 * Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
 * http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
 * Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


 * Object LSsearch
 * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSsearch { 
  // The LdapObject type of search
  private $LSobject=NULL;
  // The configuration of search
  private $config;
  // The context of search
  private $context;
  // The parameters of the search
  private $params=array (
    // Search params
    'filter' => NULL,
    'pattern' => NULL,
    'predefinedFilter' => false,
    'basedn' => NULL,
    'subDn' => NULL,
    'scope' => NULL,
    'sizelimit' => 0,
    'attronly' => false,    // If true, only attribute names are returned
    'approx' => false,
    'recursive' => false,
    'attributes' => array(),
    // Display params
    'onlyAccessible' => NULL,
    'sortDirection' => NULL,
    'sortBy' => NULL,
    'sortlimit' => 0,
    'displaySubDn' => NULL,
    'displayFormat' => NULL,
    'nbObjectsByPage' => NB_LSOBJECT_LIST,
    'nbPageLinkByPage' => 10,
    'customInfos' => array(),
    'withoutCache' => false,
    'extraDisplayedColumns' => false,
  // The cache of search parameters
  private $_searchParams = NULL;
  // The cache of the hash of the search parameters
  private $_hash = NULL;
  // The result of the search
  private $result=NULL;
  // Caches
  private $_canCopy=NULL;
   * Constructor
   * @param[in] $LSobject string The LdapObject type of search
   * @param[in] $context string Context of search (LSrelation / LSldapObject/ ...)
   * @param[in] $params array Parameters of search
   * @param[in] $purgeParams boolean If params in session have to be purged
  function LSsearch($LSobject,$context,$params=null,$purgeParams=false) {
    if (!LSsession :: loadLSobject($LSobject)) {
    $this -> LSobject = $LSobject;
    $this -> loadConfig();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['LSsearchPurgeSession'])) {
      $this -> purgeSession();
    $this -> context = $context;
    if (!$purgeParams) {
      if (! $this -> loadParamsFromSession()) {
        LSdebug('LSsearch : load default parameters');
        $this -> loadDefaultParameters();
    else {
      $this -> purgeParams();
      $this -> loadDefaultParameters();
    if (is_array($params)) {
      $this -> setParams($params);

   * Load configuration from LSconfig
   * @retval void
  private function loadConfig() {
    $this -> config = LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".LSsearch");
    if (is_array($this -> config['predefinedFilters'])) {
      foreach($this -> config['predefinedFilters'] as $filter => $label) {
        if(!LSldap::isValidFilter($filter)) {
          LSerror::addErrorCode('LSsearch_15',array('label' => $label, 'filter' => $filter, 'type' => $this -> LSobject));
          unset($this -> config['predefinedFilters'][$key]);
   * Load default search parameters from configuration
   * @retval boolean True on success or False
  private function loadDefaultParameters() {
    if (is_array($this -> config['params'])) {
      return $this -> setParams($this -> config['params']);
    return true;
   * Load search parameters from session
   * @retval boolean True if params has been loaded from session or False
  private function loadParamsFromSession() {
    LSdebug('LSsearch : load context params session '.$this -> context);
    if (isset($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context]) && is_array($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context])) {
      $params = $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context];
      if ($params['filter']) {
        $params['filter'] = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($params['filter']);
      $this -> params = $params;
      return true;

   * Save search parameters in session
   * @retval void
  private function saveParamsInSession() {
    LSdebug('LSsearch : save context params session '.$this -> context);
    $params = $this -> params;
    if ($params['filter'] instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
      $params['filter'] = $params['filter'] -> asString();
    foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
      if ( !isset($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context][$param]) || $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context][$param]!=$value) {
        LSdebug("S: $param => $value");
        $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject]['params'][$this -> context][$param]=$value;
   * Purge parameters in session
   * @param[in] $LSobject string The LSobject type
   * @retval void
  public function purgeParams($LSobject=NULL) {
    if (is_null($LSobject)) {
      $LSobject = $this -> LSobject;
   * Purge cache
   * @retval void
  public function purgeCache($LSobject=NULL) {
    if (is_null($LSobject))
      $LSobject = $this -> LSobject;
   * Purge session
   * @retval void
  private function purgeSession() {
   * Define one search parameter
   * @param[in] $param string The parameter name
   * @param[in] $value mixed The parameter value
   * @retval boolean True on success or False
  public function setParam($param,$value) {
    return $this -> setParams(array($param => $value));
   * Define search parameters
   * @param[in] $params array Parameters of search
   * @retval boolean True on success or False
  public function setParams($params) {
    // Filter
    if (isset($params['filter'])) {
      if (is_string($params['filter'])) {
        $filter = Net_LDAP2_Filter::parse($params['filter']);
        if (!LSerror::isLdapError($filter)) {
          $this -> params['filter'] = $filter;
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_01',$params['filter']);
      elseif($params['filter'] instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
        $this -> params['filter'] =& $params['filter'];

