*/ class LSformRule_differentPassword extends LSformRule { // CLI parameters autocompleters protected static $cli_params_autocompleters = array( 'otherPasswordAttributes' => null, ); /** * Check the value * * @param string $values Value to check * @param array $options Validation options : * - Other attribute : $options['params']['otherPasswordAttributes'] * @param object $formElement The linked LSformElement object * * @return boolean true si la valeur est valide, false sinon */ public static function validate($value, $options=array(), &$formElement) { $otherPasswordAttributes = LSconfig :: get('params.otherPasswordAttributes', null, null, $options); if (!is_null($otherPasswordAttributes)) { // Load LSattr_ldap_password if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass("LSattr_ldap_password")) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformRule_differentPassword_02'); return false; } // Iter on otherPasswordAttributes to check password does not match foreach(ensureIsArray($otherPasswordAttributes) as $attr) { // Check attribute exist if (!isset($formElement -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> attrs[$attr])) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformRule_differentPassword_03', $attr); return false; } // Check is not the same attribute of the current one if ($formElement -> attr_html -> attribute -> name == $attr) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformRule_differentPassword_04'); return false; } // Check attribute use LSldap_attr :: password type if (!$formElement -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> attrs[$attr] -> ldap instanceof LSattr_ldap_password) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformRule_differentPassword_05', $attr); return false; } if ($formElement -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> attrs[$attr] -> ldap -> verify($value, $formElement -> form -> getValue($attr))) { LSdebug($formElement -> name . " : Password matched with attribute $attr"); return false; } else LSdebug($formElement -> name . " : Password does not match with $attr"); } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformRule_differentPassword_01'); return false; } return true; } } /* * Error Codes */ LSerror :: defineError('LSformRule_differentPassword_01', ___("LSformRule_differentPassword : Other password attribute is not configured.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSformRule_differentPassword_02', ___("LSformRule_differentPassword : Fail to load LSattr_ldap :: password class.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSformRule_differentPassword_03', ___("LSformRule_differentPassword : The other password attribute %{attr} does not exist.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSformRule_differentPassword_04', ___("LSformRule_differentPassword : The other password attribute could not be the same of the current one.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LSformRule_differentPassword_05', ___("LSformRule_differentPassword : The other password attributes must use LSattr_ldap :: password. It's not the case of the attribure %{attr}.") );