<?php /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs * http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org * * Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement'); /** * Element jsonCompositeAttribute d'un formulaire pour LdapSaisie * * Cette classe permet de gérer les attributs composite encodé en JSON. * Elle étant la classe basic LSformElement. * * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com> */ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement { var $template = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.tpl'; var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field.tpl'; function LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute (&$form, $name, $label, $params,&$attr_html){ parent :: LSformElement($form, $name, $label, $params,$attr_html); if (is_array($this -> params['html_options']['components'])) { $this -> components = $this -> params['html_options']['components']; } } /* * Composants des valeurs composites : * * Format : * array ( * '[clé composant1]' => array ( * 'label' => '[label composant]', * 'type' => '[type de composant]', * 'required' => '[booléen obligatoire]' * ), * '[clé composant 2]' => array ( * 'label' => 'label2', * 'type' => 'select_list', * 'options' => array([config as LSattr_html_select_list html_options]), * ), * [...] * ) * Types : * - 'select_list' => Composant alimenté à partir d'une liste de valeur configurable * de la même manière qu'un LSattr_html :: select_list. * - 'text' => saisie manuelle * */ var $components = array(); /** * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément * * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement * * @retval array */ function getDisplay(){ $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); $parseValues=array(); $invalidValues=array(); foreach($this -> values as $val) { $decodedValue=json_decode($val, true); if (is_array($decodedValue)) { $parseValue=array('value' => $val); foreach($decodedValue as $c => $cvalue) { $parseValue[$c]=$this -> translateComponentValue($c,$cvalue); } $parseValues[]=$parseValue; } else { $invalidValues[]=$val; } } $components = $this -> components; foreach($components as $c => $cconf) { if ($cconf['type']=='select_list') { $components[$c]['possible_values']=$this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c); } } $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL, array( 'parseValues' => $parseValues, 'components' => $components ) ); LSsession :: addCssFile('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.css'); return $return; } /** * Retourne le code HTML d'un champ vide * * @retval string Code HTML d'un champ vide. */ function getEmptyField() { return $this -> fetchTemplate($this -> fieldTemplate,array('components' => $this -> components)); } /** * Traduit la valeur d'un composant * * Retourne un array contenant : * - label : l'étiquette de la valeur ou 'no' sinon * - value : la valeur brute * - translated : la valeur traduite ou la valeur elle même * * @param[in] $c string Le nom du composant * @param[in] $val string La valeur * * @retval array **/ function translateComponentValue($c,$val) { $retval = array ( 'translated' => $val, 'value' => $val, ); if (isset($this -> components[$c])) { if ($this -> components[$c]['type']=='select_list') { $retval['translated'] = $this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c,$val); } //elseif type == 'text' => aucune transformation } return $retval; } protected $_cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues=array(); protected function getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c) { if (!isset($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c])) { if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSattr_html_select_list')) return; $this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c]=LSattr_html_select_list :: getPossibleValues($this -> components[$c]['options'], $this -> name, $this->attr_html->attribute->ldapObject); } return $this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c]; } protected function getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c,$value) { if ($this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c)) { foreach ($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c] as $v => $label) { if (is_array($label)) { if (!isset($label['possible_values'])) continue; foreach ($label['possible_values'] as $vk => $vl) if ($vk == $$value) return $vl; } if ($v == $value) return $label; } } return; } /** * Recupère la valeur de l'élement passée en POST * * Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère * pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément * * @param[] array Pointeur sur le tableau qui recupèrera la valeur. * * @retval boolean true si la valeur est présente en POST, false sinon */ function getPostData(&$return) { if($this -> isFreeze()) { return true; } $count=0; $end=false; $return[$this -> name]=array(); while ($end==false) { $value=array(); $parseValue=array(); $errors=array(); $unemptyComponents=array(); foreach ($this -> components as $c => $cconf) { if (isset($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c][$count])) { $parseValue[$c]=$_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c][$count]; if ($cconf['required'] && empty($parseValue[$c])) { $errors[]=getFData(__('Component %{c} must be defined'),__($cconf['label'])); continue; } if (empty($parseValue[$c])) { continue; } $unemptyComponents[]=$c; if ($cconf['type']=='select_list') { if (!$this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c, $parseValue[$c])) { $errors[]=getFData(__('Invalid value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); } } if (is_array($cconf['check_data'])) { foreach($cconf['check_data'] as $ruleType => $rconf) { $className='LSformRule_'.$ruleType; if (LSsession::loadLSclass($className)) { $r=new $className(); if (!$r -> validate($parseValue[$c],$rconf,$this)) { if (isset($rconf['msg'])) { $errors[]=getFData(__($rconf['msg']),__($cconf['label'])); } else { $errors[]=getFData(__('Invalid value for component %{c}.'),__($cconf['label'])); } } } else { $errors[]=getFData(__("Can't validate value of component %{c}."),__($cconf['label'])); } } } $value[$c]=$parseValue[$c]; } else { // end of value break $end=true; break; } } if (!$end) { if (!empty($unemptyComponents)) { foreach($errors as $e) { $this -> form -> setElementError($this -> attr_html,$e); } $return[$this -> name][]=json_encode($value); } $count++; } } return true; } }