*/ class LSformElement_text extends LSformElement { var $JSscripts = array(); var $CSSfiles = array( 'LSformElement_text.css', ); var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_text_field.tpl'; var $fetchVariables = array( 'additionalCssClass' => array(), ); /** * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément * * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement * * @return array */ public function getDisplay(){ $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); // value if (!$this -> isFreeze()) { if ($this -> getParam('html_options')) { LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam($this -> name, $this -> getParam('html_options')); } LStemplate :: addHelpInfo( 'LSformElement_text', array( 'generate' => _('Generate the value') ) ); if ($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete')) { LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam('LSformElement_text_autocomplete_noResultLabel', _('No result')); } LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_text_field.js'); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_text.js'); } foreach ($this -> JSscripts as $js) { LStemplate :: addJSscript($js); } foreach ($this -> CSSfiles as $css) { LStemplate :: addCssFile($css); } $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(); return $return; } /** * Return HTML code of the LSformElement based on its (smarty) template file * * @param string $template The template filename (optional, default: $this -> template) * @param string $template Array of template variables to assign before template compilation (optional) * * @return string HTML code of the LSformElement */ public function fetchTemplate($template=NULL,$variables=array()) { if ($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.value_attributes', null, 'array')) { $this -> fetchVariables['additionalCssClass'][] = " LSformElement_text_autocomplete"; } return parent :: fetchTemplate($template,$variables); } /** * Autocomplete value * * @param string $pattern The pattern of the search * * @return array(value -> displayName) Found values */ public function autocomplete($pattern) { $ret = array(); $value_attributes = $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.value_attributes', null, 'array'); if ($value_attributes) { $obj_type = $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.object_type'); if ($obj_type) { // Search with a specific objectType if (LSsession :: loadLSobject($obj_type)) { $obj = new $obj_type(); $filters = array(); foreach($value_attributes as $attr) { $filters[] = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create($attr, 'present'); } $filter = (count($filters)==1?$filters[0]:Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', $filters)); if ($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.filter')) { $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine( 'and', array( Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.filter')), $filter, ) ); } self :: log_debug("autocomplete($pattern): search $obj_type with pattern = '$pattern' and additional filter = '".$filter->as_string()."'"); $sparams = array( 'pattern' => $pattern, 'attributes' => $value_attributes, 'displayFormat' => $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.display_name_format'), 'filter' => $filter, 'onlyAccessible' => $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.only_accessible', false, 'bool'), ); LSdebug($filter->as_string()); $search = new LSsearch( $obj_type, 'LSformElement_text::autocomplete', $sparams, true ); $search -> run(); foreach($search -> getSearchEntries() as $e) { foreach($value_attributes as $attr) { $values = ensureIsArray($e->get($attr)); if (!$values) continue; foreach($values as $value) { $e -> registerOtherValue('value', $value); $ret[$value] = $e->displayName; } } } } } else { if ($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.pattern_filter')) { // Filter on object with at least one of value attributes $filters = array(); foreach($value_attributes as $attr) { $filters[] = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create($attr, 'present'); } $filter = (count($filters)==1?$filters[0]:Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', $filters)); // Compute pattern filter $pattern_filter = getFData( $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.pattern_filter', null, 'string'), Net_LDAP2_Filter::escape($pattern) ); self :: log_debug("autocomplete($pattern): pattern filter = '$pattern_filter'"); // Combine pattern and value attributes filters $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine( 'and', array( Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($pattern_filter), $filter, ) ); } else { $filters = array(); foreach($value_attributes as $attr) { $filters[] = Net_LDAP2_Filter::create($attr, 'contains', $pattern); } $filter = (count($filters)==1?$filters[0]:Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine('or', $filters)); } if ($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.filter')) { $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::combine( 'and', array( Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.filter')), $filter, ) ); } self :: log_debug("autocomplete($pattern): filter = '".$filter->as_string()."'"); $displayNameFormat = $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.display_name_format', false); $attributes = $value_attributes; if ($displayNameFormat) foreach(getFieldInFormat($displayNameFormat) as $attr) if(!in_array($attr, $attributes) && $attr != 'value') $attributes[] = $attr; $objects = LSldap :: search ( $filter, $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.basedn', null), array ( 'attributes' => $attributes, 'scope' => $this -> getParam('html_options.autocomplete.scope', 'sub'), ) ); if (is_array($objects)) { foreach($objects as $object) { foreach($value_attributes as $attr) { if (!isset($object['attrs'][$attr])) continue; $values = ensureIsArray($object['attrs'][$attr]); foreach($values as $value) { $ret[$value] = ( $displayNameFormat? getFData( $displayNameFormat, array_merge( array('value' => $value, 'dn' => $object['dn']), $object['attrs'] ) ):$value ); } } } } } } return $ret; } /** * This ajax method is used by the autocomplete function of the form element. * * @param array &$data The address to the array of data witch will be return by the ajax request * * @return void **/ public static function ajax_autocomplete(&$data) { if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['pattern'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) ) { if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) { $object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype'](); $form = $object -> getForm($_REQUEST['idform']); $field=$form -> getElement($_REQUEST['attribute']); $data['values'] = $field -> autocomplete($_REQUEST['pattern']); } } } }