#!/bin/sh ROOT_DIR=$( cd `dirname $0`; pwd ) LOCAL_CFG_DIR=$ROOT_DIR/config.local # Import config if [ ! -f $LOCAL_CFG_DIR/local.sh ] then echo "Error : You don't have create your own local.sh file in config.local directory. You could rely on the local.sh.example file to create your version." exit 1 fi source $LOCAL_CFG_DIR/local.sh if [ ! -n "$EXPORT_DOC_DIR" ] then echo "The EXPORT_DOC_DIR variable is not define. Export doc is disabled." exit 0 fi if [ ! -d "$EXPORT_DOC_DIR" ] then echo "Error : Export directory $EXPORT_DOC_DIR does not exist !" exit 2 fi DOC_DIR=$ROOT_DIR/doc TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d` ERROR=0 echo "-> Export documentation in $EXPORT_DOC_DIR :" # PDF if [ -n "$PDF" ] then echo -en "\t- PDF : " # PDF cp -f $DOC_DIR/exports/pdf/LdapSaisie.pdf $EXPORT_DOC_DIR/LdapSaisie.pdf if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "\n-> Error" ERROR=1 else echo Ok fi fi # ALL-IN-ONE if [ -n "$ALL_IN_ONE" ] then echo -en "\t- All-In-One : " rm -fr $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE mkdir $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE cp $DOC_DIR/exports/html/all-in-one/LdapSaisie.html $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE/ sed -i 's/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\///g' $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE/LdapSaisie.html # IMAGES cp -fr $IMAGES $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE/images mkdir $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE/styles cp $CSS $TMP_DIR/$ALL_IN_ONE/styles/ echo "done. Build archive and move it later ..." fi # ONLINE if [ -n "$ONLINE" ] then echo -en "\t- On-line : " rm -fr $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE mkdir $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE cp -fr $DOC_DIR/exports/html/online/*.html $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE sed -i 's/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.\///g' $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE/* # IMAGES cp -fr $IMAGES $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE/images mkdir $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE/styles cp $CSS $TMP_DIR/$ONLINE/styles/ echo "done. Build archive and move it later ..." fi # DOCBOOK if [ -n "$DOCBOOK" ] then echo -en "\t- Docbook : " rm -fr $TMP_DIR/$DOCBOOK mkdir $TMP_DIR/$DOCBOOK cd $DOC_DIR for i in `find -type d|grep -v 'export'` do mkdir -p $TMP_DIR/$DOCBOOK/$i done for i in `find -type f|egrep -v '(Makefile|^./export)'` do cp $i $TMP_DIR/$DOCBOOK/$i done echo "done. Build archive and move it later ..." fi echo "-> Build archives and move all in export directory :" cd $TMP_DIR/ for i in $ALL_IN_ONE $ONLINE $DOCBOOK do echo -e "\t$i : " echo -en "\t\t+ Archive : " tar -cjf LdapSaisie--Doc--$i.tar.bz2 $i && mv LdapSaisie--Doc--$i.tar.bz2 $EXPORT_DOC_DIR/ if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo Ok else echo -e "\n-> Error" ERROR=1 fi echo -en "\t\t+ Web dir : " [ ! -d "$EXPORT_DOC_DIR/$i" ] && echo "you must create export $i directory manualy before run this script. (path : $EXPORT_DOC_DIR/$i)" && continue rm -fr $EXPORT_DOC_DIR/$i/* && cp -fr $i/* $EXPORT_DOC_DIR/$i/ && rm -fr $i if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo Ok else echo -e "\n-> Error" ERROR=1 fi done if [ -n "$LAST_UPDATE_FILE" ] then echo -n "-> Create last-update file : " echo "Last update :" > $LAST_UPDATE_FILE date >> $LAST_UPDATE_FILE cd $ROOT_DIR git log|head -n 1 >> $LAST_UPDATE_FILE echo >> $LAST_UPDATE_FILE echo done. fi rm -fr $TMP_DIR exit $ERROR