#!/bin/sh ROOT_DIR=$( cd `dirname $0`; pwd ) LOCAL_SAV_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/config.local" # Import config if [ ! -f $LOCAL_SAV_DIR/local.sh ] then echo "Error : You don't have create your own local.sh file in config.local directory. You could rely on the local.sh.example file to create your version." exit 1 fi source $LOCAL_SAV_DIR/local.sh function msg() { echo $2 "$1" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" } function check_file_or_symlink() { [ -f "$1" ] && echo 0 && return 0 if [ -L "$1" ] then [ -r "$1" ] && echo 0 && return 0 rm -f "$1" fi echo 1 && return 1 } cd $ROOT_DIR msg "-> Clean git repos : " for i in $LOCAL_FILES do msg "\t-> $i : " -en if [ -L $i ] then msg "\n\t\t-> Delete file : " -en rm -fr $i >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 else msg "Ok" fi if [ -f $i.sav ] then msg "\t\t-> Restore orignal file : " -en mv $i.sav $i >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 else msg "Ok" fi fi else msg "file does not exist, pass..." fi done if [ $BUILD_DOC -eq 1 ] then msg "-> Clean the doc : " -en cd $ROOT_DIR/doc >> $LOG_FILE && make clean >> $LOG_FILE && cd - >> $LOG_FILE if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 else msg "Ok" fi fi if [ "$THEME" != "" ] then msg "\t\t-> Remove theme : " -en rm -f $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 else msg "Ok" fi fi msg "-> Verification of git repos state : " git status >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ "$ETAT" != "" ] then msg "\n\t-> [Error] Some changes have been made to source code since the last update." -e exit 1 fi msg "\t->[OK]" -e msg "-> Upgrade git repos : " RES_GIT=`git pull` RES=$? msg "$RES_GIT" -e if [ $RES -gt 0 ] then msg "\t-> [Error] Problem during git repos pull." -e exit 1 fi msg "\t-> [OK]" -e msg "-> Install local files : " for i in $LOCAL_FILES do msg "\t-> $i : " -ne SRC="$LOCAL_SAV_DIR/`basename $i`" if [ -f $SRC ] then msg if [ -f $ROOT_DIR/$i ] then msg "\t\t-> Backup original file : " -en mv $ROOT_DIR/$i $ROOT_DIR/$i.sav >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 fi msg "Ok" msg "\t\t-> Check possible change of the original file since last upgrade : " -en if [ -f $SRC.orig ] then DIFF=`diff $ROOT_DIR/$i.sav $SRC.orig` if [ "$DIFF" != "" ] then msg "\n$DIFF\n\t\t\t-> Caution : This file changed. Do you want edit this file now ? [y/N] " -en read a echo "Reponse : $a" >> $LOG_FILE if [ "$a" == "y" -o "$a" == "Y" ] then vi -d $SRC $ROOT_DIR/$i.sav fi else msg "No change" fi else msg "Original backup file does not exist. Pass ..." fi msg "\t\t-> Backup file for next upgrade : " -en cp -f $ROOT_DIR/$i.sav $SRC.orig >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 fi msg "Ok" fi msg "\t\t-> Install local file : " -en ln -s $SRC $ROOT_DIR/$i >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 fi msg "Ok" else msg "file does not exist. Pass..." fi done if [ "$THEME" != "" ] then msg "-> Install theme : " # TPL msg "\t- Template : " -e ln -s $LOCAL_SAV_DIR/theme/templates $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME_TPL_REF ] then msg "\t\t-> Vérification de la présence des fichiers : " -e for i in $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME_TPL_REF/* do f=`basename $i` msg "\t\t\t- $f : " -en if [ `check_file_or_symlink "$ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME/$f"` -eq 0 ] then msg "present." else ln -s $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME_TPL_REF/$f $ROOT_DIR/public_html/templates/$THEME/$f msg "link." fi done fi # IMG msg "\t- Images : " -e ln -s $LOCAL_SAV_DIR/theme/images $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME_IMG_REF ] then msg "\t\t-> Vérification de la présence des fichiers : " -e for i in $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME_IMG_REF/* do f=`basename $i` msg "\t\t\t- $f : " -en if [ `check_file_or_symlink "$ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME/$f"` -eq 0 ] then msg "present." else ln -s $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME_IMG_REF/$f $ROOT_DIR/public_html/images/$THEME/$f msg "link." fi done fi # CSS msg "\t- CSS : " -e ln -s $LOCAL_SAV_DIR/theme/css $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME_CSS_REF ] then msg "\t\t-> Vérification de la présence des fichiers : " -e for i in $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME_CSS_REF/* do f=`basename $i` msg "\t\t\t- $f : " -en if [ `check_file_or_symlink "$ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME/$f"` -eq 0 ] then msg "present." else ln -s $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME_CSS_REF/$f $ROOT_DIR/public_html/css/$THEME/$f msg "link." fi done fi fi if [ $BUILD_DOC -eq 1 ] then [ -n "$LAST_UPDATE_FILE" ] && [ "`$ROOT_DIR/checkDocExportsNecessity.sh`" == "" ] && echo "Export documentation is not necessary. Pass." && exit msg "-> Do you want build the documentation (y/N) ? " -en read a if [ "$a" == "y" -o "$a" == "Y" ] then msg "-> Build the doc : " -en cd $ROOT_DIR/doc >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 && make >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 && cd - >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -gt 0 ] then msg "Error" exit 1 else msg "Ok" fi if [ -n "$EXPORT_DOC_DIR" ] then $ROOT_DIR/buildDocExports.sh fi fi fi