 * Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
 * http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
 * Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.



 * Manage Import LSldapObject
 * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
class LSimport {

   * Check if the form was posted by check POST data
   * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
   * @retval boolean true if the form was posted, false otherwise
  function isSubmit() {
    if (isset($_POST['validate']) && ($_POST['validate']=='LSimport'))
      return true;

   * Retrieve the post file
   * @retval mixed The path of the temporary file, false on error
  function getPostFile() {
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'])) {
      $fp = fopen($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'], "r");
      $buf = fread($fp, filesize($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name']));
      $tmp_file = LS_TMP_DIR.'importfile'.'_'.rand().'.tmp';
      if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'],$tmp_file)) {
        LSsession :: addTmpFile($buf,$tmp_file);
      return $tmp_file;
    return false;

   * Retreive POST data
   * This method retrieve and format POST data.
   * The POST data are return as an array containing :
   *  - LSobject : The LSobject type if this import
   *  - ioFormat : The IOformat name choose by user
   *  - justTry : Boolean defining wether the user has chosen to enable
   *              just try mode (no modification)
   *  - updateIfExists : Boolean defining wether the user has chosen to
   *                     allow update on existing object.
   *  - importfile : The path of the temporary file to import
   * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
   * @retval mixed Array of POST data, false on error
  function getPostData() {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['LSobject']) && isset($_POST['ioFormat'])) {
      if ($file) {
        return array (
          'LSobject' => $_REQUEST['LSobject'],
          'ioFormat' => $_POST['ioFormat'],
          'justTry' => ($_POST['justTry']=='yes'),
          'updateIfExists' => ($_POST['updateIfExists']=='yes'),
          'importfile' => $file
    return False;

   * Import objects form POST data
   * This method retreive, validate and import POST data.
   * If import could start, the return value is an array :
   *   array (
   *     'imported' => array (
   *       '[object1 dn]' => '[object1 display name]',
   *       '[object2 dn]' => '[object2 display name]',
   *       [...]
   *     ),
   *     'updated' => array (
   *       '[object3 dn]' => '[object3 display name]',
   *       '[object4 dn]' => '[object4 display name]',
   *       [...]
   *     ),
   *     'errors' => array (
   *       array (
   *         'data' =>  array ([object data as read from source file]),
   *         'errors' => array (
   *           'globals' => array (
   *             // Global error of this object importation that not
   *             // concerning only one attribute)
   *           ),
   *           'attrs' => array (
   *             '[attr1]' => array (
   *               '[error 1]',
   *               '[error 2]',
   *               [...]
   *             )
   *           )
   *         )
   *       ),
   *       [...]
   *     )
   *   )
   * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>
   * @retval boolean Array of the import result, false on error
  function importFromPostData() {
    // Get data from $_POST
    if (is_array($data)) {
      // Load LSobject
      if (!isset($data['LSobject']) || LSsession::loadLSobject($data['LSobject'])) {
        // Validate ioFormat
        $object = new $LSobject();
        if($object -> isValidIOformat($data['ioFormat'])) {
          // Create LSioFormat object
          $ioFormat = new LSioFormat($LSobject,$data['ioFormat']);
          if ($ioFormat -> ready()) {
            // Load data in LSioFormat object
            if ($ioFormat -> loadFile($data['importfile'])) {
              LSdebug('file loaded');
                'imported' => array(),
                'updated' => array(),
              // Retreive object from ioFormat
              $objectsData=$ioFormat -> getAll();
              // Browse inputed objects
              foreach($objectsData as $objData) {
                // Instanciate an LSobject
                $object = new $LSobject();
                // Instanciate a creation LSform
                $form = $object -> getForm('create');
                // Set form data from inputed data
                if ($form -> setPostData($objData,true)) {
                  // Validate form
                  if ($form -> validate()) {
                    // Validate data (just validate)
                    if ($object -> updateData('create',True)) {
                      LSdebug('Data is correct, retreive object DN');
                      $dn = $object -> getDn();
                      if ($dn) {
                        // Check if object already exists
                        if ($entry===False) {
                          LSdebug('New object, perform creation');
                          if ($data['justTry'] || $object -> updateData('create')) {
                            LSdebug('Object '.$object -> getDn().' imported');
                            $return['imported'][$object -> getDn()]=$object -> getDisplayName();
                          else {
                            LSdebug('Failed to updateData on : '.print_r($objData,True));
                            $globalErrors[]=_('Error creating object on LDAP server.');
                        // This object already exist, check 'updateIfExists' mode
                        elseif ($data['updateIfExists']) {
                          LSdebug('Object exist, perform update');

                          // Restart import in update mode

                          // Instanciate a new LSobject and load data from it's DN
                          $object = new $LSobject();
                          if ($object -> loadData($dn)) {
                            // Instanciate a modify form
                            $form = $object -> getForm('modify');
                            // Set form data from inputed data
                            if ($form -> setPostData($objData,true)) {
                              // Validate form
                              if ($form -> validate()) {
                                // Update data on LDAP server
                                if ($data['justTry'] || $object -> updateData('modify')) {
                                  LSdebug('Object '.$object -> getDn().' updated');
                                  $return['updated'][$object -> getDn()]=$object -> getDisplayName();
                                else {
                                  LSdebug('Failed to updateData (modify) on : '.print_r($objData,True));
                                  $globalErrors[]=_('Error updating object on LDAP server.');
                              else {
                                LSdebug('Failed to validate update form on : '.print_r($objData,True));
                                LSdebug('Form errors : '.print_r($form->getErrors(),True));
                                $globalErrors[]=_('Error validating update form.');
                            else {
                              LSdebug('Failed to setPostData on update form : '.print_r($objData,True));
                              $globalErrors[]=_('Failed to set post data on update form.');
                          else {
                            LSdebug('Failed to load data of '.$dn);
                            $globalErrors[]=getFData(_("Failed to load existing object %{dn} from LDAP server. Can't update object."));
                        else {
                          LSdebug('Object '.$dn.' already exist');
                          $globalErrors[]=getFData(_('An object already exist on LDAP server with DN %{dn}.'),$dn);
                      else {
                        $globalErrors[]=_('Failed to generate DN for this object.');
                    else {
                      $globalErrors[]=_('Failed to validate object data.');
                  else {
                    LSdebug('Failed to validate form on : '.print_r($objData,True));
                    LSdebug('Form errors : '.print_r($form->getErrors(),True));
                    $globalErrors[]=_('Error validating creation form.');
                else {
                  LSdebug('Failed to setPostData on : '.print_r($objData,True));
                  $globalErrors[]=_('Failed to set post data on creation form.');
                  'data' => $objData,
                  'errors' => array (
                    'globals' => $globalErrors,
                    'attrs' => $form->getErrors()
              return $return;
          else {
            LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSimport_04');
        else {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSimport_03',$data['ioFormat']);
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSimport_02');
    else {
      LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSimport_01');
    return False;

 * LSimport_implodeValues template function
 * This function permit to implode field values during 
 * template processing. This function take as parameters
 * (in $params) :
 * - $values : the field's values to implode
 * @param[in] $params The template function parameters
 * @param[in] $template Smarty object
 * @retval void
function LSimport_implodeValues($params, $template) {

  if (isset($values) && is_array($values)) {
    echo implode(',',$values);
LStemplate :: registerFunction('LSimport_implodeValues','LSimport_implodeValues');

LSerror :: defineError('LSimport_01',
_("LSimport : Post data not found or not completed.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSimport_02',
_("LSimport : object type invalid.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSimport_03',
_("LSimport : input/output format %{format} invalid.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSimport_04',
_("LSimport : Fail to initialize input/output driver")
