*/ class LStemplate extends LSlog_staticLoggerClass { /** * Javascript files to load on page * @see self::addJSscript() * @var array */ private static $JSscripts = array(); /** * Libs JS files to load on page * @see self::addLibJSscript() * @var array */ private static $LibsJSscripts = array(); /** * Javascript configuration parameter to set on page * @see self::addJSconfigParam() * @var array */ private static $JSconfigParams = array(); /** * CSS files to load on page * @see self::addCssFile() * @var array */ private static $CssFiles = array(); /** * Libs CSS files to load on page * @see self::addLibCssFile() * @var array */ private static $LibsCssFiles = array(); /** * LStemplate configuration * * array( * 'smarty_path' => '/path/to/Smarty.php', * 'template_dir' => '/path/to/template/directory', * 'image_dir' => '/path/to/image/directory', * 'css_dir' => '/path/to/css/directory', * 'compile_dir' => '/path/to/compile/directory', * 'debug' => True, * 'debug_smarty' => True * ) * * @var array **/ private static $config = array ( 'smarty_path' => 'smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php', 'template_dir' => 'templates', 'image_dir' => 'images', 'css_dir' => 'css', 'js_dir' => 'includes/js', 'libs_dir' => 'includes/libs', 'compile_dir' => 'tmp', 'debug' => False, 'debug_smarty' => False ); /** * Smarty object * @var Smarty */ public static $_smarty; /** * Smarty version * @var int */ private static $_smarty_version; /** * Array of directories where file have to be search * @var array */ private static $directories = array('local', LS_THEME, './'); /** * Registered events * @see self::addEvent() * @see self::fireEvent() * @var array */ private static $_events = array(); /** * Deprecated templates files * @var array */ private static $deprecated_template_files = array ( 'accueil.tpl', 'blank.tpl', 'empty.tpl', 'top.tpl', 'bottom.tpl', ); /** * Keep trace of last displayed template (for loop detection) * @var string|null */ private static $last_displayed_template = null; /** * Start LStemplate * * Set configuration from parameter $config and initialize * Smarty object. * * @param array $config LStemplate configuration * * @return boolean True on success, False instead **/ public static function start($config) { // Trigger starting event self :: fireEvent('starting'); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { self :: $config[$key] = $value; } if (LSsession :: includeFile(self :: $config['smarty_path'], true)) { self :: $_smarty = new Smarty(); self :: $_smarty -> setTemplateDir(self :: $config['template_dir']); if ( ! is_writable(self :: $config['compile_dir']) ) { self :: log_fatal(getFData(_("LStemplate : compile directory is not writable (dir : %{dir})"), self :: $config['compile_dir'])); } self :: $_smarty -> setCompileDir(self :: $config['compile_dir']); if (self :: $config['debug']) { self :: $_smarty -> caching = 0; // cache files are always regenerated self :: $_smarty -> force_compile = TRUE; // recompile template if it is changed self :: $_smarty -> compile_check = 1; if (self :: $config['debug_smarty']) { // debug smarty self :: $_smarty -> debugging = true; } } if (method_exists(self :: $_smarty,'register_function')) { self :: $_smarty_version=2; if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LStemplate_smarty2_support')) { die(_("LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 2 support file")); } } elseif (method_exists(self :: $_smarty,'registerPlugin')) { self :: $_smarty_version=3; if (!LSsession :: loadLSclass('LStemplate_smarty3_support')) { die(_("LStemplate : Can't load Smarty 3 support file")); } } else { die(_("LStemplate : Smarty version not recognized.")); } self :: registerFunction("getFData", "LStemplate_smarty_getFData"); self :: registerFunction("tr", "LStemplate_smarty_tr"); self :: registerFunction("img", "LStemplate_smarty_img"); self :: registerFunction("css", "LStemplate_smarty_css"); self :: registerFunction("uniqid", "LStemplate_smarty_uniqid"); self :: registerFunction("var_dump", "LStemplate_smarty_var_dump"); // Define public root URL $public_root_url = LSconfig :: get('public_root_url', '/', 'string'); // Remove trailing slash if (substr($public_root_url, -1) == '/') $public_root_url = substr($public_root_url, 0, -1); self :: assign('public_root_url', $public_root_url); // Trigger started event self :: fireEvent('started'); return True; } else { die(_("LStemplate : Can't load Smarty.")); return False; } } /** * Return the default directory path of files * * Return LS_THEME contanst value or 'default' if not