'/usr/share/php/Net/LDAP2.php', 'Smarty' => '/usr/share/php/smarty3/Smarty.class.php', 'lang' => 'fr_FR', 'encoding' => 'UTF8', 'cacheLSprofiles' => true, 'cacheSubDn' => true, 'cacheSearch' => true, 'keepLSsessionActive' => true, 'ldap_servers' => array ( array ( 'name' => 'LSexample', 'ldap_config'=> array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 389, 'version' => 3, 'starttls' => false, 'binddn' => 'uid=ldapsaisie,ou=sysaccounts,o=ls', 'bindpw' => 'toto', 'basedn' => 'o=ls', 'options' => array(), 'filter' => '(objectClass=*)', 'scope' => 'sub' ), /* 'LSauth' => array ( 'method' => 'HTTP' ), */ 'LSprofiles' => array ( 'admin' => array ( 'o=ls' => array ( 'uid=eeggs,ou=people,o=ls' => NULL ), 'ou=people,o=ls' => array ( 'cn=adminldap,ou=groups,o=ls' => array ( 'attr' => 'uniqueMember', 'LSobject' => 'LSgroup' ) ) ), 'godfather' => array ( 'LSobjects' => array ( 'LSpeople' => array ( 'attr' => 'lsGodfatherDn', 'attr_value' => '%{dn}', 'basedn' => 'ou=people,o=ls' ), 'LSgroup' => array ( 'filter' => '(lsGodfatherDn=%{dn})' ) ) ) ), 'cacheLSprofiles' => true, 'cacheSearch' => true, 'authObjectType' => 'LSpeople', 'authObjectFilter' => '(|(uid=%{user})(mail=%{user}))', 'authObjectTypeAttrPwd' => 'userPassword', 'LSaccess' => array( 'LSpeople', 'LSgroup' ), 'recoverPassword' => array( 'mailAttr' => 'mail', 'recoveryHashAttr' => 'lsRecoveryHash', 'recoveryEmailSender' => 'noreply-recover@ls.com', 'recoveryHashMail' => array( 'subject' => 'LSexample : Recovering your password.', 'msg' => "To proceed password recovery procedure, please follow that link:\n%{url}" ), 'newPasswordMail' => array( 'subject' => 'LSexample : Your new credentials.', 'msg' => "Your new password : %{mdp}" ) ), 'emailSender' => 'noreply@ls.com' ), array ( 'name' => 'LSexample - multi-company', 'ldap_config'=> array( 'host' => '', 'port' => 389, 'version' => 3, 'starttls' => false, 'binddn' => 'uid=ldapsaisie,ou=sysaccounts,o=ls', 'bindpw' => 'toto', 'basedn' => 'o=ls', 'options' => array(), 'filter' => '(objectClass=*)', 'scope' => 'sub' ), 'LSprofiles' => array( 'admin' => array ( 'o=ls' => array ( 'uid=eeggs,ou=people,o=ls' => NULL, 'cn=adminldap,ou=groups,o=ls' => array ( 'attr' => 'uniqueMember', 'LSobject' => 'LSgroup' ) ) ), 'admingroup' => array ( 'ou=company1,ou=companies,o=ls' => array ( 'uid=user1,ou=people,ou=company1,ou=companies,o=ls' => NULL ) ) ), 'authObjectType' => 'LSpeople', 'subDnLabel' => 'Company', 'subDn' => array( '== All ==' => array( 'dn' => 'o=ls', 'LSobjects' => array( 'LSpeople', 'LSgroup', 'LScompany' ) ), 'LSobject' => array( 'LScompany' => array( 'LSobjects' => array( 'LSpeople', 'LSgroup' ) ) ) ), 'cacheLSprofiles' => true, 'cacheSearch' => true, 'authObjectTypeAttrPwd' => 'userPassword', 'recoverPassword' => array( 'mailAttr' => 'mail', 'recoveryHashAttr' => 'lsRecoveryHash', 'recoveryEmailSender' => 'noreply-recover@lsexample.net', 'recoveryHashMail' => array( 'subject' => 'LSexample : Recovering your password.', 'msg' => "To proceed password recovery procedure, please follow that link:\n%{url}" ), 'newPasswordMail' => array( 'subject' => 'LSexample : Your new credentials.', 'msg' => "Your new password : %{mdp}" ) ), 'emailSender' => 'noreply@lsexample.net' ) ) ); // Interface // Theme Black //define('LS_THEME','black'); //define('LS_TEMPLATES_DIR', 'templates/default'); // Theme Default define('LS_THEME','default'); define('LS_TEMPLATES_DIR', 'templates'); define('LS_IMAGES_DIR', 'images'); define('LS_CSS_DIR', 'css'); //Debug define('LSdebug',false); // Logging $GLOBALS['LSlog']['handlers'] = array ( array ( 'handler' => 'file', 'path' => 'tmp/LS.log', ), array ( 'handler' => 'email', // Email handler (each logged message generated an email) 'level' => 'FATAL', 'recipient' => 'root@localhost', // Email recipient ), /* array ( 'handler' => 'syslog', // Syslog handler //'priority' => 'WARNING', // Force priority : EMERG, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG ), */ /* array ( 'handler' => 'system', // System logging (using PHP error_log) 'level' => 'ERROR', ), */ ); $GLOBALS['LSlog']['level'] = 'INFO'; // DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL $GLOBALS['LSlog']['enable'] = true; define('NB_LSOBJECT_LIST',30); define('NB_LSOBJECT_LIST_SELECT',11); $GLOBALS['NB_LSOBJECT_LIST_CHOICES'] = array(30, 60, 100); define('MAX_SEND_FILE_SIZE',2000000); // Javascript $GLOBALS['defaultJSscipts']=array( 'mootools-core.js', 'mootools-more.js', 'functions.js', 'LSdefault.js', 'LSinfosBox.js' ); // CSS $GLOBALS['defaultCSSfiles']=array('../light-blue.css');