"Responsable(s)", # ldap_servers.0.LSprofiles.admin.label "Administrator" => "Administrateur", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.loginShell.help_info "Allow user to connect a POSIX system." => "Autorisie l'utilisateur à se connecter aux systèmes POSIX.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdMustChange.html_options.special_values.0 "At first login" => "À la première connexion", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSrelation.groups.label # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.LSrelation.groups.label "Belongs to groups ..." => "Appartient aux groupes ...", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSform.layout.Civilite.label # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.personalTitle.label "Civility" => "Civilité", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.loginShell.label "Command shell" => "Interpréteur de commande", # LSobjects.LScompany.label "Companies" => "Sociétés", # ldap_servers.1.subDnLabel "Company" => "Société", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.description.label # LSobjects.LSgroup.attrs.description.label # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.attrs.description.label # LSobjects.LScompany.attrs.description.label "Description" => "Description", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.userPassword.html_options.confirmChangeQuestion "Do you confirm change of this user's password?" => "Confirmez-vous le changement du mot de passe de cet utilisateur ?", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSrelation.groups.emptyText # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.LSrelation.groups.emptyText "Doesn't belong to any group." => "N'appartient à aucun groupe.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSrelation.godfather.emptyText "Doesn't sponsor any user." => "Ne parraine aucun utilisateur.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.mail.label "E-mail address" => "Adresse e-mail", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSsearch.customActions.exportSearchResultAsCSV.label "Export result as CSV" => "Exporter le résultat au format CSV", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.jpegPhoto.check_data.filesize.msg "File size is not valid." => "La taille du fichier est invalide.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.jpegPhoto.check_data.imagefile.msg "File type is not valid." => "Le type de fichier est invalide.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.givenName.label "First Name" => "Prénom", # templates/default/import.tpl:13 "Format" => "Format", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.cn.label "Full Name" => "Nom complet", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.mail.check_data.email.msg "Given email address is invalid." => "L'adresse mail saisie est invalide.", # ldap_servers.0.LSprofiles.godfather.label "Godfather" => "Parrain", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSrelation.godfather.label "Godfather of ..." => "Parrain de ...", # LSobjects.LSgroup.label "Groups" => "Groupes", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.homeDirectory.label "Home Directory" => "Dossier personnel", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.uid.check_data.regex.msg # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.attrs.uid.check_data.regex.msg "Identifier must contain alphanumeric values, dots (.) and dashes (-) only." => "L'identifiant doit contenir uniquement des valeurs alpha-numériques, avec eventuellement des points (.) et des tirets (-).", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdCanChange.help_info "If not set, the user will be free to change his password whenever he wants." => "Si non défini, l'utilisateur pourra changer son mot de passe quand il le veut.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.gidNumber.html_options.possible_values.1.label "LDAP Groups" => "Groupes LDAP", # ldap_servers.0.name "LSexample" => "LSexemple", # ldap_servers.1.name "LSexample - multi-company" => "LSexemple - multi-société", # ldap_servers.0.recoverPassword.recoveryHashMail.subject # ldap_servers.1.recoverPassword.recoveryHashMail.subject "LSexample : Recovering your password." => "LSexemple : Récupération de votre mot de passe.", # ldap_servers.0.recoverPassword.newPasswordMail.subject # ldap_servers.1.recoverPassword.newPasswordMail.subject # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.userPassword.html_options.mail.subject "LSexample : Your new credentials." => "LSexemple : Votre nouveau mot de passe.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sn.label "Last Name" => "Nom", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSsearch.extraDisplayedColumns.mail.label "Mail" => "Mail", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.gidNumber.label "Main group" => "Groupe principal", # LSobjects.LSgroup.attrs.uniqueMember.label "Members" => "Membres", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.personalTitle.html_options.possible_values.M. "Mr" => "M.