defined * * @return string The default directory path of files **/ public static function getDefaultDir() { if (defined('LS_THEME')) return LS_THEME; else return 'default'; } /** * Return the path of the file to use * * @param string $file The file name (eg: mail.png) * @param string $root_dir The root directory (eg: images) * @param string|null $default_dir The default directory (eg: default) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string|false The path of the file, or false if file can't be located **/ public static function getFilePath($file, $root_dir, $default_dir=null, $with_nocache=false) { if ($default_dir === null) $default_dir = self :: getDefaultDir(); $path = false; foreach(self :: $directories as $dir) { $dir_path = realpath($root_dir.'/'.$dir); if ($dir_path === false) // Directory not found or not accessible continue; $file_path = realpath($dir_path.'/'.$file); if ($file_path === false) // File not found or not accessible continue; // Checks that the file is in the actual folder location $pos = strpos($file_path, $dir_path); if (!is_int($pos) || $pos != 0) { self :: log_error("LStemplate :: getFilePath($file, $root_dir, $default_dir, $with_nocache) : File '$file_path' is not in root directory '$dir_path' (".varDump($pos).")."); } elseif (file_exists($file_path)) { $path = $file_path; break; } } if (!$path) { if (!$default_dir) return false; $path = $root_dir.'/'.$default_dir.'/'.$file; } if ($with_nocache) $path .= "?nocache=".self::getNoCacheFileValue($path); return $path; } /** * Return the path of the image file to use * * @param string $image The image name (eg: mail) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string The path of the image file **/ public static function getImagePath($image, $with_nocache=false) { $exts=array('svg', 'png', 'gif', 'jpg'); foreach($exts as $ext) { $path = self :: getFilePath("$image.$ext", self :: $config['image_dir'], False, $with_nocache); if ($path) return $path; } return self :: $config['image_dir']."/".self :: getDefaultDir()."/$image.png"; } /** * Return the path of the CSS file to use * * @param string $css The CSS name (eg: main.css) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string The path of the CSS file **/ public static function getCSSPath($css, $with_nocache=false) { return self :: getFilePath($css, self :: $config['css_dir'], Null, $with_nocache); } /** * Return the path of the JS file to use * * @param string $js The JS name (eg: LSdefaults.js) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string The path of the CSS file **/ public static function getJSPath($js, $with_nocache=false) { return self :: getFilePath($js, self :: $config['js_dir'], Null, $with_nocache); } /** * Return the path of the libary file to use * * @param string $file_path The lib file path (eg: arian-mootools-datepicker/Picker.js) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string The path of the Lib file **/ public static function getLibFilePath($file_path, $with_nocache=false) { return self :: getFilePath($file_path, self :: $config['libs_dir'], Null, $with_nocache); } /** * Return the path of the Smarty template file to use * * @param string $template The template name (eg: base.tpl) * @param bool $with_nocache If true, include nocache URL param (default: false) * * @return string The path of the Smarty template file **/ public static function getTemplatePath($template, $with_nocache=false) { if (in_array($template, self :: $deprecated_template_files)) self :: log_fatal( getFData( _("LStemplate : Request template '%{tpl}' is now deprecated. Please refer to upgrade documentation to adapt your templates."), $template ) ); return self :: getFilePath($template, self :: $config['template_dir'], null, $with_nocache); } /** * Return the nocache value of the specify file * * @param string $file The file path * * @return string The specified file's nocache value **/ public static function getNoCacheFileValue($file) { $stat = @stat($file); if (is_array($stat) && isset($stat['mtime'])) return md5($stat['mtime']); return md5(time()); } /** * Return the content of a Smarty template file. * * @param string $template The template name (eg: base.tpl) * * @return string The content of the Smarty template file **/ public static function getTemplateSource($template) { $tpl_path=self :: getTemplatePath($template); if (!is_readable($tpl_path)) { if (self :: $_smarty_version > 2) { // No error return with Smarty3 and highter because it's call // template name in lower first systematically return ''; } $tpl_path = self :: getTemplatePath(LSsession :: isConnected()?'base_connected.tpl':'base.tpl'); LSerror::addErrorCode('LStemplate_01',$template); } return implode('',file($tpl_path)); } /** * Return the timestamp of the last change of a Smarty * template file. * * @param string $template The template name (eg: base.tpl) * * @return int|null The timestamp of the last change of the Smarty template file **/ public static function getTemplateTimestamp($template) { $tpl_path=self :: getTemplatePath($template); if (is_file($tpl_path)) { $time=filemtime($tpl_path); if ($time) return $time; } return null; } /** * Assign template variable * * @param string $name The variable name * @param string $value The variable value * * @return void **/ public static function assign($name,$value) { self :: $_smarty -> assign($name,$value); } /** * Assign common template variables * * @return void **/ public static function assignCommonVars() { // JS config LStemplate :: addHelpInfo( 'LSdefault', array( 'copy_to_clipboard' => _('Copy to clipboard'), 'copied' => _('Copied!'), ) ); LStemplate :: assign('LSjsConfig', base64_encode(json_encode(self :: $JSconfigParams))); // JS files $defaultJSscripts = array( 'mootools-core.js', 'mootools-more.js', 'functions.js', 'LSdefault.js', 'LSinfosBox.js', ); if (isset($GLOBALS['defaultJSscripts']) && is_array($GLOBALS['defaultJSscripts'])) foreach ($GLOBALS['defaultJSscripts'] as $file) if (!in_array($file, $defaultJSscripts)) $defaultJSscripts[] = $file; LStemplate :: assign('defaultJSscripts', $defaultJSscripts); $JSscripts = array(); foreach (self :: $JSscripts as $script) if (!in_array($script, $JSscripts) && !in_array($script, $defaultJSscripts)) $JSscripts[] = $script; LStemplate :: assign('JSscripts', $JSscripts); LStemplate :: assign('LibsJSscripts', self :: $LibsJSscripts); LStemplate :: assign('LSdebug', boolval(LSdebug)); // CSS files $defaultCssFiles = array("LSdefault.css"); if (isset($GLOBALS['defaultCSSfiles']) && is_array($GLOBALS['defaultCSSfiles'])) foreach ($GLOBALS['defaultCSSfiles'] as $file) if (!in_array($file, $defaultCssFiles)) $defaultCssFiles[] = $file; LStemplate :: assign('defaultCssFiles', $defaultCssFiles); LStemplate :: assign('CssFiles', self :: $CssFiles); LStemplate :: assign('LibsCssFiles', self :: $LibsCssFiles); LStemplate :: assign('LS_VERSION', LS_VERSION); } /** * Display a template * * @param string $template The template name (eg: base_connected.tpl) * * @return void **/ public static function display($template) { // Trigger displaying event self :: fireEvent('displaying'); // Handle loop detection if (self :: $last_displayed_template == $template) { self :: log_fatal("display($template): loop detected, stop"); return; } try { self :: $last_displayed_template = $template; self :: assignCommonVars(); self :: $_smarty -> display("ls:$template"); } catch (Exception $e) { self :: log_exception($e, getFData(_("Smarty - An exception occured displaying template '%{template}'"), $template)); exit(); } // Trigger displayed event self :: fireEvent('displayed'); } /** * Fetch a template * * @param string $template The template name (eg: base_connected.tpl) * * @return string|false The template compiled or false in case of error **/ public static function fetch($template) { try { return self :: $_smarty -> fetch("ls:$template"); } catch (Exception $e) { self :: log_exception($e, getFData(_("Smarty - An exception occured fetching template '%{template}'"), $template), false); } return false; } /** * Handle fatal error * * @param string|null $error Error message (optional) * * @return void **/ public static function fatal_error($error=null) { http_response_code(500); if (LSsession :: get('api_mode') || LSsession :: getAjaxDisplay()) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); $errors = array(_("A fatal error occured. If problem persist, please contact support.")); if ($error) $errors[] = $error; echo json_encode( array('errors' => $errors, 'success' => false), (isset($_REQUEST['pretty'])?JSON_PRETTY_PRINT:0) ); } elseif (self :: $last_displayed_template == 'error.tpl') { // Detect & stop loop displaying error die(getFData(_('

Loop detected displaying this error:

