Source: ldapsaisie
Section: admin
Priority: extra
Build-Depends: debhelper, xsltproc, docbook-xsl
Maintainer: Benjamin Renard <>

Package: ldapsaisie
Architecture: all
Depends: apache2 | httpd, php5-ldap, libapache2-mod-php5 | php5-cli, smarty, php-net-ldap2, php-net-ftp, php-mail
Maintainer: Benjamin Renard <>
Description:  web based interface for managing LDAP servers content
 LdapSaisie is a Web application developed to manage LDAP directory.
 It has been written in PHP / JavaScript and is published under the
 GNU GPL license. This application is designed to abstract the
 complexity of the directory through a simple and intuitive
 administration interface. It was designed with the objective of
 maximal modularity and easy extension or adaptation: you can use
 modules, extensions and plugins. LdapSaisie allows any system
 administrator to manage data stored inside a LDAP server, and thus
 administrate its information system in a simple manner. It's also
 possible to let users access their own data, with read-only or
 read-write access.