*/ class LSurlRequest extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass { /** * The URL requested handler * @var string */ private $current_url = null; /** * The URL requested handler * @var callable */ private $handler = null; /** * Request need authentication ? * @var bool */ private bool $authenticated = true; /** * API mode enabled ? * @var bool */ private bool $api_mode = false; /** * Parameters detected on requested URL * @var array */ private array $url_params = array(); public function __construct($current_url, $handler_infos, $url_params=array()) { $this -> current_url = $current_url; $this -> handler = $handler_infos['handler']; $this -> authenticated = (isset($handler_infos['authenticated'])?boolval($handler_infos['authenticated']):true); $this -> api_mode = (isset($handler_infos['api_mode'])?boolval($handler_infos['api_mode']):false); $this -> url_params = $url_params; } /** * Get request info * * @param string $key The name of the info * * @return mixed The value **/ public function __get($key) { if ($key == 'current_url') return $this -> current_url; if ($key == 'handler') return $this -> handler; if ($key == 'authenticated') return $this -> authenticated; if ($key == 'api_mode') return $this -> api_mode; if ($key == 'referer') return $this -> get_referer(); if ($key == 'http_method') return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if ($key == 'ajax') return isset($_REQUEST['ajax']) && boolval($_REQUEST['ajax']); if (array_key_exists($key, $this->url_params)) { return urldecode($this->url_params[$key]); } // Unknown key, log warning self :: log_warning("__get($key): invalid property requested\n".LSlog :: get_debug_backtrace_context()); } /** * Check is request info is set * * @param string $key The name of the info * * @return bool True is info is set, False otherwise **/ public function __isset($key) { if (in_array($key, array('current_url', 'handler', 'authenticated'))) return True; return array_key_exists($key, $this->url_params); } /* * Get request referer (if known) * * @return string|null The request referer URL if known, null otherwise */ public function get_referer() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; return null; } }