this -> obj, $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> config['linkAttributeValue']); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('getting key value'))); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_04',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'])); } return; } public function getRelatedEditableAttribute() { if (isset($this -> config['canEdit_attribute'])) { return $this -> config['canEdit_attribute']; } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute'])) { return $this -> config['linkAttribute']; } return False; } public function canEditRelationWithObject($objRel) { if (!$this -> canEdit()) return; if (isset($this -> config['canEdit_function'])) { if (method_exists($objRel,$this -> config['canEdit_function'])) { return call_user_func(array($objRel, $this -> config['canEdit_function'])); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['canEdit_function'], 'action' => _('checking right on relation with specific object'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); return False; } elseif ($this -> getRelatedEditableAttribute()) { return LSsession :: canEdit($objRel -> getType(),$objRel -> getDn(),$this -> getRelatedEditableAttribute()); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('checking right on relation with specific object'))); } } public function removeRelationWithObject($objRel) { if (isset($this -> config['remove_function'])) { if (method_exists($this -> config['LSobject'],$this -> config['remove_function'])) { return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> config['remove_function']),array(&$this -> obj)); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['remove_function'], 'action' => _('deleting'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); return False; } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute']) && isset($this -> config['linkAttributeValue'])) { return $objRel -> deleteOneObjectInRelation($this -> obj, $this -> config['linkAttribute'], $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> config['linkAttributeValue'], null, $this -> getLinkAttributeValues()); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('removing relation with specific object'))); } return; } public function renameRelationWithObject($objRel,$oldKeyValue) { if (isset($this -> config['rename_function'])) { if (method_exists($objRel,$this -> config['rename_function'])) { return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> config['rename_function']), array(&$this -> obj, $oldKeyValue)); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['rename_function'], 'action' => _('renaming'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); return False; } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute']) && isset($this -> config['linkAttributeValue'])) { return $objRel -> renameOneObjectInRelation($this -> obj, $oldKeyValue, $this -> config['linkAttribute'], $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> config['linkAttributeValue']); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('checking right on relation with specific object'))); } return; } public function updateRelations($listDns) { if (LSsession :: loadLSobject($this -> config['LSobject'])) { $objRel = new $this -> config['LSobject'](); if (isset($this -> config['update_function'])) { if (method_exists($objRel,$this -> config['update_function'])) { return call_user_func_array(array($objRel, $this -> config['update_function']), array(&$this -> obj, $listDns)); } LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_01',array('function' => $this -> config['update_function'], 'action' => _('updating'), 'relation' => $this -> relationName)); } elseif (isset($this -> config['linkAttribute']) && isset($this -> config['linkAttributeValue'])) { return $objRel -> updateObjectsInRelation($this -> obj, $listDns, $this -> config['linkAttribute'], $this -> obj -> getType(), $this -> config['linkAttributeValue'],null,$this -> getLinkAttributeValues()); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_05',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'],'action' => _('updating relations'))); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSrelations_04',array('relation' => $this -> relationName,'LSobject' => $this -> config['LSobject'])); } return; } /* * Méthode chargeant les dépendances d'affichage * * @retval void */ public static function loadDependenciesDisplay() { if (LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSselect')) { LSselect :: loadDependenciesDisplay(); } LSsession :: addJSscript('LSrelation.js'); LSsession :: addCssFile('LSrelation.css'); LSsession :: addJSconfigParam('LSrelation_labels', array( 