 * Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
 * http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
 * Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


LSsession :: loadLSclass('LSformElement');

 * Element password d'un formulaire pour LdapSaisie
 * Cette classe définis les éléments password des formulaires.
 * Elle étant la classe basic LSformElement.
 * @author Benjamin Renard <brenard@easter-eggs.com>

class LSformElement_password extends LSformElement {
  var $fieldTemplate = 'LSformElement_password_field.tpl';
  var $template = 'LSformElement_password.tpl';
  var $sendMail = false;

   * Recupère la valeur de l'élement passée en POST
   * Cette méthode vérifie la présence en POST de la valeur de l'élément et la récupère
   * pour la mettre dans le tableau passer en paramètre avec en clef le nom de l'élément
   * @param[] array Pointeur sur le tableau qui recupèrera la valeur.
   * @retval boolean true si la valeur est présente en POST, false sinon
  function getPostData(&$return) {
    // Récupère la valeur dans _POST, et les vérifie avec la fonction générale
    $retval = parent :: getPostData($return);
    // Si une valeur est recupérée
    if ($retval) {
      $val = $this -> form -> ldapObject -> attrs[$this -> name] -> getValue(); 
      if( (empty($return[$this -> name][0]) ) && ( ! empty( $val ) ) ) {
        unset($return[$this -> name]);
        $this -> form -> _notUpdate[$this -> name] == true;
        return true;
      if ($this -> verifyPassword($return[$this -> name][0]) || (empty($return[$this -> name][0]) && empty($val))) {
        LSdebug("Password : no change");
        unset($return[$this -> name]);
        $this -> form -> _notUpdate[$this -> name] == true;
        return true;

      // Do not send mail if password is not set :
      if (empty($return[$this -> name])) {
        return true;

      if (isset($_POST['LSformElement_password_'.$this -> name.'_send'])) {
        if ($_POST['LSformElement_password_'.$this -> name.'_send']==1) {
          $this -> sendMail = true;
          LSdebug ('send by form');
      else if (isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['isset']) && $this -> params['html_options']['mail']['send']==1) {
        $this -> sendMail = true;
        LSdebug ('send by config');
      if ($this -> sendMail && LSsession :: loadLSaddon('mail')) {
        $msg = $this -> params['html_options']['mail']['msg'];
        $subject = $this -> params['html_options']['mail']['subject'];
        if (isset($_POST['LSformElement_password_'.$this -> name.'_msg'])) {
          $msgInfos = json_decode($_POST['LSformElement_password_'.$this -> name.'_msg']);
          if ($msgInfos -> subject) {
            $subject = $msgInfos -> subject;
          if ($msgInfos -> msg) {
            $msg = $msgInfos -> msg;
          if ($msgInfos -> mail) {
            $mail = $msgInfos -> mail;
        $this -> sendMail = array (
          'subject' => $subject,
          'msg' => $msg,
          'mail' => $mail,
          'pwd' => $return[$this -> name][0]
        $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> addObjectEvent('after_modify',$this,'send');
    return $retval;

  * Retourne les infos d'affichage de l'élément
  * Cette méthode retourne les informations d'affichage de l'élement
  * @retval array
  function getDisplay(){
    LSsession :: addCssFile('LSformElement_password.css');
    $return = $this -> getLabelInfos();
    $pwd = "";
    if ($this -> params['html_options']['clearView'] or $this -> params['html_options']['clearEdit']) {
      $pwd = $this -> values[0];
    if (!$this -> isFreeze()) {
      // Help Infos
      LSsession :: addHelpInfos(
          'generate' => _('Generate a password.'),
          'verify' => _('Compare with stored password.'),
          'view' => _('Display password.'),
          'viewHash' => _('Display hashed password.'),
          'hide' => _('Hide password.'),
          'mail' => _("The password will be sent by mail if changed. Click to disable automatic notification."),
          'nomail' => _("The password will not be sent if changed. Click to enable automatic notification."),
          'editmail' => _("Modify the mail sent to notice the user")
      if (($this -> params['html_options']['generationTool'])&&($this -> params['html_options']['autoGenerate'])&&(empty($this -> values))) {
        $pwd=$this->generatePassword($this -> params);
      $params = array(
        'generate' => ($this -> params['html_options']['generationTool']==True),
        'clearEdit' => ($this -> params['html_options']['clearEdit']==True),
        'viewHash' => ($this -> params['html_options']['viewHash']==True),
        'verify' => ( (!$this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject-> isNew()) && ( (isset($this -> params['html_options']['verify']) && $this -> params['html_options']['verify']) || (!isset($this -> params['html_options']['verify'])) ) )
      if (isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail'])) {
        $params['mail'] = $this -> params['html_options']['mail'];
        $params['mail']['mail_attr'] = $this -> getMailAttrs();
      LSsession :: addJSconfigParam($this -> name,$params);
      LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_password_field.js');
      LSsession :: addJSscript('LSformElement_password.js');
    $return['html'] = $this -> fetchTemplate(NULL,array('pwd' => $pwd,'clearView' => $this -> params['html_options']['clearView'],'clearEdit' => $this -> params['html_options']['clearEdit']));
    return $return;
  function generatePassword($params=NULL) {
    if ($params['html_options']['use_pwgen']) {
      $cmd="$bin ".escapeshellcmd($args)." $len 1";
      LSdebug("Generate password using pwgen. Cmd : '$cmd' / Return code : $retcode / Return : ".print_r($ret,1));
      if ($retcode==0 && count($ret)>0) {
        return $ret[0];
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformElement_password_03');
    return generatePassword($params['html_options']['chars'],$params['html_options']['lenght']);
  function verifyPassword($pwd) {
    if ($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> isNew()) {
      return false;
    if ($this -> isLoginPassword()) {
      return LSsession :: checkUserPwd($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject,$pwd);
    else {
      $hash = $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldap -> encodePassword($pwd);
      if (is_array($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> data)) {
        $data = $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> data;
      elseif (!is_array($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> data) && !empty($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> data)) {
        $data = array($this -> attr_html -> attribute -> data);
      else {
        return $find;
      foreach($data as $val) {
        if ($hash == $val)
      return $find;

