* * @retval boolean true si MAIL est pleinement supporté, false sinon */ function LSaddon_mail_support() { $retval=true; // Dependance de librairie if (!class_exists('Mail')) { if(!LSsession::includeFile(PEAR_MAIL, true)) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('MAIL_SUPPORT_01'); $retval=false; } } if (!class_exists('Mail_mime')) { if(!LSsession::includeFile(PEAR_MAIL_MIME, true)) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('MAIL_SUPPORT_02'); $retval=false; } } if ($retval) LScli :: add_command( 'test_send_mail', 'cli_test_send_mail', 'Send a test email', "[-s subject] [-b body] [recipient]", array ( " -s/--subject The test email subject (optional)", " -b/--body The test email body (optional)", " recipient The test email recipient (required)", ), false, // This command does not need LDAP connection 'cli_test_send_mail_autocompleter' ); return $retval; } /** * Envoie d'un mail * * @author Benjamin Renard * * @retval boolean true si MAIL est pleinement supporté, false sinon */ function sendMail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers=array(), $attachments=array(), $eol="\n", $encoding="utf8", $html=false) { global $MAIL_SEND_PARAMS, $MAIL_HEARDERS; $mail_obj = Mail::factory(MAIL_SEND_METHOD, (isset($MAIL_SEND_PARAMS)?$MAIL_SEND_PARAMS:null)); if (isset($MAIL_HEARDERS) && is_array($MAIL_HEARDERS)) { $headers = array_merge($headers,$MAIL_HEARDERS); } if (isset($headers['From'])) { $from = $headers['From']; unset($headers['From']); } elseif (LSsession :: getEmailSender() != "") { $from = LSsession :: getEmailSender(); } else { $from = null; } $headers["To"] = $to; $to = array ( 'To' => $to ); foreach(array_keys($headers) as $header) { if(strtoupper($header) == 'BCC') { $to['BCC'] = $headers[$header]; } elseif(strtoupper($header) == 'CC') { $to['CC'] = $headers[$header]; } } $mime = new Mail_mime( array( 'eol' => $eol, ($html?'html_charset':'text_charset') => $encoding, 'head_charset' => $encoding, ) ); if ($from) $mime->setFrom($from); if ($subject) $mime->setSubject($subject); if ($html) $mime->setHTMLBody($msg); else $mime->setTXTBody($msg); if (is_array($attachments) && !empty($attachments)) { $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); foreach ($attachments as $file => $filename) { $mime->addAttachment($file, $finfo->file($file), $filename); } } $body = $mime->get(); $headers = $mime->headers($headers); $ret = $mail_obj -> send($to, $headers, $body); if ($ret instanceof PEAR_Error) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('MAIL_01'); LSerror :: addErrorCode('MAIL_00', $ret -> getMessage()); return; } return true; } if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') return; function cli_test_send_mail($command_args) { $recipient = null; $subject = "Test email"; $body = "This is a test message."; for ($i=0; $i < count($command_args); $i++) { switch ($command_args[$i]) { case '--subject': case '-s': $i++; if (!isset($command_args[$i])) LScli :: usage("You must provide the email subject after -s/--subject parameter."); $subject = $command_args[$i]; if (!$subject) LScli :: usage("Invalid subject provided."); break; case '--body': case '-b': $i++; if (!isset($command_args[$i])) LScli :: usage("You must provide the email body after -b/--body parameter."); $body = $command_args[$i]; if (!$body) LScli :: usage("Invalid body provided."); break; default: if (!$recipient && checkEmail($command_args[$i])) $recipient = $command_args[$i]; else LScli :: usage("Invalid parameter '".$command_args[$i]."'."); } } if (!$recipient) LScli :: usage("You must provide test email recipient as first positional parameter"); $logger = LSlog :: get_logger('LSaddon_mail'); if (!sendMail($recipient, $subject, $body)) { $logger -> error("Fail to send test email sent to '$recipient'."); return false; } $logger -> info("Test email sent to '$recipient'."); return true; } function cli_test_send_mail_autocompleter($comp_words, $comp_word_num, $comp_word, $opts) { switch ($comp_words[$comp_word_num-1]) { case '-s': case '--subject': case '-b': case '--body': return array(); break; } $opts = array_merge( $opts, array ( '-s', '--subject', '-b', '--body', ) ); return LScli :: autocomplete_opts($opts, $comp_word); }