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.personalTitle.html_options.possible_values.Mme "Mrs" => "Mme", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.personalTitle.html_options.possible_values.Mlle "Ms" => "Mlle", # LSobjects.LSgroup.attrs.cn.label # LSobjects.LScompany.attrs.ou.label "Name" => "Nom", # LSobjects.LSgroup.attrs.cn.check_data.alphanumeric.msg "Name must contain alphanumeric values only." => "Le nom doit contenir uniquement des valeurs alpha-numériques.", # templates/default/viewSearch.tpl:134 "Nb / page :" => "Nb / page :", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaLogonTime.html_options.special_values.0 # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaLogoffTime.html_options.special_values.0 # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaKickoffTime.no_value_label # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaKickoffTime.html_options.special_values.2147483647 # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdMustChange.no_value_label # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdMustChange.html_options.special_values.2147483647 # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdCanChange.html_options.special_values.2147483647 "Never" => "Jamais", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.uidNumber.label "Numeric identifier" => "Identifiant numérique", # LSobjects.LSgroup.attrs.lsGodfatherDn.validation.0.msg # LSobjects.LScompany.attrs.lsGodfatherDn.validation.0.msg "One or several of these users don't exist." => "Un ou plusieurs utilisateurs n'existent pas.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.lsGodfatherDn.validation.0.msg "One or several users don't exist." => "Un ou plusieurs utilisateurs n'existent pas.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.lsRecoveryHash.label "Password recovery hash" => "Hash de récupération de mot de passe", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.jpegPhoto.label "Picture" => "Image", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.jpegPhoto.check_data.imagesize.msg "Picture size is not valid." => "La taille de l'image est invalide.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSform.layout.Posix.label "Posix" => "Posix", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSform.layout.Samba.label "Samba" => "Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaSID.label "Samba Identifier" => "Identifiant Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaLMPassword.label "Samba Password (LM)" => "Mot de passe Samba (LM)", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaNTPassword.label "Samba Password (NT)" => "Mot de passe Samba (NT)", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaKickoffTime.label "Samba expiration time" => "Date d'expiration Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaLogoffTime.label "Samba last logoff time" => "Date de dernière déconnexion Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaLogonTime.label "Samba last logon time" => "Date de dernière connexion Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdCanChange.label "Samba password can change" => "Date de prochaine modification possible du mot de passe Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdMustChange.label "Samba password must change" => "Date de prochaine modification obligatoire du mot de passe Samba", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSform.dataEntryForm.simple.label "Simple" => "Simple", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaKickoffTime.help_info "Specifies the time when the user will be locked down and cannot login any longer." => "Détermine la date à partir de laquelle l'utilisateur sera bloqué et ne pourra plus se connecter.", # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.label "System accounts" => "Comptes systèmes", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.givenName.check_data.alphanumeric.msg "The first name must contain alphanumeric values only." => "Le prénom doit contenir uniquement des caractères alpha-numérique.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.uidNumber.check_data.numeric.msg "The numeric identifier must be an integer." => "L'identifiant numérique doit forcement être un entier.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.gidNumber.validation.0.msg "This group doesn't exist." => "Ce groupe n'existe pas.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.uid.validation.0.msg # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.attrs.uid.validation.0.msg "This identifier is already used." => "Cet identifiant est déjà utilisé.", # LSobjects.LSsysaccount.attrs.userPassword.check_data.password.msg "This password must contain at least 12 characters." => "Ce mot de passe doit contenir au moins 12 caractères.", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.uidNumber.validation.0.msg "This uid is already used." => "Cet uid est déjà utilisé.", # ldap_servers.0.recoverPassword.recoveryHashMail.msg # ldap_servers.1.recoverPassword.recoveryHashMail.msg "To proceed password recovery procedure, please follow that link: %{url}" => "Pour poursuivre la procédure de récupération de mot de passe, merci de suivre ce lien : %{url}", # LSobjects.LSpeople.label "Users" => "Utilisateurs", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdCanChange.no_value_label # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.sambaPwdCanChange.html_options.special_values.0 "Whenever" => "N'importe quand", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSsearch.predefinedFilters.(jpegPhoto=*) "With photo" => "Avec photo", # LSobjects.LSpeople.LSsearch.predefinedFilters.(!(jpegPhoto=*)) "Without photo" => "Sans photo", # ldap_servers.0.recoverPassword.newPasswordMail.msg # ldap_servers.1.recoverPassword.newPasswordMail.msg "Your new password : %{mdp}" => "Votre nouveau mot de passe : %{mdp}", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.userPassword.html_options.mail.msg "Your password has been changed. Login : %{uid} New password : %{password}" => "Votre mot de passe a été changé. Identifiant : %{uid} Nouveau mot de passe : %{password}", # LSobjects.LSpeople.attrs.userPassword.check_data.password.msg "Your password must contain from 8 to 10 characters and contains at least one caracter that match with 3 of this types :" => "Votre mot de passe doit contenir entre 8 et 10 caractères et comprendre au moins un caractère correspondant à au moins trois des types suivant :", );