  function getMailAttrs() {
    if (!isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail']) || !is_array($this -> params['html_options']['mail']))
      return False;
    if (isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['get_mail_attr_function'])) {
      if (is_callable($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['get_mail_attr_function'])) {
        try {
          return call_user_func_array($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['get_mail_attr_function'], array(&$this));
        catch(Exception $e) {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformElement_password_05', $e->getMessage());
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformElement_password_04');
        return False;
    elseif (isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['mail_attr'])) {
      return $this -> params['html_options']['mail']['mail_attr'];

  function send($params) {
    if (is_array($this -> sendMail)) {
      $mail = (String)$this -> sendMail['mail'];
      if ($mail=="") {
        $mail_attrs = $this -> getMailAttrs();
        if (!is_array($mail_attrs)) {
        foreach($mail_attrs as $attr) {
          $mail_attr = $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> attrs[$attr];
          if ($mail_attr instanceOf LSattribute) {
            $mail = $mail_attr -> getValue();
            if (!empty($mail) && checkEmail($mail[0],NULL,true)) {
            else {
          else {
            LSdebug("L'attribut $mail_attr pour l'envoie du nouveau mot de passe n'existe pas.");
        if ($mail=="") {
          LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformElement_password_01');
      if (checkEmail($mail,NULL,true)) {
        $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> registerOtherValue('password',$this -> sendMail['pwd']);
        $msg = $this -> attr_html -> attribute -> ldapObject -> getFData($this -> sendMail['msg']);
        if (isset($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['headers'])) {
          $headers = $this -> params['html_options']['mail']['headers'];
        else {
          $headers = array();
	if ($this -> params['html_options']['mail']['bcc']) {
		$headers['Bcc']=$this -> params['html_options']['mail']['bcc'];
        if (sendMail(
          $this -> sendMail['subject'],
        )) {
          LSsession :: addInfo(_('Notice mail sent.'));
      else {
        LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSformElement_password_02',$mail);
    return true;
  public static function ajax_verifyPassword(&$data) {
    if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['fieldValue'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objectdn'])) ) {
      if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) {
        $object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype']();
        $object -> loadData($_REQUEST['objectdn']);
        $form = $object -> getForm($_REQUEST['idform']);
        if ($form) {
          $field=$form -> getElement($_REQUEST['attribute']);
          if ($field) {
            $val = $field -> verifyPassword($_REQUEST['fieldValue']);
            $data = array(
              'verifyPassword' => $val
          else {
            LSdebug('Impossible de récupérer le LSformElement');
        else {
          LSdebug('Impossible de recuperer le LSform.');
  public static function ajax_generatePassword(&$data) {
    if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objectdn'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['idform'])) ) {
      if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) {
        $params = LSconfig :: get("LSobjects.".$_REQUEST['objecttype'].".attrs.".$_REQUEST['attribute']);
        $val = self :: generatePassword($params);
        if ( $val ) {
          $data = array(
            'generatePassword' => $val

  public static function ajax_viewHash(&$data) {
    if ((isset($_REQUEST['attribute'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) && (isset($_REQUEST['objectdn'])) ) {
      if (LSsession ::loadLSobject($_REQUEST['objecttype'])) {
        $object = new $_REQUEST['objecttype']();
        $object -> loadData($_REQUEST['objectdn']);
        if (LSsession::canAccess($_REQUEST['objecttype'],$_REQUEST['objectdn'],null,$_REQUEST['attribute'])) {
          $values = $object -> getValue($_REQUEST['attribute']);
          if (is_string($values[0])) {
            $data = array (
              'hash' => $values[0]

  public function isLoginPassword() {
    if (!isset($this -> params['html_options']['isLoginPassword']) || $this -> params['html_options']['isLoginPassword']) {
      return true;
    return false;


 * Error Codes
LSerror :: defineError('LSformElement_password_01',
_("LSformElement_password : No contact mail available to send password.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSformElement_password_02',
_("LSformElement_password : Contact mail invalid (%{mail}). Can't send password.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSformElement_password_03',
_("LSformElement_password : Fail to exec pwgen. Check it's correctly installed.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSformElement_password_04',
_("LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to send new password : get_mail_attr_function parameter not refer to a valid function.")
LSerror :: defineError('LSformElement_password_05',
_("LSformElement_password : Fail to determine witch e-mail attribute to use to send new password : get_mail_attr_function throwed an exception : %{msg}")