*/ class LSauthMethod_basic extends LSauthMethod { /** * Check Auth Data * * Return authentication data or false * * @retval Array|false Array of authentication data or False **/ public function getAuthData() { if (isset($_POST['LSauth_user']) && !empty($_POST['LSauth_user'])) { $this -> authData = array( 'username' => $_POST['LSauth_user'], 'password' => (isset($_POST['LSauth_pwd'])?$_POST['LSauth_pwd']:'') ); return $this -> authData; } return; } /** * Check authentication * * @retval LSldapObject|false The LSldapObject of the user authificated or false */ public function authenticate() { $authobjects = LSauth :: username2LSobjects($this -> authData['username']); if (!$authobjects) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_01'); self :: log_debug('No user found with username="'.$this -> authData['username'].'" => Invalid username'); return false; } self :: log_debug('Username "'.$this -> authData['username'].'" matched with following user(s): "'.implode('", "', array_keys($authobjects)).'"'); $matched = array(); foreach(array_keys($authobjects) as $dn) if ( LSldap :: checkBind($dn, $this -> authData['password']) ) $matched[] = $dn; else self :: log_trace("Invalid password provided for '$dn'"); if (!$matched) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_01'); self :: log_debug('Invalid password provided'); return false; } elseif (count($matched) > 1) { self :: log_debug('Multiple users match with provided username and password: '.implode(', ', $matched)); LSerror :: addErrorCode('LSauth_02'); return false; } // Authentication succeeded self :: log_debug('Authentication succeeded for username "'.$this -> authData['username'].'" ("'.$matched[0].'")'); return $authobjects[$matched[0]]; } }