 * Copyright (C) 2007 Easter-eggs
 * http://ldapsaisie.labs.libre-entreprise.org
 * Author: See AUTHORS file in top-level directory.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


require_once 'includes/functions.php';
require_once 'includes/class/class.LSsession.php';

$GLOBALS['LSsession'] = new LSsession();

if($LSsession -> startLSsession()) {
  if (isset($_REQUEST['LSobject'])) {
    $LSobject = $_REQUEST['LSobject'];
    if ( $LSobject == 'SELF' ) {
      $_REQUEST['LSobject'] = $GLOBALS['LSsession']-> LSuserObject -> getType();
      $_REQUEST['dn'] = $GLOBALS['LSsession']-> LSuserObject -> getValue('dn');
    if ( $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> loadLSobject($_REQUEST['LSobject']) ) {
      if ( isset($_REQUEST['dn']) ) {
        if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canAccess($_REQUEST['LSobject'],$_REQUEST['dn'])) {
          if ( $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canEdit($_REQUEST['LSobject'],$_REQUEST['dn']) ) {
            $LSview_actions[] = array(
              'label' => _('Modifier'),
              'url' =>'modify.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;dn='.$_REQUEST['dn'],
              'action' => 'modify'
          if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canCreate($_REQUEST['LSobject'])) {
            $LSview_actions[] = array(
              'label' => _('Copier'),
              'url' =>'create.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;load='.$_REQUEST['dn'],
              'action' => 'copy'
          if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canRemove($_REQUEST['LSobject'],$_REQUEST['dn'])) {
            $LSview_actions[] = array(
              'label' => _('Supprimer'),
              'url' => 'remove.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;dn='.$_REQUEST['dn'],
              'action' => 'delete'
          if ($GLOBALS['LSsession']-> LSuserObject -> getValue('dn') != $_REQUEST['dn']) {
            $object = new $_REQUEST['LSobject']();
            $object -> loadData($_REQUEST['dn']);
            $GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('pagetitle',$object -> getDisplayValue());
          else {
            $object = &$GLOBALS['LSsession']-> LSuserObject;
            $GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('pagetitle',_('Mon compte'));
          $view = $object -> getView();
          $view -> displayView();
                    // Relations
          if (is_array($object -> config['relations'])) {
            foreach($object -> config['relations'] as $relationName => $relationConf) {
              if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> relationCanAccess($object -> getValue('dn'),$relationName)) {
                $return=array('label' => $relationConf['label']);
                $_SESSION['LSrelation'][$id] = array(
                  'relationName' => $relationName,
                  'objectType' => $object -> getType(),
                  'objectDn' => $object -> getDn(),
                if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> relationCanEdit($object -> getValue('dn'),$relationName)) {
                  $return['actions'][] = array(
                    'label' => _('Modifier'),
                    'url' => 'select.php?LSobject='.$relationConf['LSobject'],
                    'action' => 'modify'
                $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSselect.js');
                $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSsmoothbox.js');
                $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addCssFile('LSsmoothbox.css');
                $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSrelation.js');
                if (method_exists($relationConf['LSobject'],$relationConf['list_function'])) {
                  $objRel = new $relationConf['LSobject']();
                  $list = $objRel -> $relationConf['list_function']($object);
                  if (is_array($list)) {
                    foreach($list as $o) {
                      $return['objectList'][] = $o -> getDisplayValue();
                  else {
                else {
                  $GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1013,$relationName);
            $GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('LSrelations',$LSrelations);
          $GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('LSview_actions',$LSview_actions);
          $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSsmoothbox.js');
          $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addCssFile('LSsmoothbox.css');
          $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('view.tpl');
        else {
          $GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1011);
      else {
        $object = new $_REQUEST['LSobject']();
        $GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('pagetitle',$object -> getLabel());
        $GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSobject_list_objectname',$object -> getLabel());
        if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canCreate($_REQUEST['LSobject'])) {
          $LSview_actions[] = array (
            'label' => _('Nouveau'),
            'url' => 'create.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'],
            'action' => 'create'
        if ( $_REQUEST['LSview_pattern']!='' ) {
          if ( isset($_REQUEST['LSview_approx']) ) {
            foreach ($object -> attrs as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
          else {
            foreach ($object -> attrs as $attr_name => $attr_val) {
        else if ($_REQUEST['filter']) {
        else {
        $list=$object -> listObjects($filter);
        if ($nbObjects > NB_LSOBJECT_LIST) {
          if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
            $list = array_slice($list, ($_REQUEST['page']) * NB_LSOBJECT_LIST, NB_LSOBJECT_LIST);
            $GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSobject_list_nbpage',ceil($nbObjects / NB_LSOBJECT_LIST));
          else {
            $list = array_slice($list, 0, NB_LSOBJECT_LIST);
            $GLOBALS['Smarty']->assign('LSobject_list_nbpage',ceil($nbObjects / NB_LSOBJECT_LIST));
        foreach($list as $thisObject) {
          if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canAccess($_REQUEST['LSobject'],$thisObject->getValue('dn'))) {
            $actions[] = array(
              'label' => _('Voir'),
              'url' =>'view.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;dn='.$thisObject -> getValue('dn'),
              'action' => 'view'
            if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canEdit($_REQUEST['LSobject'],$thisObject->getValue('dn'))) {
                'label' => _('Modifier'),
                'url' => 'modify.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;dn='.$thisObject->getValue('dn'),
                'action' => 'modify'
            if ($canCopy) {
              $actions[] = array(
                'label' => _('Copier'),
                'url' =>'create.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;load='.$thisObject -> getValue('dn'),
                'action' => 'copy'
            if ($GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> canRemove($thisObject -> getType(),$GLOBALS['LSsession']-> LSuserObject -> getValue('dn'))) {
              $actions[] = array (
                'label' => _('Supprimer'),
                'url' => 'remove.php?LSobject='.$_REQUEST['LSobject'].'&amp;dn='.$thisObject -> getValue('dn'),
                'action' => 'delete'
            if ($c%2==0) {
            else {
              'dn' => $thisObject->getValue('dn'),
              'displayValue' => $thisObject->getDisplayValue(),
              'actions' => $actions,
              'tr' => $tr
          else {
        $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> addJSscript('LSview.js');

          'action' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
          'submit' => _('Rechercher'),
          'LSobject' => $_REQUEST['LSobject']
        $GLOBALS['Smarty'] -> assign('LSview_actions',$LSview_actions);
        $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('viewList.tpl');
    else {
      $GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1004,$_REQUEST['LSobject']);
  else {
    $GLOBALS['LSerror'] -> addErrorCode(1012);
else {
  $GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> setTemplate('login.tpl');

// Affichage des retours d'erreurs
$GLOBALS['LSsession'] -> displayTemplate();