    // Approx
    if (isset($params['approx'])) {
      if (is_bool($params['approx']) || $params['approx']==0 || $params['approx']==1) {
        $this -> params['approx'] = (bool)$params['approx'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_05','approx');
    // Without Cache
    if (isset($params['withoutCache'])) {
      if (is_bool($params['withoutCache']) || $params['withoutCache']==0 || $params['withoutCache']==1) {
        $this -> params['withoutCache'] = (bool)$params['withoutCache'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_05','withoutCache');
    // Patterm
    if (isset($params['pattern'])) {
      if ($params['pattern']=="") {
        $this -> params['pattern'] = NULL;
        $this -> params['filter'] = NULL;
      elseif ($this -> isValidPattern($params['pattern'])) {
        $this -> params['pattern'] = $params['pattern'];
        if (!is_string($params['filter'])) {
          $this -> params['filter']=NULL;
    // BaseDN
    if (isset($params['basedn']) && is_string($params['basedn'])) {
      if (isCompatibleDNs(LSsession :: getRootDn(),$params['basedn'])) {
        $this -> params['basedn'] = $params['basedn'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_02',$params['basedn']);
    // subDn
    if (isset($params['subDn']) && is_string($params['subDn'])) {
      if (LSsession :: validSubDnLdapServer($params['subDn'])) {
        $this -> params['subDn'] = $params['subDn'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','subDn');
    // Scope
    if (isset($params['scope']) && is_string($params['scope'])) {
      if (in_array($params['scope'],array('sub','one','base'))) {
        $this -> params['scope'] = $params['scope'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','scope');
    // nbObjectsByPage
    if (isset($params['nbObjectsByPage'])) {
      if (((int)$params['nbObjectsByPage'])>1 ) {
        $this -> params['nbObjectsByPage'] = (int)$params['nbObjectsByPage'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','nbObjectsByPage');
    // Sort Limit
    if (isset($params['sortlimit'])) {
      if (is_int($params['sortlimit']) && $params['sortlimit']>=0 ) {
        $this -> params['sortlimit'] = $params['sortlimit'];
      elseif ((int)$params['sortlimit'] > 0) {
        $this -> params['sortlimit'] = (int)$params['sortlimit'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','sortlimit');
    // Sort Direction
    if (isset($params['sortDirection']) && is_string($params['sortDirection'])) {
      if (in_array($params['sortDirection'],array('ASC','DESC'))) {
        $this -> params['sortDirection'] = $params['sortDirection'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','sortDirection');
    // Sort By
    if (isset($params['sortBy']) && is_string($params['sortBy'])) {
      if (in_array($params['sortBy'],array('displayName','subDn')) || ($this ->extraDisplayedColumns && isset($this ->extraDisplayedColumns[$params['sortBy']]))) {
        if ($this -> params['sortBy'] == $params['sortBy']) {
          $this -> toggleSortDirection();
        else {
          $this -> params['sortBy'] = $params['sortBy'];
          if (!is_string($params['sortDirection'])) {
            $this -> params['sortDirection']='ASC';
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','sortBy');
    // Size Limit
    if (isset($params['sizelimit'])) {
      if (((int)$params['sizelimit']) >= 0) {
        $this -> params['sizelimit'] = $params['sizelimit'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_04');
    // Attronly
    if (isset($params['attronly'])) {
      if (is_bool($params['attronly']) || $params['attronly']==0 || $params['attronly']==1) {
        $this -> params['attronly'] = (bool)$params['attronly'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_05','attronly');
    // Recursive
    if (isset($params['recursive'])) {
      if (is_bool($params['recursive']) || $params['recursive']==0 || $params['recursive']==1) {
        $this -> params['recursive'] = (bool)$params['recursive'];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_05','recursive');
    // displaySubDn
    if (isset($params['displaySubDn'])) {
      if (! LSsession :: isSubDnLSobject($this -> LSobject) ) {
        if (is_bool($params['displaySubDn']) || $params['displaySubDn']==0 || $params['displaySubDn']==1) {
          $this -> params['displaySubDn'] = (bool)$params['displaySubDn'];
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_05','displaySubDn');
    // Attributes
    if (isset($params['attributes'])) {
      if (is_string($params['attributes'])) {
        $this -> params['attributes'] = array($params['attributes']);
      elseif (is_array($params['attributes'])) {
        $this -> params['attributes']=array();
        foreach ($params['attributes'] as $attr) {
          if (is_string($attr)) {
            if (LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".attrs.$attr")) {;
              $this -> params['attributes'][] = $attr;
            else {
              LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_11',$attr);
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_06');

