*/ class LSioFormat extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass { var $config = false; var $driver = False; /** * Constructor * * @param[in] string $LSobject The LSobject type name * @param[in] string $ioFormat The ioFormat name * * @retval void **/ public function __construct($LSobject, $ioFormat) { $conf = LSconfig::get('LSobjects.'.$LSobject.".ioFormat.".$ioFormat); if(is_array($conf)) { $this -> config = $conf; $driver = $this -> getConfig('driver'); if ($driver && LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSioFormat'.$driver)) { $driverClass = "LSioFormat".$driver; $driverOptions = $this -> getConfig('driver_options', array(), 'array'); $this -> driver = new $driverClass($driverOptions); } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSioFormat_01', $driver); } } } /** * Check if ioFormat driver is ready * * @retval boolean True if ioFormat driver is ready, false otherwise **/ public function ready() { return (is_array($this -> config) && $this -> driver !== False); } /** * Return a configuration parameter (or default value) * * @param[] $param The configuration parameter * @param[] $default The default value (default : null) * @param[] $cast Cast resulting value in specific type (default : disabled) * * @retval mixed The configuration parameter value or default value if not set **/ public function getConfig($param, $default=null, $cast=null) { return LSconfig :: get($param, $default, $cast, (is_array($this -> config)?$this -> config:array())); } /** * Load and valid file * * @param[in] string $file The file path to load * * @retval boolean True if file is loaded and valid, false otherwise **/ public function loadFile($file) { if ($this -> driver -> loadFile($file)) { return $this -> driver -> isValid(); } return False; } /** * Retreive all objects contained by the loaded file * * @retval array The objects contained by the loaded file **/ public function getAll() { return $this -> driver -> getAllFormated( $this -> getConfig('fields', array(), 'array'), $this -> getConfig('generated_fields', array(), 'array') ); } /** * Export objects * * @param $objects array of LSldapObject The objects to export * @param[in] $stream resource|null The output stream (optional, default: STDOUT) * * @return boolean True on succes, False otherwise */ public function exportObjects(&$objects, $stream=null) { self :: log_trace('exportObjects(): start'); $fields = $this -> getConfig('fields'); if (!$fields) { self :: log_error('exportObjects(): No field configured !'); return false; } if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSform', null, true)) return false; $objects_data = array(); foreach($objects as $object) { $objects_data[$object -> getDn()] = array(); // Build a LSform object $export = new LSform($object, 'export'); // Add attributes to export and put their values to data to export foreach($fields as $key => $attr_name) { $object -> attrs[$attr_name] -> addToExport($export); $objects_data[$object -> getDn()][$key] = $export -> elements[$attr_name] -> getApiValue(false); } } self :: log_trace('exportObjects(): objects data = '.varDump($objects_data)); return $this -> driver -> exportObjectsData($objects_data, $stream); } } LSerror :: defineError('LSioFormat_01', ___("LSioFormat : IOformat driver %{driver} invalid or unavailable.") );