#!/bin/sh # List of local files which will be install in web root LOCAL_FILES=" " LOG_FILE="$ROOT_DIR/upgrade.log" # The theme name to install (optional) #THEME="mytheme" # Do doc export ? BUILD_DOC=1 # The export dir # If EXPORT_DIR is a zero length string, will not export doc EXPORT_DOC_DIR=/var/www/ldapsaisie-doc # PDF export name file # If PDF is a zero length string, pdf doc export will not build PDF=LdapSaisie.pdf # ALL_IN_ONE export name # If ALL_IN_ONE is a zero length string, all-in-one doc export will not build ALL_IN_ONE=all-in-one # On-line export name # If ONLINE is a zero length string, on-line doc export will not build ONLINE=online # Docbook export name # If DOCBOOK is a zero length string, docbook doc export will not buil DOCBOOK=docbook # The CSS file to use in export CSS=$DOC_DIR/styles/LS.css # The image doc directory IMAGES=$DOC_DIR/images # The name of last update file LAST_UPDATE_FILE=$EXPORT_DIR/last_update.txt