# LdapSaisie - LDAP Schema - Example # Web Site : http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org objectIdentifier EeRoot objectIdentifier LeRoot EeRoot:4 objectIdentifier LsRoot LeRoot:10000 objectIdentifier LsLDAP LsRoot:2 objectIdentifier LsLDAPAttribute LsLDAP:1 objectIdentifier LsLDAPObjectClass LsLDAP:2 # attributetype (LsLDAPAttribute:1 NAME 'lsAllowedServices' DESC 'List of allowed services' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{256} ) attributetype ( LsLDAPAttribute:2 NAME 'lsRecoveryHash' DESC 'Password Recover Hash' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX attributetype ( LsLDAPAttribute:3 NAME 'lsGodfatherDn' SUP distinguishedName DESC 'Godfather dn of this entry' ) # # objectclass (LsLDAPObjectClass:1 NAME 'lspeople' DESC 'LS people Objectclass' STRUCTURAL MUST ( uid $ cn ) MAY ( jpegPhoto $ sn $ givenName $ postalAddress $ postalCode $ l $ st $ c $ telephoneNumber $ mobile $ fax $ mail $ personalTitle $ description $ userPassword $ lsallowedservices $ lsRecoveryHash $ lsGodfatherDn )) objectclass (LsLDAPObjectClass:3 NAME 'lsgroup' DESC 'LS group Objectclass' AUXILIARY MUST ( cn ) MAY ( uniquemember $ description $ lsGodfatherDn )) objectclass (LsLDAPObjectClass:4 NAME 'lssysaccount' DESC 'LS system account Objectclass' STRUCTURAL MUST ( uid ) MAY (userpassword $ description)) objectclass ( LsLDAPObjectClass:5 NAME 'lscompany' SUP organizationalUnit STRUCTURAL MUST ( ou ) MAY ( description $ lsGodfatherDn )) #