    // Extra Columns
    if (isset($params['extraDisplayedColumns'])) {
      $this -> params['extraDisplayedColumns']=(bool)$params['extraDisplayedColumns'];

    // predefinedFilter
    if (isset($params['predefinedFilter'])) {
      if (is_string($params['predefinedFilter'])) {
        if (empty($params['predefinedFilter'])) {
        elseif(is_array($this -> config['predefinedFilters'])) {
          if(isset($this->config['predefinedFilters'][$params['predefinedFilter']])) {
            $this -> params['predefinedFilter'] = $params['predefinedFilter'];
          else {
            LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','predefinedFilter');
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','predefinedFilter');
    // Display Format
    if (isset($params['displayFormat']) && is_string($params['displayFormat'])) {
      $this -> params['displayFormat'] = $params['displayFormat'];
    // Custom Infos
    if (isset($params['customInfos']) && is_array($params['customInfos'])) {
      foreach($params['customInfos'] as $name => $data) {
        if(is_array($data['function']) && is_string($data['function'][0])) {
        if (is_callable($data['function'])) {
          $this -> params['customInfos'][$name] = array (
            'function' => &$data['function'],
            'args' => $data['args']
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_14',$name);

    // Only Accessible objects
    if (isset($params['onlyAccessible'])) {
      $this -> params['onlyAccessible'] = (bool)$params['onlyAccessible'];

    $this -> saveParamsInSession();
    return $OK;

   * Return true only if the form is submited
   * @retval boolean True only if the is submited
  private function formIsSubmited() {
    return isset($_REQUEST['LSsearch_submit']);

   * Define search parameters by reading Post Data ($_REQUEST)
   * @retval void
  public function setParamsFormPostData() {
    $data = $_REQUEST;
    if (self::formIsSubmited()) {
      // Recursive 
      if (is_null($data['recursive'])) {
      else {
      // Approx 
      if (is_null($data['approx'])) {
      else {
      if (isset($data['ajax']) && !isset($data['pattern'])) {
    $this -> setParams($data);
   * Toggle the sort direction
   * @retval void
  private function toggleSortDirection() {
    if ($this -> params['sortDirection']=="ASC") {
      $this -> params['sortDirection'] = "DESC";
    else {
      $this -> params['sortDirection'] = "ASC";
   * Make a filter object with a pattern of search
   * @param[in] $pattern The pattern of search. If is null, the pattern in params will be used.
   * @retval mixed Net_LDAP2_Filter on success or False
  function getFilterFromPattern($pattern=NULL) {
    if ($pattern==NULL) {
      $pattern=$this -> params['pattern'];
    if ($this -> isValidPattern($pattern)) {
      $attrsConfig=LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".LSsearch.attrs");
      if (!is_array($attrsConfig)) {
        foreach(LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".attrs") as $attr => $config) {
      else {
        foreach($attrsConfig as $key => $val) {
          if(is_int($key)) {
          else {
      if (empty($attrsList)) {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_07');
      foreach ($attrsList as $attr => $opts) {
        if ($params['approx']) {
          if (isset($opts['approxLSformat'])) {
          else {
        else {
          if (isset($opts['searchLSformat'])) {
          else {

