*/ class LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute extends LSformElement { var $template = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.tpl'; var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field.tpl'; public function __construct(&$form, $name, $label, $params, &$attr_html){ parent :: __construct($form, $name, $label, $params,$attr_html); $this -> components = $this -> getParam('html_options.components', array()); } /* * Value components : * * Format : * array ( * '[component1_key]' => array ( * 'label' => '[component label]', * 'type' => '[component type]', * 'required' => '[booléen]', * 'check_data' => array([config LSform_rule]) * ), * '[component2_key]' => array ( * 'label' => 'label2', * 'type' => 'select_list', * 'options' => array([config as LSattr_html_select_list html_options]), * ), * [...] * ) * Types : * - 'select_list' => Component feed by a list of valeur configured like an * atribute LSattr_html :: select_list. * - 'text' => manual entry * */ var $components = array(); /** * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément * * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement * * @retval array */ public function getDisplay(){ $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); $parseValues=array(); $invalidValues=array(); foreach($this -> values as $val) { $decodedValue=json_decode($val, true); if (is_array($decodedValue)) { $parseValue=array('value' => $val); foreach($decodedValue as $c => $cvalue) { $parseValue[$c]=$this -> translateComponentValue($c,$cvalue); } $parseValues[]=$parseValue; } else { $invalidValues[]=$val; } } $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL, array( 'parseValues' => $parseValues, ) ); LStemplate :: addCssFile('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.css'); if (!$this -> isFreeze()) { LStemplate :: addJSconfigParam( $this -> name, array ( 'components' => $this -> components, ) ); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value_component_text_value.js'); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value_component.js'); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field_value.js'); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute_field.js'); LStemplate :: addJSscript('LSformElement_jsonCompositeAttribute.js'); } return $return; } /** * Retournne un template Smarty compilé dans le contexte d'un LSformElement * * @param[in] string $template Le template à retourner * @param[in] array $variables Variables Smarty à assigner avant l'affichage * * @retval string Le HTML compilé du template */ public function fetchTemplate($template=NULL,$variables=array()) { $components = $this -> components; foreach($components as $c => $cconf) { if ($cconf['type']=='select_list') { $components[$c]['possible_values']=$this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c); } } $variables['components'] = $components; return parent::fetchTemplate($template, $variables); } /** * Translate componant value * * Return an array containing : * - value : untranslated value * - translated : translated value * * @param[in] $c string The component name * @param[in] $value string The value * @param[in] $inLoop boolean Internal param to control recursion * * @retval array **/ protected function translateComponentValue($c,$value,$inLoop=false) { if (!$inLoop && isset($this -> components[$c]['multiple']) && $this -> components[$c]['multiple']) { $retval = array(); if (!is_array($value)) $value = array($value); foreach($value as $val) $retval[] = $this -> translateComponentValue($c, $val, true); } else { $retval = array ( 'translated' => $value, 'value' => $value, ); if (isset($this -> components[$c])) { if ($this -> components[$c]['type']=='select_list') { $retval['translated'] = $this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c,$value); } //elseif type == 'text' => no transformation } } return $retval; } /** * Retreive possible values of an select_list component * * @param[in] $c string The component name * * @retval array **/ protected $_cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues=array(); protected function getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c) { if (!isset($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c])) { if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSattr_html_select_list')) return; $this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c]=LSattr_html_select_list :: _getPossibleValues($this -> components[$c]['options'], $this -> name, $this->attr_html->attribute->ldapObject); } return $this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c]; } /** * Retreive value's label of an select_list component * * @param[in] $c string The component name * @param[in] $value string The value * * @retval array **/ protected function getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c,$value) { if ($this -> getSelectListComponentPossibleValues($c)) { foreach ($this -> _cache_getSelectListComponentPossibleValues[$c] as $v => $label) { if (is_array($label)) { if (!isset($label['possible_values'])) continue; foreach ($label['possible_values'] as $vk => $vl) if ($vk == $$value) return $vl; } if ($v == $value) return $label; } } return; } /** * Retreive LSformElement value from POST data * * This method check present of this element's value in POST data and retreive * it to feed the array passed in paramater. * * @param[in] &$return array Reference of the array for retreived values * @param[in] $onlyIfPresent boolean If true and data of this element is not present in POST data, * just ignore it. * * @retval boolean true if value is in POST data, false instead */ public function getPostData(&$return, $onlyIfPresent=false) { if($this -> isFreeze()) { return true; } $return[$this -> name]=array(); if (is_array($_POST[$this -> name.'__values_uuid'])) { foreach ($_POST[$this -> name.'__values_uuid'] as $uuid) { $value=array(); $parseValue=array(); $errors=array(); $unemptyComponents=array(); foreach ($this -> components as $c => $cconf) { if (isset($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid])) { if (!is_array($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid])) $_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid] = array($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid]); $parseValue[$c]=array(); foreach($_POST[$this -> name.'__'.$c.'__'.$uuid] as $val) { if (empty($val)) continue; $parseValue[$c][] = $val; if ($cconf['type']=='select_list') { if (!$this -> getSelectListComponentValueLabel($c, $val)) { $errors[]=getFData(_('Invalid value "%{value}" for component %{component}.'),array('value' => $val, 'component' => __($cconf['label']))); } } if (is_array($cconf['check_data'])) { foreach($cconf['check_data'] as $ruleType => $rconf) { $className='LSformRule_'.$ruleType; if (LSsession::loadLSclass($className)) { $r=new $className(); if (!$r -> validate($val,$rconf,$this)) { if (isset($rconf['msg'])) { $errors[]=getFData(__($rconf['msg']),__($cconf['label'])); } else { $errors[]=getFData(_('Invalid value "%{value}" for component %{component}.'),array('value' => $val, 'component' => __($cconf['label']))); } } } else { $errors[]=getFData(_("Can't validate value of component %{c}."),__($cconf['label'])); } } } } if (empty($parseValue[$c])) continue; if (!isset($cconf['multiple']) || !$cconf['multiple']) { $parseValue[$c] = $parseValue[$c][0]; } $unemptyComponents[]=$c; $value[$c]=$parseValue[$c]; } } if (!empty($unemptyComponents)) { // Check required components foreach ($this -> components as $c => $cconf) { if ($cconf['required'] && !isset($value[$c])) { $errors[]=getFData(_('Component %{c} must be defined'),__($cconf['label'])); continue; } } foreach($errors as $e) { $this -> form -> setElementError($this -> attr_html,$e); } $return[$this -> name][]=json_encode($value); } } } return true; } }