*/ class LSformRule_zxcvbn extends LSformRule { // CLI parameters autocompleters protected static array $cli_params_autocompleters = array( 'minScore' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_int'), 'userDataAttrs' => null, 'showWarning' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'showSuggestions' => array('LScli', 'autocomplete_bool'), 'zxcvbn_autoload_path' => null, ); /** * Validate form element value * * @param mixed $value The value to validate * @param array $options Validation options * @param LSformElement &$formElement The related LSformElement object * * @return boolean True if value is valid, False otherwise */ public static function validate($value, $options, &$formElement) { LSsession :: includeFile( LSconfig :: get( 'params.zxcvbn_autoload_path', 'Zxcvbn/autoload.php', 'string', $options ), true ); $zxcvbn = new ZxcvbnPhp\Zxcvbn(); $userData = array(); $userDataAttrs = LSconfig :: get('params.userDataAttrs', array(), 'array', $options); if ($userDataAttrs) { foreach ($userDataAttrs as $attr) { $attr_values = $formElement -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> getValue($attr, false, array()); if (is_empty($attr_values)) continue; foreach($attr_values as $attr_value) if (!in_array($attr_value, $userData)) $userData[] = $attr_value; } } self :: log_trace("User data: ".varDump($userData)); $result = $zxcvbn->passwordStrength($value, $userData); self :: log_trace("Zxcvbn result: ".varDump($result)); self :: log_debug("Zxcvbn score: ".$result['score']); $minScore = LSconfig :: get('params.minScore', 4, 'int', $options); if($result['score'] >= $minScore) { return True; } $errors = array(); if ( $result['feedback']['warning'] && LSconfig :: get('params.showWarning', true, 'bool', $options) ) { $errors[] = $result['feedback']['warning']; } if (!$errors) $errors[] = _('The security of this password is too weak.'); if ( is_array($result['feedback']['suggestions']) && LSconfig :: get('params.showSuggestions', true, 'bool', $options) ) { foreach($result['feedback']['suggestions'] as $msg) if ($msg) $errors[] = $msg; } throw new LSformRuleException($errors); } }