        if (!Net_LDAP2::isError($filter)) {
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_08',array('attr' => $attr,'pattern' => $pattern));
      if(!empty($filters)) {
        if ($filter) {
          return $filter;
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_09');
    else {
      LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_10');
   * Check if search pattern is valid
   * @param[in] $pattern string The pattern
   * @retval boolean True if pattern is valid or False
  public function isValidPattern($pattern) {
    if (is_string($pattern) && $pattern!= "") {
      $regex = (isset($this -> config['validPatternRegex'])?$this -> config['validPatternRegex']:'/^[\w \-\_\\\'\"^\[\]\(\)\{\}\=\+\£\%\$\€\.\:\;\,\?\/\@]+$/iu');
      if (preg_match($regex, $pattern))
        return True;
    LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_17');
    return False;
   * Check if cache is enabled
   * @retval boolean True if cache is enabled or False
  public function cacheIsEnabled() {
    if (isset($this -> config['cache'])) {
      $conf=$this -> config['cache'];
      if (is_bool($conf) || $conf==0 || $conf==1) {
        return (bool)$conf;
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_03','cache');
    return LSsession :: cacheSearch();
   * Methode for parameters value access
   * @param[in] $key string The parameter name
   * @retval mixed The parameter value or NULL
  public function getParam($key) {
    if(in_array($key,array_keys($this -> params))) {
      return $this -> params[$key];
    return NULL;
   * Return hidden fileds to add in search form
   * @retval array The hield fields whith their values
  public function getHiddenFieldForm() {
    return array (
      'LSobject' => $this -> LSobject
   * Generate an array with search parameters, only parameters whitch have to be
   * passed to Net_LDAP2 for the LDAP search. This array will be store in 
   * $this -> _searchParams private variable.
   * @retval void
  private function generateSearchParams() {
    // Purge the cache of the hash
    $this -> _hash = NULL;
    // Base
    $retval = array(
      'filter' => $this -> params['filter'],
      'basedn' => $this -> params['basedn'],
      'scope' => $this -> params['scope'],
      'sizelimit' => $this -> params['sizelimit'],
      'attronly' => $this -> params['attronly'],
      'attributes' => $this -> params['attributes']
    // Pattern
    if (!is_null($this -> params['pattern'])) {
      $filter=$this ->getFilterFromPattern();
      if (is_null($retval['filter'])) {
      else {
    // predefinedFilter
    if (is_string($this -> params['predefinedFilter'])) {
      if (!is_null($retval['filter'])) {
        $filter=LSldap::combineFilters('and',array($this -> params['predefinedFilter'],$retval['filter']));
        if ($filter) {
      else {
        $retval['filter']=$this -> params['predefinedFilter'];
    // Filter
    $objFilter=LSldapObject::getObjectFilter($this -> LSobject);
    if ($objFilter) {
      if (!is_null($retval['filter'])) {
        if ($filter) {
      else {
    // Recursive
    if (is_null($retval['basedn'])) {
      if (!is_null($this -> params['subDn'])) {
        if ($this -> params['recursive']) {
          $retval['basedn'] = $this -> params['subDn'];
        else {
          $retval['basedn'] = LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".container_dn").','.$this -> params['subDn'];
      else {
        if ($this -> params['recursive']) {
          $retval['basedn'] = LSsession :: getTopDn();
        else {
          $retval['basedn'] = LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".container_dn").','.LSsession :: getTopDn();
    if ($this -> params['recursive'] || !isset($retval['scope'])) {
      $retval['scope'] = 'sub';
    if (is_null($this -> params['displayFormat'])) {
      $this -> params['displayFormat']=LSconfig::get("LSobjects.".$this -> LSobject.".display_name_format");
    // Display Format
    $attrs=getFieldInFormat($this -> params['displayFormat']);
    if(is_array($retval['attributes'])) {
    else {