'close_confirm_text' => _('Do you really want to delete'), 'close_confirm_title' => _('Warning'), 'close_confirm_validate' => _('Delete') )); } /* * Méthode chargeant les informations des LSrelations d'un objet et définissant * les variables templates pour l'affichage dans une LSview. * * @param[in] LSldapObject L'objet dont on cherche les LSrelations * * @retval void */ public static function displayInLSview($object) { if (($object instanceof LSldapObject) && (is_array($object -> config['LSrelation']))) { $LSrelations=array(); $LSrelations_JSparams=array(); foreach($object -> config['LSrelation'] as $relationName => $relationConf) { if (LSsession :: relationCanAccess($object -> getValue('dn'),$object->getType(),$relationName)) { $return=array( 'label' => __($relationConf['label']), 'LSobject' => $relationConf['LSobject'] ); if (isset($relationConf['emptyText'])) { $return['emptyText'] = __($relationConf['emptyText']); } else { $return['emptyText'] = _('No object.'); } $id=rand(); $return['id']=$id; $LSrelations_JSparams[$id]=array( 'emptyText' => $return['emptyText'] ); $_SESSION['LSrelation'][$id] = array( 'relationName' => $relationName, 'objectType' => $object -> getType(), 'objectDn' => $object -> getDn(), ); $relation = new LSrelation($object, $relationName); if ($relation -> canEdit()) { $return['actions'][] = array( 'label' => _('Modify'), 'url' => 'object/'.$relationConf['LSobject'].'/select?multiple=1'.($relation -> getRelatedEditableAttribute()?'&editableAttr='.$relation -> getRelatedEditableAttribute():''), 'action' => 'modify', 'class' => 'LSrelation_modify', ); } if ($relation -> canCreate()) { $return['actions'][] = array( 'label' => _('New'), 'url' => 'object/'.$relationConf['LSobject'].'/create?LSrelation='.$relationName.'&relatedLSobject='.$object->getType().'&relatedLSobjectDN='.urlencode($object -> getValue('dn')), 'action' => 'create', 'class' => null, ); } $list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects(); if (is_array($list)) { foreach($list as $o) { $return['objectList'][] = array( 'text' => $o -> getDisplayName(NULL,true), 'dn' => $o -> getDn(), 'canEdit' => $relation -> canEditRelationWithObject($o) ); } } else { $return['objectList']=array(); } $LSrelations[]=$return; } } self :: loadDependenciesDisplay(); LStemplate :: assign('LSrelations',$LSrelations); LSsession :: addJSconfigParam('LSrelations',$LSrelations_JSparams); } } public static function ajax_refreshSession(&$return) { if ((isset($_REQUEST['id'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['href'])) ) { if (isset($_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']])) { $conf = $_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']]; if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($conf['objectType'])) { $object = new $conf['objectType'](); if (($object -> loadData($conf['objectDn'])) && (isset($object->config['LSrelation'][$conf['relationName']]))) { $relation = new LSrelation($object, $conf['relationName']); $LSobjectInRelation = $object->config['LSrelation'][$conf['relationName']]['LSobject']; if ($relation -> canEdit()) { $list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects(); $_SESSION['LSselect'][$LSobjectInRelation]=array(); if (is_array($list)) { foreach($list as $o) { $_SESSION['LSselect'][$LSobjectInRelation][] = $o -> getDn(); } } $return = array( 'href' => $_REQUEST['href'], 'id' => $_REQUEST['id'] ); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_11'); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_12'); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_12'); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsession_12'); } } } public static function ajax_refreshList(&$data) { if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { if (isset($_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']])) { $conf = $_SESSION['LSrelation'][$_REQUEST['id']]; if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($conf['objectType'])) { $object = new $conf['objectType'](); if (($object -> loadData($conf['objectDn'])) && (isset($object->config['LSrelation'][$conf['relationName']]))) { $relation = new LSrelation($object, $conf['relationName']); $LSobjectInRelation = $object->config['LSrelation'][$conf['relationName']]['LSobject']; $relationConf = $object->config['LSrelation'][$conf['relationName']]; if($relation -> updateRelations($_SESSION['LSselect'][$LSobjectInRelation])) { $list = $relation -> listRelatedObjects(); if (is_array($list)&&(!empty($list))) { $data['html']=""; foreach($list as $o) { if ($relation -> canEditRelationWithObject($o)) { $class=' LSrelation_editable'; } else { $class=''; } $data['html'].= "