*/ class LSformElement_quota extends LSformElement { var string $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_quota_field.tpl'; var array $sizeFacts = array( 1 => 'o', 1024 => 'Ko', 1048576 => 'Mo', 1073741824 => 'Go', 1099511627776 => 'To', ); /** * Parse one value * * @param string $value The value to parse * @param boolean $details Enable/disable details return (optional, default: true) * * @return array|int|false Parsed value as array if $details enabled, the size as integer otherwise, or false on failed to parse the provided value */ public function parseValue($value, $details=true) { if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)$/', $value, $regs)) { $infos = array( 'size' => ceil(intval($regs[1]) / $this -> getFactor()), ); if (!$details) return intval($infos['size']); if ($infos['size'] == 0) { return array( 'size' => 0, 'valueSize' => 0, 'valueSizeFact' => 1, 'valueTxt' => "0", ); } krsort($this -> sizeFacts, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach($this -> sizeFacts as $fact => $unit) { if ($infos['size'] >= $fact) { $infos['valueSize'] = round($infos['size'] / $fact, 2); $infos['valueSizeFact'] = $fact; $infos['valueTxt'] = $infos['valueSize'].$unit; break; } } ksort($this -> sizeFacts, SORT_NUMERIC); return $infos; } return false; } /** * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément * * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement * * @return array */ public function getDisplay(){ $return = $this -> getLabelInfos(); $quotas=array(); foreach ($this -> values as $value) { $parsed_value = $this -> parseValue($value); if ($parsed_value) { $quotas[$value] = $parsed_value; } else { $quotas[$value] = array( 'unknown' => _('Incorrect value') ); } } LStemplate :: addCssFile('LSformElement_quota.css'); $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate( NULL, array( 'quotas' => $quotas, 'sizeFacts' => $this -> sizeFacts ) ); return $return; } /** * Return HTML code of an empty form field * * @param integer|null $value_idx The value index (optional, default: null == 0) * * @return string The HTML code of an empty field */ public function getEmptyField($value_idx=null) { return $this -> fetchTemplate( $this -> fieldTemplate, array( 'value' => null, 'value_idx' => intval($value_idx), 'sizeFacts' => $this -> sizeFacts, ) ); } /** * Recupère la valeur de l'élement passée en POST * * Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère * pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément * * @param array &$return Reference of the array for retrieved values * @param boolean $onlyIfPresent If true and data of this element is not present in POST data, * just ignore it. * * @return boolean true si la valeur est présente en POST, false sinon */ public function getPostData(&$return, $onlyIfPresent=false) { if($this -> isFreeze()) { return true; } $values = array(); if ($this -> form -> api_mode) { if (isset($_POST[$this -> name])) { foreach(ensureIsArray($_POST[$this -> name]) as $value) { $values[] = ceil($value*$this -> getFactor()); } } } elseif (isset($_POST[$this -> name.'_size'])) { $_POST[$this -> name.'_size'] = ensureIsArray($_POST[$this -> name.'_size']); if(isset($_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact']) && !is_array($_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact'])) { $_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact'] = array($_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact']); } foreach($_POST[$this -> name.'_size'] as $key => $val) { if (empty($val)) continue; $f = 1; if (isset($_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact'][$key]) && ($_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact'][$key]!=1)) { $f = $_POST[$this -> name.'_sizeFact'][$key]; } $val = preg_replace('/,/', '.', $val); $values[$key] = ceil(ceil(($val*$f)*$this -> getFactor())); } } if ($values) { $return[$this -> name] = $values; } elseif ($onlyIfPresent) { self :: log_debug($this -> name.": not in POST data => ignore it"); } else { $return[$this -> name] = array(); } return true; } /** * Retrieve factor value * * @return integer Factor value */ private function getFactor() { return $this -> getParam('html_options.factor', 1, 'int'); } }