    // Extra Columns
    if ($this -> params['extraDisplayedColumns'] && is_array($this -> config['extraDisplayedColumns'])) {
      foreach ($this -> config['extraDisplayedColumns'] as $id => $conf) {
        if (isset($conf['LSformat'])) {
          if(is_array($conf['alternativeLSformats'])) {
            foreach ($conf['alternativeLSformats'] as $format) {
          else {
          if(isset($conf['formaterLSformat'])) {
            if(($key = array_search('val', $attrs)) !== false) {
        if(isset($conf['additionalAttrs'])) {
        if(is_array($retval['attributes'])) {
        else {

    if (is_array($retval['attributes'])) {
    $this -> _searchParams = $retval;
   * Run the search
   * @param[in] $cache boolean Define if the cache can be used
   * @retval boolean True on success or False
  public function run($cache=true) {
    $this -> generateSearchParams();
    if ($this -> _searchParams['filter'] instanceof Net_LDAP2_Filter) {
      LSdebug('LSsearch : filter : '.$this -> _searchParams['filter']->asString());
    LSdebug('LSsearch : basedn : '.$this -> _searchParams['basedn'].' - scope : '.$this -> _searchParams['scope']);
    if( $cache && (!isset($_REQUEST['refresh'])) && (!$this -> params['withoutCache']) ) {
      LSdebug('LSsearch : with the cache');
      $this -> result = $this -> getResultFromCache();
    else {
      LSdebug('LSsearch : without the cache');
      $this -> setParam('withoutCache',false);
    if (!$this -> result) {
      LSdebug('LSsearch : Not in cache');
      $this -> result=array(
        'sortBy' => NULL,
        'sortDirection' => NULL

      // Search in LDAP
      $list = LSldap :: search(
        $this -> _searchParams['filter'],
        $this -> _searchParams['basedn'],
        $this -> _searchParams

      // Check result
      if ($list === false) {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_12');

      if ($this -> getParam('onlyAccessible') && LSsession :: getLSuserObjectDn()) {
        $this -> result['list']=array();

        // Check user rights on objets
        foreach($list as $id => $obj) {
          if (LSsession :: canAccess($this -> LSobject,$obj['dn'])) {
            $this -> result['list'][]=$obj;
      else {
	$this -> result['list']=$list;

      $this -> addResultToCache();
    $this -> doSort();
    return true;
   * Return an hash corresponding to the parameters of the search
   * @param[in] $searchParams array An optional search params array
   * @retval string The hash of the parameters of the search
  public function getHash($searchParams=null) {
    if(is_null($searchParams)) {
      $searchParams=$this -> _searchParams;
      if ($this -> _hash) {
        return $this -> _hash;
    if ($searchParams['filter'] instanceof Net_LDAP_Filter) {
    return hash('md5',print_r($searchParams,true));
   * Add the result of the search to cache of the session
   * @retval void
  public function addResultToCache() {
    if ($this -> cacheIsEnabled()) {
      LSdebug('LSsearch : Save result in cache.');
      $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject][$hash]=$this->result;
   * Get the result of the search from cache of the session
   * @retval array | False The array of the result of the search or False
  private function getResultFromCache() {
    if ($this -> cacheIsEnabled()) {
      if (isset($_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject][$hash])) {
        LSdebug('LSsearch : Load result from cache.');
        return $_SESSION['LSsession']['LSsearch'][$this -> LSobject][$hash];
   * Get page informations to display
   * @param[in] $page integer The number of the page
   * @retval array The information of the page
  public function getPage($page=0) {
    if (!LSsession::loadLSclass('LSsearchEntry')) {
      LSerror::addErrorCode('LSsession_05',$this -> LSobject);
    $page = (int)$page;