'), $error)); } else { self :: assign('pagetitle', _("A fatal error occured.")); self :: assign('error', _("A fatal error occured. If problem persist, please contact support.")); self :: assign('details', $error); self :: display("error.tpl"); } exit(); } /** * Register a template function * * @param string $name The function name in template * @param string $function_name The function name in PHP * * @return void */ public static function registerFunction($name,$function_name) { LStemplate_register_function($name,$function_name); } /** * Registered an action on a specific event * * @param string $event The event name * @param callable $callable The callable to run on event * @param array $param Paremeters that will be pass to the callable * * @return void */ public static function addEvent($event,$callable,$param=NULL) { self :: $_events[$event][] = array( 'callable' => $callable, 'param' => $param, ); } /** * Run triggered actions on specific event * * @param string $event Event name * * @return boolean True if all triggered actions succefully runned, false otherwise */ public static function fireEvent($event) { $return = true; // Binding via addEvent if (isset(self :: $_events[$event]) && is_array(self :: $_events[$event])) { foreach (self :: $_events[$event] as $e) { if (is_callable($e['callable'])) { try { call_user_func_array($e['callable'],array(&$e['param'])); } catch(Exception $er) { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LStemplate_03',array('callable' => format_callable($e['callable']),'event' => $event)); $return = false; } } else { LSerror :: addErrorCode('LStemplate_02',array('callable' => format_callable($e['callable']),'event' => $event)); $return = false; } } } return $return; } /* * Javascript & CSS files helpers methods */ /** * Add a JS script to load on page * * @param string $file The JS filename * * Note: about old $path of the LStemplate :: addJSscript() method, corresponding to * the sub-directory path that contain the file, you could just prefix the file name. * * @return void */ public static function addJSscript($file) { if (!in_array($file, self :: $JSscripts)) self :: $JSscripts[] = $file; } /** * Add a library JS file to load on page * * @param string $file The JS filename * * @return void */ public static function addLibJSscript($file) { if (!in_array($file, self :: $LibsJSscripts)) self :: $LibsJSscripts[] = $file; } /** * Add Javascript configuration parameter * * @param string $name Name of the configuration parameter * @param mixed $val Value of the configuration parameter * * @return void */ public static function addJSconfigParam($name,$val) { self :: $JSconfigParams[$name]=$val; } /** * Get Javascript configuration parameters * * @return array Javascript configuration parameters */ public static function getJSconfigParam() { return self :: $JSconfigParams; } /** * Add help info * * @param string $group The group name of this information * @param array $info Array of the information to add (name => value) * * @return void */ public static function addHelpInfo($group, $info) { if (is_array($info)) { if (isset(self :: $JSconfigParams['helpInfo'][$group]) && is_array(self :: $JSconfigParams['helpInfo'][$group])) { self :: $JSconfigParams['helpInfo'][$group] = array_merge(self :: $JSconfigParams['helpInfo'][$group],$info); } else { self :: $JSconfigParams['helpInfo'][$group] = $info; } } } /** * Add a CSS file to load on page * * @param string $file The CSS filename * * Note: about old $path of the LStemplate :: addCssFile() method, corresponding to * the sub-directory path that contain the file, you could just prefix the file name. * * @return void */ public static function addCssFile($file) { if (!in_array($file, self :: $CssFiles)) self :: $CssFiles[] = $file; } /** * Add a library CSS file to load on page * * @param string $file The CSS filename * * @return void */ public static function addLibCssFile($file) { if (!in_array($file, self :: $LibsCssFiles)) self :: $LibsCssFiles[] = $file; } } function LStemplate_smarty_getFData($params) { echo getFData($params['format'], $params['data'], $meth=NULL); } function LStemplate_smarty_tr($params) { echo __($params['msg']); } function LStemplate_smarty_img($params) { echo "image/".$params['name']; } function LStemplate_smarty_css($params) { echo "css/".$params['name']; } function LStemplate_smarty_uniqid($params, &$smarty) { if (!isset($params['var'])) $params['var'] = 'uniqid'; $smarty -> assign($params['var'], uniqid()); } function LStemplate_smarty_var_dump($params, &$smarty) { var_dump($params['data']); } // Errors LSerror :: defineError('LStemplate_01', ___("LStemplate : Template %{file} not found.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LStemplate_02', ___("LStemplate : Fail to execute trigger %{callable} on event %{event} : is not callable.") ); LSerror :: defineError('LStemplate_03', ___("LStemplate : Error during the execution of the trigger %{callable} on event %{event}.") );