      'nb' => $page,
      'nbPages' => 1,
      'list' => array(),
      'total' => $this -> total
    if ($retval['total']>0) {
      LSdebug('Total : '.$retval['total']);
      if (!$this->params['nbObjectsByPage']) {
      $sortTable=$this -> getSortTable();
      $list = array_slice(
        ($page * $this->params['nbObjectsByPage']),
      foreach ($list as $key => $id) {
        $retval['list'][]=new LSsearchEntry($this,$this -> LSobject,$this -> params,$this -> _hash,$this -> result['list'],$id);
    return $retval;
   * Get search entries
   * @retval array The entries
  public function getSearchEntries() {
    if (!LSsession::loadLSclass('LSsearchEntry')) {
      LSerror::addErrorCode('LSsession_05',$this -> LSobject);
    if ($this -> total>0) {
      $sortTable=$this -> getSortTable();
      foreach ($sortTable as $key => $id) {
        $retval[]=new LSsearchEntry($this,$this -> LSobject,$this -> params,$this -> _hash,$this -> result['list'],$id);
    return $retval;
   * Access to information of this object
   * @param[in] $key string The key of the info
   * @retval mixed The info
  public function __get($key) {
    $params = array (
    if ($key=='LSobject') {
      return $this -> LSobject;
    elseif (in_array($key,$params)) {
      return $this -> params[$key];
    elseif ($key=='label_objectName') {
      return LSldapObject::getLabel($this -> LSobject);
    elseif ($key=='label_level') {
      return LSsession :: getSubDnLabel();
    elseif ($key=='label_actions') {
      return _('Actions');
    elseif ($key=='label_no_result') {
      return _("This search didn't get any result.");
    elseif ($key=='sort') {
      if (isset($this -> params['sortlimit']) && ($this -> params['sortlimit']>0)) {
        return ($this -> total < $this -> params['sortlimit']);
      return true;
    elseif ($key=='sortlimit') {
      return $this -> params['sortlimit'];
    elseif ($key=='total') {
      return count($this -> result['list']);
    elseif ($key=='label_total') {
      return $this -> total." ".$this -> label_objectName;
    elseif ($key=='displaySubDn') {
      if (LSsession :: subDnIsEnabled()) {
        if (!is_null($this -> params[$key])) {
          return $this -> params[$key];
        else {
          return (! LSsession :: isSubDnLSobject($this -> LSobject) );
      return false;
    elseif ($key=='canCopy') {
      if (!is_null($this -> _canCopy))
        return $this -> _canCopy;
      $this -> _canCopy = LSsession :: canCreate($this -> LSobject);
      return $this -> _canCopy;
    elseif ($key=='predefinedFilters') {
			if (is_array($this -> config['predefinedFilters'])) {
				foreach($this -> config['predefinedFilters'] as $filter => $label) {
      return $retval;
    elseif ($key=='extraDisplayedColumns') {
      if ($this->params['extraDisplayedColumns'] && is_array($this -> config['extraDisplayedColumns'])) {
        return $this -> config['extraDisplayedColumns'];
      else {
        return False;
    elseif ($key=='visibleExtraDisplayedColumns') {
      if ($this->params['extraDisplayedColumns'] && is_array($this -> config['extraDisplayedColumns'])) {
        foreach($this->config['extraDisplayedColumns'] as $col => $conf) {
          if (isset($conf['visibleTo']) && !LSsession :: isLSprofiles($this -> basedn, $conf['visibleTo'])) {
        return $ret;
    else {
      throw new Exception('Incorrect property !');
   * Function use with uasort to sort two entry
   * @param[in] $a array One line of result
   * @param[in] $b array One line of result
   * @retval int Value for uasort
  private function _sortTwoEntry(&$a,&$b) {
    $sortBy = $this -> params['sortBy'];
    $sortDirection = $this -> params['sortDirection'];
    if ($sortDirection=='ASC') {
      $dir = 1;
    else {
      $dir = -1;
    $oa = new LSsearchEntry($this,$this -> LSobject,$this -> params,$this -> _hash,$this -> result['list'],$a);
    $va = $oa->$sortBy;
    $ob = new LSsearchEntry($this,$this -> LSobject,$this -> params,$this -> _hash,$this -> result['list'],$b);
    $vb = $ob->$sortBy;
    if ($va == $vb) return 0;
    $val = strnatcmp(strtolower($va), strtolower($vb));
    return $val*$dir;
   * Function to run after using the result. It's update the cache
   * @retval void
  function afterUsingResult() {
    $this -> addResultToCache();
   * Redirect user to object view if the search have only one result
   * @retval boolean True only if user have been redirected
  function redirectWhenOnlyOneResult() {
    if ($this -> total == 1 && $this -> result && self::formIsSubmited()) {
      LSsession :: redirect('view.php?LSobject='.$this -> LSobject.'&dn='.urlencode($this -> result['list'][0]['dn']));
   * Run the sort if it's enabled and if the result is not in the cache
   * @retval boolean True on success or false
  function doSort() {
    if (!$this -> sort) {
      LSdebug('doSort : sort is disabled');
      return true;
    if (is_null($this -> params['sortBy'])) {
    if (is_null($this -> params['sortDirection'])) {
      $this -> params['sortDirection']='ASC';

    if ($this->total==0) {
      return true;
    if (isset($this -> result['sort'][$this -> params['sortBy']][$this -> params['sortDirection']])) {
      LSdebug('doSort : from cache');
      return true;
    LSdebug('doSort : '.$this -> params['sortBy'].' - '.$this -> params['sortDirection']);
    $this -> result['sort'][$this -> params['sortBy']][$this -> params['sortDirection']]=range(0,($this -> total-1));
    if (!LSsession :: loadLSClass('LSsearchEntry')) {
    if (!uasort(
      $this -> result['sort'][$this -> params['sortBy']][$this -> params['sortDirection']],
    )) {
      LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSsearch_13');
    return true;
   * Returns the id of table rows in the result sorted according to criteria 
   * defined in the parameters
   * @retval array The Table of id lines of results sorted
  function getSortTable() {
    if (isset($this -> result['sort'][$this -> params['sortBy']][$this -> params['sortDirection']])) {
      return $this -> result['sort'][$this -> params['sortBy']][$this -> params['sortDirection']];
    return range(0,($this -> total-1));
   * List objects name
   * @retval Array DN associate with name
  public function listObjectsName() {
    if (!LSsession::loadLSclass('LSsearchEntry')) {
      LSerror::addErrorCode('LSsession_05',$this -> LSobject);
    if ($this -> total>0) {
      $sortTable=$this -> getSortTable();
      foreach ($sortTable as $key => $id) {
        $entry=new LSsearchEntry($this,$this -> LSobject,$this -> params,$this -> _hash,$this -> result['list'],$id);
    return $retval;
   * List LSldapObjects 
   * @retval Array of LSldapObjects
  public function listObjects() {    
    if ($this -> total>0) {
      $sortTable=$this -> getSortTable();

      foreach ($sortTable as $key => $id) {
        $retval[$c]=new $this -> LSobject();
        $retval[$c] -> loadData($this -> result['list'][$id]['dn']);
    return $retval;
   * List objects dn
   * @retval Array of DN
  public function listObjectsDn() {    
    if ($this -> total>0) {
      $sortTable=$this -> getSortTable();

      foreach ($sortTable as $key => $id) {
        $retval[$c] = $this -> result['list'][$id]['dn'];
    return $retval;


 * Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_01',
_("LSsearch : Invalid filter : %{filter}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_02',
_("LSsearch : Invalid basedn : %{basedn}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_03',
_("LSsearch : Invalid value for %{param} parameter.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_04',
_("LSsearch : Invalid size limit. Must be an integer greater or equal to 0.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_05',
_("LSsearch : Invalid parameter %{attr}. Must be an boolean.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_06',
_("LSsearch : Invalid parameter attributes. Must be an string or an array of strings.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_07',
_("LSsearch : Can't build attributes list for make filter.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_08',
_("LSsearch : Error building filter with attribute '%{attr}' and pattern '%{pattern}'")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_09',
_("LSsearch : Error combining filters.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_10',
_("LSsearch : Invalid pattern.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_11',
_("LSsearch : Invalid attribute %{attr} in parameters.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_12',
_("LSsearch : Error during the search.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_13',
_("LSsearch : Error sorting the search.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_14',
_("LSsearch : The function of the custum information %{name} is not callable.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_15',
_("LSsearch : Invalid predefinedFilter for LSobject type %{type} : %{label} (filter : %{filter}).")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_16',
_("LSsearch : Error during execution of the custom action %{customAction}.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSsearch_17',
_("LSsearch : Invalid search pattern.")